The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1337 Particle Lance (Part 2)

1337. Particle Lance (Part 2)

In this particle light spear system, the original 8 super-heavy laser cannons on the left and right sides of the disaster-class battlecruiser were transformed into 16 energy node arrays to power the entire system. After the design is completed, the energy supply structure of the entire system is like a Christmas tree, the trunk is the central light spear launcher, and the 16 groups of branches and leaves around it are the energy nodes.

It is precisely because of this that the design of this warship was regarded by Arroyo Barlow as the best carrying prototype ship.

The particle light spear is actually a high-energy light-speed particle emitter. However, like all laser weapons and energy weapons, because of the principle of wave-particle duality, energy will show diffusion, so energy weapons cannot be focused for a long time. After a certain distance, the dispersed energy is almost the same as that of a flashlight.

Therefore, the biggest difficulty of this technology is how to keep the light-speed particles in focus for a long time. After a single shot of the particle light spear is completed, the gradually extinguished ion beam can clearly show two trajectories—one is a straight-line trajectory of direct emission , and the other is a spiral trajectory wrapped around the launch trajectory.

And this spiral track is just the intuitive expression of the restriction and focusing technology of the light-speed particles.

In this era, the war mode of the Milky Way is still immature. Now that new weapons are emerging in an endless stream, everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones. For example, the appearance of the Wraith fighter and the Banshee fighter jet made the Galactic Republic speed up the research and development of anti-stealth technology, and the appearance of the supermaterial electromagnetic guns of the Cole-class battlecruiser and the Ragnalov-class titan battleship made the Republic unable to Do not start to pay attention to the countermeasures of kinetic energy weapons.

However, now, a brand new weapon has appeared—the ultra-long-range light-speed energy weapon, the particle light spear!

As I said before, if the supermatter railgun and invisibility technology are actually just the development of the existing technology in the Milky Way, then the appearance of the light spear is an epoch-making progress! This is a super weapon that is at least 100 years ahead of the current technology of the Milky Way!

In fact, if there is no Kyber crystal, even if the Fourth Civilization has all the data of the Light Spear, it will take at least ten years for other related technologies to be perfected so that this technology can be developed. The existence of the Kyber crystal It's like taking a shortcut.

In the "Star Wars" universe, a similar technology is naturally the Death Star, and in the case of the same Kyber crystal, the construction of the Death Star will take at least 20 years. Up to now, the energy system of the Death Star is still only one. It's just an idea. Not to mention applying this weapon to battleships for mass production!

The appearance of the particle light spear made the Galactic Republic and the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, and even the Fourth Civilization itself, face earth-shaking changes in the tactical structure.

For example, in the past, although the battle in the Milky Way spanned a large distance, the width of the battlefield was only tens of thousands of kilometers, and at most it would not exceed 100,000 kilometers. Therefore, even in the interstellar battlefield, it actually revolved around the planet. At this distance, energy weapons are basically launched instantly and hit instantly, while sub-light weapons such as missiles can first detect, then intercept or evade.

However, the appearance of the particle light spear made it possible to strike at the speed of light at an ultra-long distance at the planetary system level. This led to a situation where, at an ultra-long distance, even though it would take tens of minutes or even hours to strike at the speed of light, there was no possibility of dodging this strike.

Because under the current technology, all observation methods are based on the speed of light. When you discover the other party's movement and send the message back, the same light-speed strike has arrived—even if the light-speed particle has been flying for more than ten hours.

Therefore, this puts forward a requirement for both parties to transmit information at a superluminal speed. Whether the attacker needs to obtain the attack feedback instantaneously, or the defender needs to obtain the attack information instantaneously, super-light speed communication is required.

For now, this technology is very mature, that is hyperspace communication. Hyperspace communication can carry out real-time communication across galaxies. It is not difficult for you to achieve real-time communication within a planetary system, but the only problem is that you need to build a tactical-level hyperspace communication base station.

Otherwise, if the hyperspace communication base station on the planet is used, firstly, it will not be able to transmit very complicated data, and secondly, it will be easily interfered by various interference signals on the battlefield.

So in the final analysis, the conclusion is that it is actually not difficult to detect the ultra-long-range strike of the particle light spear. The difficulty is that you need to modify the supporting facilities of your entire fleet. And even if you can use hyperspace communication technology to prevent yourself from being hit half a galaxy away like this time, but the opponent's attack distance is here, even if the distance is shortened, you can have a very vast and flexible tactical scope.

It may be unrealistic to hit you at a distance of more than ten light minutes, so it is the same for me to hit you at a distance of more than ten light minutes. Apart from using hyperspace communication technology to know that you are about to be beaten, you have no way to counteract it at all. Can be beaten passively.

When the opponent increases the speed of the battlefield to the speed of light and the size of the battlefield to light minutes and light hours, weapons such as conventional missiles and turbo laser guns become meaningless.

And now, such a difficult problem is placed in front of Admiral Davis, the commander of the Fourth Army Fleet of the Galactic Republic.

After being attacked by the ultra-long-distance particle light spear, he immediately ordered all the warships to be in an evasive state, changing their positions at all times, and at the same time separated 10 hunter-class battlecruisers to form an assault formation to attack the ships at the edge of the galaxy. The three warships made an assault.

"The other party wants to attack us at a super long distance. They must have hidden detection outposts in the galaxy! Send spaceships to find out these hidden outposts immediately!" Admiral Davis said loudly, "There is more! Give me immediately Evaluate the possibility of using a hyperdrive to perform short-distance hyperspace jumps within the galaxy!"

"General, it has been assessed, and it is very difficult. According to the orbits of a total of seven planets in the Semiles galaxy, if we want to make a short-distance hyperspace jump from the vicinity of the planet Semiles, then the five and seven planets in the galaxy Planet No. 5 will form a mass projection in hyperspace, which interferes with our jump. The other party obviously considered this, so they chose this position, and they have to wait until Planet No. 5 and No. For the hyperspace channel, it will take at least 10 days." The navigation engineer shook his head and said.

"So how long would it take to attack the past with a sublight engine?" Admiral Davis asked.

"It will take close to three days if you stay in the evasive state and approach. I have formulated a plan to use ultra-short-distance hyperspace jumps many times to avoid the mass projection of planets 5 and 7, which can shorten the time to one day." Navigation said the engineer.

Admiral Davis looked very ugly. He waved his hand and said, "Then stop this attack plan! Let's retreat!"

"If we retreat against the opponent's ultra-long-range laser attack, once our warship stays in place for too long, the opponent can send target information from the planet through hyperspace communication, and then the opponent can directly fire and attack. Then our battleship cannot Staying at the same location for more than 16 hours, but if we want to receive our army boarding, it is impossible to stay for less than 16 hours." The adjutant said on the side.

"Abandon all the army, anyway in our plan, they are just cannon fodder." Admiral Davis said coldly, he pointed to another document on the table, "We have already obtained from Master Wilf-Monn We got in touch and confirmed that all clone soldiers died for unknown reasons. That is to say, there is nothing we can do on Planet Semiles.”

Thanks to 213teenager for the 668 starting coins! ! Thanks for the 500 starting coins rewarded by the whale guy! !

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