1408: Dreamy Ability

Judgment looked up at the castle with awe-inspiring eyes. Without any hesitation, she walked up the steps directly!

In the golden Moore amulet on her neck, the six rubies that looked like eyes gleamed ominously. She walked up step by step, and every step she took was like a heavy hammer hitting the illusion.

As she went up step by step, the illusion of the castle was shattered layer by layer, revealing the true face of the Temple of Unification.

"Wow~~!!!" Behind the trial, thousands of Lark ghouls were gathering and following her footsteps towards the Temple of Unity.

Although these Lak ghouls have long been beyond recognition, no matter what they were like before they were alive, they have all turned into a unified Lak ghoul, ferocious, terrifying, and exuding the breath of death.

They were still wearing the military uniforms of the Onderon planet soldiers, but these military uniforms were also damaged a lot when they mutated, and they looked tattered. And they also hold the blaster rifles of the Onderon Star Army in their hands!

These are not ordinary monsters. The reason why the Rak ghouls created by Moore's amulet are terrifying is that although they have become monsters, their physical strength far exceeds that of ordinary people, but they still retain their combat skills in life!

These thousands of Lark ghouls let out bursts of bestial howls, and rushed towards the Temple of Unity.


Boom! Boom! Boom! Although the footsteps of Judgment were very light, the powerful force hit Luna Huan's heart one after another.

Luna Huan, who was in the throne room, backed away repeatedly as if hit by an invisible force. She clutched her chest and turned to look at her sister, "Sister... my illusion was broken by that masked girl!"

"False illusions can't stop her." Luna Meng still had that plain look.

"Hehehehe, hehehehe..." Luna-Huan's face became a little ferocious, but even so she was still smiling, but the smile seemed a little distorted, "That masked woman, how dare you destroy my illusion?" I must play with her well..."

An unpredictable smile appeared on the corner of Luna-Meng's mouth, "The masks under the governor's hands all look very powerful."


The illusion in front of him dissipated, and thousands of Lark ghouls rushed towards the Temple of Unity. However, as soon as they entered the interior of the temple, they immediately ran around like headless chickens.

They shot wildly around, biting the air frantically, but they couldn't take a step closer to the temple!

Judgment frowned, she ignored the crazy Lark ghouls, she crossed a distance of tens of meters in a flash, and walked into the interior first.

"Sister Mask, can you dream?" came a voice that sounded like a dream.

"Everyone dreams." Judgment said lightly.

"Did you know... the dream records the truest side of your heart and soul, even you dare not face it directly..." The voice seemed to come from all directions, completely untraceable.

Judgment ignored her and just looked around, trying to find the owner of the voice.

But under the induction of her original force, she also found that the entire Temple of Unity was surrounded by another powerful original force, and this place seemed to have become the other party's domain.

Moreover, although this original force is bright, it is indifferent and ruthless.

Will such a bright side force really appear on the Jedi Knights? Judgment's face was solemn, even in the Jedi Covenant where she was once, there had never been such a force.

You must know that the Jedi Covenant can already be regarded as an extremist organization branched out of the Jedi Knights. The members of the Jedi Covenant don't care about using various extreme methods to achieve their goal of fighting darkness.

Like a shadow like herself, the kind of person who was trained to be a killer and an agent from a young age, you would never imagine that the Jedi Order would train such a person, but the Jedi Covenant didn't care about it.

But the surrounding force is even more extreme! Even extreme to the point of ignoring life!

"Sister Mask, what is the dream in your heart like?" said the girlish voice that was as beautiful as a silver bell.

Almost at the same time, Judgment suddenly felt a very strong feeling of being spied on! It seemed to be a huge eye hanging above her head, opened those expressionless eyes, and stared straight into the depths of her heart!

"Ah, so this is the fear deep in your heart?" The girl's voice said again, "Planet Jabul...The Mandalorian Crusaders."

"Hehehehe... Sister Mask is really fun! Your dream is actually thousands of years ago?" Another lively girl said.

They actually commented on this dream like this.

The judge's face changed, and he couldn't help but took several steps back!

Who is the opponent! He actually peeped into her heart! You must know that for a Jedi Knight, the mind is their most important existence! Sticking to one's own heart is the foundation of a Jedi Knight's force!

And if someone sees through the soul during the battle, then this person will not have a second possibility other than defeat!

Through dreams, peeping into the other party's mind... What a terrifying ability!

At this time, Judgment suddenly felt a piercing cold wind blowing, her heart shuddered, and she looked around, only to find that the surroundings were already covered with ice and snow, while she was standing on a frozen military base.

Planet Jabul! The forward base of the Mandalorian crusaders!

"Sister Mask, since my sister has seen the dream deep in your heart, then I will help you turn the dream into reality, and you are in the reality of this dream, have fun... Hehehehe..." That lively voice Said.

Judgment suddenly turned his head in the direction of the sound, but saw two girls, one red and one blue, standing in the snow and ice holding hands, looking at her with great interest.

"Karma..." A beast-like roar came from the ground! !

Judgment flashed to the side for an instant, and then at the place where she was standing just now, the ice broke open with a crack, a pitch-black hand stretched out suddenly, and a Lark ghoul came out from below!

This Lark ghoul was still wearing the armor of the Mandalorian Crusader, but the armor was already broken, and its body was already in a state of corruption, which looked hideous and terrifying.

Click! Click! Click! The surrounding ice cracked, and more rotting Rark ghouls crawled out!

"Planet Jabul... the Mandalorian crusader that I destroyed..." the judge muttered.

"Aww!!!" The Lark ghouls rushed towards her with claws and teeth!

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