The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1404 Change of Dynasty (Part 2)

1404. Dynasty change (middle)

At this moment, on the other side of the Jolarn Square, Stella Grera and the others slowly approached the Temple of Unity under the cover of darkness.

They looked at the battlefield over there, and saw a large number of soldiers swarming away, the blast energy beams fired by the blaster rifles were densely packed, and the sky was covered by the firepower of spaceships and fighter jets.

This kind of defensive power is simply hopeless!

If they were replaced by themselves, I am afraid that the entire army would be wiped out in less than 10 minutes.

However, looking at the past at this moment, the battle over there is extremely fierce. Although the trial cannot be seen, the result is self-evident from the fact that the soldiers kept charging and firing, and even brought some sense of tragedy.

Spaceships in the sky also fell to the ground from time to time, and they didn't fall in an ordinary stall, but fell straight down at 90 degrees, as if they were directly torn from the sky by an invisible force!

There are still tanks and armored vehicles approaching in the distance, but they don't seem to have any effect either!

Can't stop it at all!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed that there was only one person who caused such a tragic scene! !

Such a situation made all the rebel fighters, including Stella Grera and Seth, turn pale. Only then did they realize that the person who had been with them for the past few days and helped them rescue the civilians from time to time had such terrifying power!

Think back to these rebel soldiers, although this woman is taciturn, she will still be happy to talk to her if she is asked about something, and she will be very willing to help if there is something to do. In addition to talking a little less, he is actually a very easy to get along with.


Now, she is also the one who enters the land of no one in front of these thousands of regular army soldiers, including spaceships, tanks and armored vehicles!

Before she said that she had killed millions of enemies for the Republic, she was still mocking the rebel fighter she bragged about, and her body was shaking. Because now he knows that she is not lying, and he also knows that he seems to be mocking a terrible person...

A rebel soldier elbowed Seth and said in a low voice, "I heard you want to chase her? Come on, I'm optimistic about you..."

Seth just looked there, saying nothing.


"Here we come! Someone is coming to kill me! Inform all troops and come back for help immediately!...That's right! All troops!!...Armor troops also want it!" In the Temple of Unification, Saw Gerrera was facing the communicator in a panic yelled.

While roaring, he ran towards the underground command center under the guard of the guards. In a hurry, the red ribbon usually draped over his shoulders as a king fell to the ground, and he didn't bother to pick it up.

Saw Gerrera has already seen from the video taken by the drone in front that there is only one enemy! one person!

A mysterious woman wearing a mask!

However, just such a person made the 3,000 guards he deployed around Yolahn Square helpless! Even if she paid the price of hundreds of casualties, she couldn't stop her footsteps at all.

This man is a Jedi Knight, and a very powerful kind at that!

After understanding this, Saw Gerrera began to flee towards the underground command center without hesitation.

Just as he was fleeing in a hurry, three people in front came over with a group of Republic soldiers. Looking up, there are two beautiful young girls who are 70% similar in appearance, and a young man who is brave and mighty.

Upon seeing them, Saw-Gerrera yelled, "General Skywalker! The Separatist Jedi is coming! You go and kill him!"

"No, no, no..." The girl in the red dress jokingly said, wagging a finger, "Separatism doesn't have Jedi knights, Your Majesty the King."

She called So-Gerrera very strangely, and she didn't know whether it was casual or deliberately funny.

"Anyway, that person is about to rush over! Only you can deal with him!" Saw Gerrera said loudly.

Anakin Skywalker frowned and glanced at Saw Gerrera, his eyes full of strangeness. That's right, that brave and fearless Rebel soldier has disappeared...

In the past, Saw Gerrera, although he had a violent personality, was brave and took the lead in combat. When he went to provide training and guidance to these fighters, Saw Gerrera's training results were always among the best. Not only that, but he also has a cheerful personality and gets along well with the people around him. Although sometimes it is easy to get into a corner and go to extremes when dealing with things, it is precisely this kind of personality that attracts many people around him.

At that time, even though their rebel army did not establish a leader, everything obeyed Anakin Skywalker's arrangement, but invisibly, these rebel fighters still gathered in the two brothers and sisters Saw-Gerrera and Stella-Gerrera. around.

This is the charm of personality.

But look now, look at So-Gerrera in front of you! Greed, cruelty, selfishness, cowardice... What kind of psychological process did he go through? What did the kingship bring him?

Anakin Skywalker didn't know this, but he only knew that the brave leader of the Resistance, Saw Gerrera, was dead. Standing in front of him now, begging for help like a bereaved dog, is King So-Gerrera—a fatuous and incompetent tyrant.

But... the combat missions of the Galactic Republic are here, and Anakin Skywalker knows what he is going to do.

Anakin Skywalker also saw the tragedy on the front line of the Dirksen satellite. He knew that he had to ensure the logistics supplies of this army before he could continue to attack. Otherwise, once the Separatist army on the Derksen satellite has time to breathe, when they re-cool the city-level shield, all combat results will be wiped out!

Planet Onderon, don't mess it up!

It is impossible to meet the combat needs of these millions of troops just by relying on the transportation of other galaxies and the transportation fleet in their own hands. Among other things, the medical treatment of the wounded is enough to blow up all the transport ships.

So... Planet Onderon, don't mess it up!

Once the masked woman is allowed to kill So-Gerrera and cause another coup d'état on the planet, don't look at the Galactic Republic's offensive now, but by then, separatism will have the upper hand!

Saw Gerrera, must be the king!

Because he is still obedient and extremely cooperative with the Galactic Republic.

Anakin-Skywalker closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and said slowly, "Don't worry, Suo, I will protect you."

He didn't call So-Gerrera His Majesty the King, nor did he use the messy title of Dreaming Sisters, but continued to call him by the title he used to call him when he was in the Rebel Army.

He still had that one-in-a-million chance in his heart, and hoped that this "cable" would wake up So-Gerrera and remind him of the passionate and sunny period when he was in the Rebel Army.

"That's right! Go! Go! Don't let her threaten me!" Saw Gerrera still shouted angrily.

At this time, Luna Huan suddenly said: "Go and meet her, Tian Xingzi. We will protect His Majesty the King! It seems that you have a lot of questions to the face, so don't fight her personally You won't be content, will you?"

"She's very powerful, you have to be careful." Luna Meng still said very politely.

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