The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1397 Dirkson Meat Grinder (3)

1397: Dexen Meat Grinder (3)

The firefight on the Dexen satellite is beyond description. In this purgatory on earth, hundreds of people die every minute in this icy city of steel, but thousands more die every minute. Tens of thousands of people were thrown into this hell that has swallowed countless lives.

Relying on its large number of people, the Galactic Republic has fully launched its own landing operation. They flew thousands of LAAT assault transport boats, set off from the fleet, broke into the atmosphere of the Dirksen satellite, and then landed on the ground, throwing a large number of soldiers into this huge meat grinder.

All the more than 200 large and small transport ships are not idle. These spaceships are constantly shuttling between the logistics base on the planet Onderon and the Dexen satellite, sending huge amounts of logistics materials to several large transit ships in space, and then Then send it to the Dirksen satellite.

And on the surface of the Deksen satellite, the Republic Army has also established a firm foothold in several places. Although the Separatists used siege tanks to bombard these landing sites indiscriminately, the Republic Army is too much.

As soldiers of the Republic continued to attack the shield, the battle began to turn into a more tragic close combat.

Behind the army position established by the Galactic Republic, more than a dozen SPHA-T self-propelled turbolaser guns have been deployed. This is the heavy unit that the Republic Air Force used their lives to protect them from landing.

With the SPHA-T-shaped turbo laser cannon fully charged, this 140.2-meter-long ultra-heavy ground heavy artillery raised the super turbo laser cannon barrel with a length of more than 150 meters on its back, and then aimed it in the direction of the city shield Just fire and shoot!

The thick beam of light shone on the city shield, causing an extremely violent energy ripple.

That's right, irradiation! SPHA-T's heavy turbo laser cannon is even better than the XX-9 heavy turbo laser cannon used on the Republic Star Destroyer in terms of performance and efficiency. This kind of turbo laser cannon emits various elements and can even continuously emit turbo laser, which is equivalent to continuously pouring ionized explosive gas on the target while continuously irradiating.

It is equivalent to continuous irradiation plus continuous explosion.

It's just that this kind of weapon must design a special large energy core, and the maximum range is not ideal, so it is not suitable for use on large warships. But it can be said to be a terrifying weapon with super specifications when it is installed on a super-heavy walker and used as a ground weapon!

To make an analogy, in the Battle of Naboo 12 years ago, the Legion-level energy shield used by the Gungans, if handed over to SPHA-T, it only takes one shot to break that shield. And in the Battle of Geonosis, the 1029-meter-diameter spherical core spacecraft of the Rucrehook-class battleship couldn't withstand the shooting of several SPHA-Ts!

The power of this land-based weapon can be seen!

Under the continuous bombardment of more than a dozen SPHA-T self-propelled turbolaser cannons, the city-level shield of the City of Steel finally began to loosen, and gaps began to appear in some places. Taking advantage of this opportunity, some Republic fighter formations flew into the city and carried out suicide bombing on those anti-aircraft firepower points.

Although these fighter jets were all shot down quickly, the proton torpedoes they fired before even exploded when they fell, destroying some anti-aircraft turrets.

This is the first loss of anti-aircraft firepower inside the City of Steel since the start of the war.

And the offensive on the ground was also non-stop. The soldiers of the Galactic Republic almost stepped on the corpses in front of them, layer upon layer, layer upon layer, and finally piled up the corpses abruptly within the range of the city-level shield!

Even in order to clear a path among the countless corpses, the commander of the Republic Army even installed a shovel blade in front of some AT-TE walkers to shovel the corpses aside to expose a walkable path.

Since Wilhof Tarkin gave the order to start the landing attack, in the next 4 hours of fierce fighting, the number of casualties of the Republic's natural soldiers was 470,000!

It is equivalent to one-twentieth of the total strength of the entire legion!

And what restricts this number from further expanding to a terrible level is actually the lack of landing capacity of the Galactic Republic.

That's right, under the insane defense of the City of Steel, even if one million people were thrown down, the result would only be one million corpses!

So many Galactic Republic troops landed and saw the corpses all over the ground, and many troops refused to advance. However, the Army of the Republic had already planned for this. All troops that refused to advance would have their commanders shot on the spot and all soldiers would be threatened. If they refused to participate in the war, the Republic would not be able to guarantee the living conditions of their families in the future.

This amounts to a naked threat!

If they still refuse to participate in the war, what awaits them is the frantic strafing of the E-WEB heavy blaster machine gun that has been set up!

However, as the city-level shield of the City of Steel began to be a little overwhelmed by the continuous attacks, and more and more Republic troops rushed through the shield range and fighter groups entered the shield to bomb, this terrible casualty The numbers will gradually decrease.

But still a very scary number!

However, with the development of the battle to the present, Wilhof Tarkin has already given up, and now he has only one idea - to completely plow the Dirksen satellite to the ground! The sooner the better!

The soldiers of the Republic roared like a tide and rushed towards the city of steel, and then fell in pieces under the endless firepower.

Immediately afterwards, another wave of Republican soldiers continued to rush over like a tide! Almost never stopped.


At this moment, Izzy City, the capital of Ondron Planet.

All the hospitals were instantly filled with hundreds of thousands of wounded, and the spaceships filled with a large number of wounded continued to land.

The beds in the hospital have long been crowded out, the doctors are already overwhelmed, and even many medical robots have broken down due to continuous operation.

Walking into the hospital, screams and wailing can be heard endlessly. Corridors, balconies, and even toilets were filled with wounded. There are also a large number of nurse robots floating among the wounded. All the wounded who are judged by these robots to have a survival probability of less than 30% will be discarded as dead, and the beds and medical resources will be given to those who have a higher chance of survival.

Yes, in these hospitals, there is another hell.

Although the Republic's transport fleet is also arranging spaceships to send some wounded to other galaxies for treatment, there are too many people after all. A large number of wounded died in a corner of the hospital when the rescue came. Here, it is a luxury to die on the hospital bed.

Planet Onderon has become a meat grinder devouring countless lives!

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