Chapter 1333 Secret Weapon (Part 2)

1333. Secret Weapon (Medium)

Swish! ! ! A sea of ​​burnt red appeared on the thick iron gate, and as the red became paler and whiter, a large amount of molten iron began to flow down, and after a while, a short section of blue lightsaber tip finally pierced through the gate revealed.

The lightsaber was quickly retracted, and a low and majestic voice came from the still melting hole, "Should we force the door to come in, or open the door and surrender?"

Inside the gate is a very wide hall. Inside the hall, a team of fully armed Semiles Iron Armor Legion guards hundreds of civil servants and dozens of gorgeously dressed high-ranking members of the planet Semiles behind them.

And the governor of Planet Semiles is also among them.

Everyone looked at each other with fear in their eyes, but none of them spoke.

There was no response, and the voice outside the door said: "In this case, I will start to blow up the door. Find a cover for yourself, because when the door was blown open, the molten iron and shrapnel flying around did not have eyes. "

Then, the lightsaber pierced through the hole again, and began to slowly expand the hole.

"Wait a minute! We surrender...we surrender!" Finally, the governor of Planet Semiles couldn't bear such oppression and threats, and couldn't stop shouting.

He turned his head and looked at the expressions of other senior officials around him. He was very frustrated and said with his head down, "We lost..."

Amidst the roar of the engine, the door weighing hundreds of tons was slowly opened, and all the high-level Semirs and guards in the refuge put down their weapons and walked out with their hands raised.

Standing at the door to welcome them to surrender were a large number of clone soldiers in full armor and majestic, as well as two Jedi masters standing at the forefront.

Master Paulesh-Radour, and Master Wilf-Monn!

"Where is the blueprint data of the endless-class super aircraft carrier?" Master Radul asked coldly.

" the headquarters of that Argonev-class interstellar base..." the governor of Planet Semiles said in a low voice.

Master Radul raised his hand to grab the void, and he grabbed the governor's plump body and hung him in the air with force, "Let them pass the blueprint data over."

"This... this won't work! We don't have this authority! The data, the data was given to us by the trade union!" the governor said.

"You have no choice." Wilf-Monn said grimly, showing his sharp fangs.

Suddenly, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and his figure suddenly disappeared. There was an almost simultaneous sound from the wall and ceiling of the hall, and in the next second, he had already jumped over the crowd and came to the console of a host behind him.

A Semiles engineer was nervously operating on the mainframe, and those people, including the governor, used their huge bodies to block him.

Swish! ! The sword light flashed, and the huge head of the engineer Semiles moved instantly.

Master Mengen kicked away the headless corpse, walked over to look at the host screen, pressed the button to terminate the deletion process, and said: "Endless level, test data."

"Hehe, with these test data, we can come up with many design standards." Master Laduer sneered and said to the governor: "Then, let me ask you again, did you choose to separate the body and head like this person, Or obediently let the interstellar base transmit the data?"

"I... I'll notify them... I'll notify them..." The governor quickly patted the head of the Minister of Defense next to him, and said loudly, "Quick! Let them transmit the blueprint!"

"The blueprint data is huge, and it will take at least an hour to transmit it!" The Minister of Defense was sweating profusely.

"It's okay, we can wait." Master Radur already had the chance to win, and he didn't care about this hour.

For this clone army that is fighting north and south in the galaxy and has two legions, there is no army in this galaxy that can break through their defenses within an hour. As for the navy? It is the main fleet of the Fourth Army of the Republic who is firmly in control of the situation now!

"Also, let all the warships lower their shields, turn off their engines and surrender! Let all the armies put down their weapons!" Radur continued to order.

Governor Semiles was sweating profusely, "'s not that I don't want to, it's mainly because our army and fleet are almost all generals sent directly by the Federation of Independent Galaxy..."

Master Radul looked over coldly, his eyes full of indifference.

The Governor trembled with fright from this gaze, and he suddenly realized that the person standing in front of him was definitely not an ordinary Jedi Knight! The two Jedi masters in front of them have absolutely no burden on killing people!

