The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1405: Anakin VS Judgment

1405: Anakin VS Judgment

Anakin Skywalker didn't think too much, he looked at Saw Gerrera, then nodded to Luna Meng, without saying much, but drew out his lightsaber and ran out.

Seeing Anakin leave, Luna-Huan waved her hands carelessly and said, "Okay, okay, let's not go underground, we're in a panic. It's okay to have Tian Xingzi to deal with her." ! He is the chosen one!"

"What about you? Are you very powerful? Can you protect me? You must know that I am King Onderon! I have done my best to do everything your republic asks me to do, and you are responsible for protecting my safety!" Saw Gerrera said.

"Don't worry, don't worry, we are very powerful." Luna Huan said, patting her chest.

Saw Gerrera turned his head only now, and now he had the time to look up and down the two Jedi knight sisters with very nice voices like silver bells.

I only saw that one of them was wearing a red dress and the other was wearing a blue dress, and that golden hair was combed into a single ponytail, with one on the left and one on the right. Moreover, their skin is fair and delicate, and their appearance is beautiful and delicate, just like dolls. It's unbelievable, because if it wasn't handcrafted, how could a pure natural face have such a delicate face?

And the sisters look completely different from the rest of the Jedi.

Saw Gerrera had also seen many Jedi Knights, most of them were dressed plainly, and it was absolutely impossible for them to wear such brightly colored clothes. However, because of this, the dresses of these two sisters support their young age and beauty, which is really exciting.

At least for now, Saw Gerrera is excited, after all, he is just a young man who has just turned 30.

Such beauties are in the front, and Anakin Skywalker has already solved the biggest trouble, Saw Gerrera is naturally relieved, the panic just disappeared instantly, he straightened his clothes, Showing a self-righteous smile, he said: "In that case, I also thank you for your help to this king. Please allow me to host a banquet for you two, how about it?"

He has started to call himself "the king", as if he was afraid that people would not know that he is a king.

Luna-Meng and Luna-Huan looked at each other, the teasing in their eyes could hardly be hidden.

"Even if you don't use the force, you can see his dirty thoughts at a glance, sister." Luna-Huan said sarcastically.

However, although her words were so straightforward, Saw Gerrera seemed to have heard nothing, and was still waiting for the two sisters' answers.

"Do you want to play with him?" Luna Meng asked, tilting her head.

"He's not fun, but fun things will come to him." Luna Huan smiled.

Luna-Meng nodded, and said to So-Gerrera: "Okay, then I appreciate your hospitality, Your Majesty the King."

Saw Gerrera heard this sentence, he was overjoyed, and hurriedly said to the subordinates next to him: "Hurry up! Have a banquet! Prepare the best food and wine for me! Let the Jedi Knights also feel the enthusiasm of our planet Onderon !Ha ha ha ha!"


Anakin-Skywalker ran quickly towards the Yolarn Square. Along the way, he even saw Onderon soldiers starting to flee back.

Thousands of people fought against one person, but the one with the most people ran away!

He continued to move forward without stopping, and finally, under the induction of the original force, he caught a figure in a black cloak!

It's the woman in the mask!

Anakin-Skywalker's face froze, and he immediately drew out his lightsaber to meet him!

Buzz~~~~! A blue and a yellow lightsaber collided immediately, making a buzzing sound under the constraints of the magnetic field. Not only that, but the two huge forces of origin also began to collide, and even set off a violent storm around them!

Immediately afterwards, Anakin-Skywalker and the judge fought together in an instant! Almost at this moment, their lightsabers collided hundreds of times!

Without a word of dialogue, or even any warm-up, the battle between the two reached a fever pitch from the very beginning!

Anakin-Skywalker has gone through the baptism of war, and the fifth lightsaber swordsmanship he practiced has reached the point of proficiency. The fifth style of swordsmanship is actually a fusion of the defensive third style of swordsmanship Soresu and the offensive fourth style of swordsmanship Ataru.

