The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1338 Moon Night Werewolf

1338: Moon Night Werewolf

As soon as Admiral Davis said this, everyone present looked a little depressed.

He was right, there was nothing the Galactic Republic could do on the planet Semiles now. Their natural army was crumbling under the assault of Lieutenant General Dai Hongkui's Scorpion tank group, and the clone army, which was the strongest backup, was inexplicably wiped out, making them basically sure to fail on the ground battlefield.

And on the space battlefield, it is now in a very embarrassing situation.

To attack, their fleet is not enough to destroy the independent galaxy confederation fleet with the Argonev-class interstellar base as its core defense line, especially if the opponent is Admiral Trench, he is a general who is particularly good at defense.

To defend, now the opponent suddenly appeared this weapon that can strike at the speed of light at a super long distance. Although the opponent is far away from the edge of the galaxy, even if the speed of light strike arrives, it will take 16 hours now, and it can only attack one battleship point-to-point at a time, but This weapon is a threat as long as it exists, and the Republic fleet must constantly be on the move.

And in this state, it will be even more passive to face the attack of the separatist fleet.

Therefore, Admiral Davis' judgment was not wrong. Abandoning the retreat of the army was the only way.

Although abandoning these natural army was originally planned, but in the original plan, some people should be brought back. Coupled with the clone army that has achieved great results and retreated, at least in the publicity, it can be publicized as a hard battle. victory.

However, if we retreat like this now...

The clone corps were all wiped out, the natural man corps were all wiped out, and the fleet suffered heavy losses.

result? The media and public opinion will put the word "annihilated" on him without hesitation, and then his military career will come to an end. At this time, don't expect the Governor of the Fourth Army, Plagi, and the Speaker of the Republic, Palpatine, to come out and blame him.

"Retreat!" Admiral Davis grabbed his military cap and said in a deep voice, "I am the only one to blame for this failure!"

"General! At least we have obtained nearly half of the design blueprints of the Endless-class super aircraft carrier! As long as we bring this blueprint back, this operation will not be considered a failure." Lieutenant General Alfonso, commander of the third squadron, said.

"There is no need to be lucky. In this battle, failure is a failure. We are prepared to launch a surprise attack, and the separatists have no time to respond. But even so, I still lose my troops, and this is a failure." Admiral Davis As he said that, his eyes became sharper, "However, this battle is being deliberately manipulated!"

"You mean, about the information leak?" Lieutenant General Alfonso said, "The information about our upcoming raid was leaked one day in advance, which allowed the separatists to have the most basic preparations, so that they would not be defenseless."

"Someone wants us to consume our strength on Planet Semiles!" Admiral Davis said, "Perhaps, it is the mysterious person who provided us with that seasonal hyperspace channel!"

"But their purpose is also the blueprint of the endless-class super aircraft carrier. Isn't it bad for their purpose to just add chaos to us?" Lieutenant General Alfonso said.

"This shows that they have other plans." Admiral Davis said in a deep voice.


Half a day ago, on the planet Semiles, on the outskirts of the capital region.

Werewolf Jedi Master, Wilf Munn was standing on top of a large command vehicle, surrounded by clone troopers from two battalions of attack battalions he led were fighting fiercely with Semiers soldiers.

Beside him lay a bruised, mangled corpse, the expensive black velvet cloak thrown aside, spattered with blood.

The traitor to the Republic, the dark Jedi Uru-Ulex, has finally paid the price!

Expensive clothing, a house full of treasures, and the vanity of a high position will not bring him victory. In front of the bloodthirsty and angry werewolves, he didn't even have the qualifications to make Mengn draw out his lightsaber.

Death, a miserable death.

He was directly torn to pieces by Meng En's sharp minions!

"Blood debt, blood payment!" Mengn showed his sharp fangs, turned his head and looked at the shivering member of the Semirs planet, Thunbak Tula, who was hiding in the command vehicle.

Meng En walked over step by step, blood was still dripping down on his blood-stained claws.

However, at this moment, he suddenly received an urgent communication from his former master and current comrade-in-arms, Master Paulish Radur. The communication only had two words, "Run away! Immediately!"

Wilf-Munn didn't know why Master Radur wanted him to escape, but whether it was the werewolf's keen senses or the inspiration given to him by the Force, they were all telling him—a huge danger was coming!

Munn immediately made arrangements. He contacted the rear air force and asked them to send a LAAT assault transport boat to take away the captive Thunbak Tula in front of him, and then let the clone troop he brought retreat as soon as possible. .

However, before the arrival of LAAT, the situation has changed!

A light green light sprinkled from the sky, followed by a burst of ultra-high frequency resonance! Almost instantly, all the clone soldiers around fell to the ground, turning into a puddle of stinky pink liquid!

Meng En's eyes instantly turned red! He walked over and lifted Tuenbak-Tula up, and asked ferociously, "What is this?"

"I... I don't know! Ulu-Ulex said it was a secret weapon, but he said that I don't have permission to know it..." Thunbak-Tula was almost frightened and said quickly .

At this time, the Semirs soldiers who discovered that all the clone soldiers died instantly surrounded them one after another, but they were worried about the safety of Thunbak-Tula, so these soldiers did not act rashly, but surrounded the command vehicle from a distance.

A fierce light flashed in Meng En's eyes, and he raised his sharp claws to grab Tula's fat neck. However, he glanced at the MP who had collapsed on the ground again, snorted coldly, and still did not choose to kill her. He just jumped up, passed through the siege of Samirs soldiers at an unimaginable speed, and disappeared into the shadows.


A figure that is difficult for ordinary people to detect quickly passed by, so fast that it was too late to react. This figure flitted between the buildings, crossed a distance of more than ten meters in an instant, and came to the top of a ten-story building, squatting on the antenna, overlooking the city.

The city of Semirron is still being bombed, but the intensity of the bombing has been reduced a lot, and the formation of Republic fighter jets flying in the sky has also decreased.

The main force of the Fourth Army of the Republic is about to retreat.

Meng En was notified of the retreat order before, but he does not plan to leave now.

Here, there is still a blood debt to pay!

With a sudden kick, his figure suddenly disappeared, and in the next second, he had already appeared on another building. Looking down from here, you can see that outside the entrance of the underground shelter, a corpse wearing a Jedi knight's coarse robe is lying on the ground, and a few Semiers next to them are holding a lightsaber in their hands, and are about to install it. into the box.

There is no doubt that this corpse is his former master, Pauloish Radur.

Yet the Dark Jedi who killed him, Asajj Ventress was not here!

It's okay, time, and lots of it!

"Wow~~~~~~" With a shrill howl of a wolf, Master Mengen rushed down and rushed into the group of unsuspecting Semiers soldiers!

Thanks to Prince007 for the reward of 100 starting coins! !

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