Chapter 1396 Dirkson Meat Grinder (3)

1396: Dexen Meat Grinder (2)

boom! boom! ! Explosions continued on the battlefield, both on the city shields and in the landing areas of the outlying Republic Army.

The warring parties have completely opened fire, and there is no hiding.

However, this set of city-level shields of the Iron City caused great trouble for the Republic Army. This city-level shield is extremely strong, and the extreme situation of being under siege was fully considered at the beginning of its design and manufacture. The shield generator in the city has an extremely large shield capacitor, which is enough for the shield to neutralize most incoming firepower.

And because this city was built on the basis of the previous advance base of the Mandalorian Crusade, it must be known that Ultimate Mandalorian wanted to invade the Galactic Republic, but it took more than ten years to prepare. This advance base on the Dirksen satellite was originally prepared for millions of Mandalorian crusaders, so after more than ten years of construction and operation, it is large in scale and very strong.

Because of this, Wilhof Tarkin's previous plan to order the flagship to bomb other parts of the satellite in an attempt to destroy the City of Steel through indirect damage such as volcanoes and earthquakes completely failed.

In fact, if Wilhof Tarkin concentrated all the warships for targeted bombing at that time, he still had a chance to destroy the shield, but the self-preservation psychology in his bones made him choose such a place that does not have to face the orbit. The approach of the defense system was thus defeated.

So now, with his battleship being stabbed and his orbital bombing ability almost lost, this city shield that he has not been able to solve has become the biggest obstacle in front of the Galactic Republic.

Facing the one-way shield installed by Tyron Heavy Industries at any cost, the Republic Army has few options.

You know, it is because the Dirksen satellite is located in the inner ring of the Milky Way, and it is an important base for the production of behemoth-class battlecruisers, otherwise, they would not be able to install this one-way shield at all.

After all, even a kilometer-class capital ship is not qualified to install a one-way shield—because with the current production technology and technological level, this shield system alone is more expensive than a battleship.

The only option for the Army of the Republic is to continue the bombing and then find a way to let the army in.


Da da da! Da da da! Shhhhh~~~~Boom! ! On this battlefield of bullets and bullets, almost nowhere is safe. Almost every inch of the air was filled with bullets and blast energy beams flying back and forth, and there was absolutely no place to hide.

The soldiers of the Republic who landed hid behind the bunkers made up of portable fence shields, and were too frightened by the roaring firepower to dare to show their heads.

Boom! Boom! Boom! A series of dull explosions sounded, and thick smoke mixed with light special metal powder began to permeate, isolating everything in front of it.

"The smoke bombs are deployed!! Listen to me from the 107th company! Did you see the building in front of you on the right just now? Rush over and hide behind the building, and you have succeeded! Only 600 meters away! Hurry up!! !” An officer pointed to a building on the outskirts of Steel City and shouted.

"Follow me from the 107th company!" The company commander also went all out, and rushed over with the soldiers of the company with a roar.

Just as they came out of the bunker, there was a burst of artillery fire on the opposite side! In an instant, more than a dozen people were brought down to the ground.

The other soldiers were terrified. Some turned their heads and wanted to go back to the bunker, but the officer shot them all on the spot. The remaining soldiers charged forward, screaming, but were killed by artillery fire like cutting wheat.

"Company 108! Go!!" The officer continued to shout, "Rush into the shield range! Occupy the bunker! Everyone has an apartment in Coruscant! Company 109 is ready!!"

Another company of soldiers rushed up! On the opposite side, a large number of combat robots had already been waiting in full battle. When they saw the soldiers of the Republic appearing, they immediately fired wildly again!

A company, nearly 200 soldiers, was wiped out after only advancing less than 300 meters.

But more soldiers still followed.

A LAAT/C assault transport boat dropped an AT-TE walker quickly, and was destroyed by anti-aircraft fire before landing. The AT-TE fell to the ground with a bang, and then the six mechanical legs started to move forward with maximum horsepower, and the speed gradually increased.

The artillery fire in the city became more and more fierce, and a target as big as AT-TE would naturally not be let go. Missiles and rockets followed, blasting the walkers.

"The walker is coming! Company 112 is following up!!" The officer said loudly, "Communication Corps!! Where's our armored unit??"

"It's too messy! I don't know where it is! It said that a formation of saber tanks landed in our direction, but I didn't see a single hair!" The communication soldier also yelled.

Bang! ! ! A burning wreck fell from the sky and hit them more than ten meters away. It was the wreckage of a TX-130 Saber tank. Looks like it was shot down on the transport plane.

"Now you see where they are! Go ahead and call me reinforcements! I want tanks! I want walkers!!" the officer yelled.

boom! boom! boom! There was another violent explosion, and the AT-TE walker was hit by several anti-tank missiles, its armor was penetrated, and it disintegrated in the flames of the explosion.

But the Republic soldiers hiding behind the walker rushed out from behind the wreckage of the walker, and charged forward against the crazy firepower on the opposite side.

There was another massacre like harvesting wheat, and hundreds of soldiers were killed by crazy artillery fire. But finally dozens of people rushed into the range of the shield, and they entered the light curtain, finally able to open fire on the combat robots on the opposite side.

He scrambled and crawled to hide behind the building, and then threw a few smoke bombs with his backhand. Some soldiers with more equipment also turned on drones and remote-controlled bombs to bomb the battle robot positions.

The sound of guns and artillery was still incessant, and the corpses of the soldiers of the Republic covered almost every place in the large area from the landing site to the shield. But the attack continues!

"Company 129! Go!! Company 129!!" The officer's voice was already hoarse, but he was still yelling into the communicator.

"The spacecraft of the 129th company was shot down! No one survived!" said the communications soldier.

"Company 130! Attack!! Someone has already entered the shield range! Keep going!" the officer yelled.

"No! Going like this is going to die!!" The commander of the company saw the continuous massacre in front of him, his legs were already weak from fright, and he couldn't even stand still.

boom! ! A soldier behind the officer shot the company commander in the head.

"Now you are the company commander! Get on me!!" the officer pointed to the deputy company commander.

To advance is death, and to retreat is also death. But the difference is that if you die while advancing, you will be treated as a death in battle, and your family may still receive a pension.

"Kill!!!!" The soldiers let out a roar as if they were venting, raised their guns and lined up in a skirmish line, and rushed up quickly.

Thanks to 213teenager for the 500 starting coins! !

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