This kind of swordsmanship actually has two forms, the defensive Shien style (Shien) and the offensive style Djem so (Djem so), and after a lot of improvements, the fifth style of swordsmanship can be freely Switching between the two forms at will can be said to be a very powerful and extremely difficult swordsmanship.

And this kind of swordsmanship also exploded with extremely powerful power in the hands of Anakin Skywalker! His comprehension and talent for the Force are second-to-none among the Jedi Knights, and his mastery of the fifth-style swordsmanship makes him invincible!

The two continued to fight without saying a word. Their speed was extremely fast, and they did not stay in place at all. Under the super fast speed, the people around could only see two afterimages passing by continuously, even Even the most advanced instruments cannot detect their movements.

The surrounding Onderon soldiers retreated one after another. They found that even if they had thousands of armed guns and a powerful army of tanks, planes and cannons, they could not intervene in the battle between these two men.

Swish! ! There was a trace of a lightsaber cutting on the armor of a tank in an instant, but no one could see where the sword came from.

Seeing this scene, these soldiers immediately understood the situation, and the only thing they could do was to retreat. So they almost dispersed in a herd, fleeing towards the distance one after another, fearing that they would be involved in the battle and suffer unreasonable disasters.

However, at this time, Anakin Skywalker had already firmly grasped the advantage in the competition of swordsmanship.

Since the fight, he has always had a very strong feeling that the original force of this masked woman is almost unique, but her swordsmanship is very rough, or even ancient.

The confrontation between them is not only swordsmanship, but also the collision of the original force. Everything around them is used as a weapon, even the air! Under the force of the original force, they grabbed all the moving things around them and smashed them at each other, and even the air was used to restrict the opponent's actions.

In the field of force, this woman can be equal to her! This is already a very astonishing result, because Anakin Skywalker himself knows that his force is at the forefront even in the Jedi Order.

Fortunately, this woman's swordsmanship is not as good as her own. Even in Anakin's view, her swordsmanship is full of flaws. Many flaws and mistakes are caused by the mentors of the Jedi Order repeatedly asking them to pay attention not to make mistakes when they practiced.

It seems that this woman has not experienced systematic training, but it feels that this is not the case. Every move of this woman is methodical and precise, and it doesn't look like Ye Luzi.

Ancient swordsmanship? Anakin Skywalker had just such a thought.

That's right, only the ancient lightsaber swordsmanship can show such a result. After all, the Jedi Knights have not been eating dry food for thousands of years. Their research on the force and swordsmanship has not stopped for a moment. Up to now, the seven-style swordsmanship of the lightsaber has improved compared to thousands of years ago too much.

I don't know the origin of this woman, but it doesn't matter, as long as I defeat her and catch her, everything will come to light!

Thinking this way in his heart, the blue lightsaber in Anakin's hand pierced out with unparalleled momentum like a dragon, and this sword even carried a powerful force like a raging wave!

As expected, the woman was invincible and retreated steadily under Anakin's offensive.

Anakin slashed with his sword again, and at the moment when she fought back to block, he suddenly grabbed the wreckage of a nearby tank with force and threw it at her!

Boom! ! A bang! The woman was immediately hit by the burning wreckage, and her whole body was crushed underneath.

Have you gone too far? Did he kill her? Anakin-Skywalker frowned, but then felt that his force was still disturbed, unable to sense the future of the woman in front of him.

she's not dead...

Anakin clenched his lightsaber tightly again, staring at the wreckage of the tank.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang! I only saw that the wreckage of the tank seemed to be grabbed by a powerful force, and the whole thing became smaller!

Boom! Boom! Boom! The sound of metal being compressed continued to resound, and in just a few seconds, the nearly ten-meter-long tank wreckage was directly crushed into a ball by an invisible force!

Thank you for the 10,000 starting coins rewarded by Wishing for the Remembrance of Flowers! ! Thanks to book friend 20230302104600860 for the reward of 100 starting coins! !

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