"I... I can make the garrison in the capital region lay down their weapons... And! And! The commander of the interstellar base is also my man!" The governor hurriedly took out the communicator and gave the order himself.

On the other side, Master Wilf-Munn came over, opened a light screen and said, "There are reinforcements."

Master Radul looked at the screen, and it showed that a reinforcement army from New Dharam City was rapidly approaching the capital region, and the commander of this army was the dark Jedi warrior Ulu-Ulex And Thunbak-Tula, the representative of the planet Semirs! !

Obviously, they didn't know that the underground bunker of the planet's highest command had been captured, and they were still reporting their position, wanting to comfort the Governor and them so that they would not panic.

"Ulu-Ulex, he was Master Green-Betty's apprentice, and he betrayed Master Betty during the Battle of Bespin!" Master Radul's eyes were cold, and he spit out a few words from his throat, "Blood for blood pay!"

"Blood debt!" Master Meng En showed a ferocious smile, and walked towards the door.

"There is also Tuenbak-Tula! She has a very high prestige on the planet Semiers! If you catch her, the planet Semiers will completely collapse!" Master Radul said.

Wilf Munn didn't speak, but raised his hand and waved lightly when passing by the group of clones.

A clone commander wearing blue shoulder armor immediately stood up and shouted: "419th Attack Battalion! 392nd Attack Battalion! Ready to attack!"


at the same time.

A team of suspended trucks loaded with Samirs fighters is galloping on the road from New Dhahran City to the capital region.

In mid-air, more than a dozen vulture robot fighter planes and several bounty hunters' modified combat spaceships were covering at low altitudes—in the direction of the capital region, the air power of the Galactic Republic was bombing frantically, and the Semirs who had no air supremacy at all Don't dare to go to the sky to tease the tiger's whiskers of the Republic.

Dark Jedi Knights Ulu-Ulix and Thunbak-Tula are riding on a large suspended command vehicle with a length of more than 50 meters. This command vehicle not only has the most advanced command and communication system, but also installs With powerful weapons such as close-in laser cannons and heavy anti-armor ion cannons, it looks like a fortress.

After receiving the news that the capital region was raided by the clone legion, and the leader of the clone legion drove straight in and defeated all the garrison troops blocking the way, and went straight to the underground shelter where the supreme command was located, Ulu-Ulex and the others because of It is the closest to the capital region, so it led troops back to aid immediately.

Because of the lack of armored forces and motorized forces, they can only bring more than 10,000 Semiers soldiers, which is already the maximum carrying capacity of the transport vehicles they can search.

After all, most of the vehicles and spaceships are ensuring the offensive of Lieutenant General Dai Hongkui's Scorpion tank group. Such a purely armored group needs to consume a huge amount of logistical supplies during an assault!

After sending out the news that he was about to arrive in less than an hour, Ulu-Ulex suddenly frowned, "I feel that the situation is not right, from the perception of the original force, it seems that there is a huge danger in this direction !"

"This is a battlefield, and there must be dangers everywhere." Thunbak-Tula said.

However, after a while, their communicators received a message in unison—the Supreme Command of the planet Semiles was captured, and the top leadership including the planet's governor and defense minister were directly taken over!

Not only that, the planetary governor also demanded that all warships and army units surrender!

"Idiots! They couldn't even hold on for half a day!" Ulu-Ulix was furious and slammed his fist on the console, "Notify our army! Don't put down your weapons! The army of the Republic will not stop killing Yes! Laying down your arms equals death!"

"We have to go there as soon as possible, maybe it's still too late..." When Tuenbak-Tula heard the news, he was in a panic, and all he could think of was how to rescue the governor and the others.

"Our whereabouts have been revealed! We just sent our location to the Supreme Command! Perhaps, this is the crisis I foresee." Ulu-Ulix said.

"There are crises everywhere on the battlefield, and there are Jedi Knights and clone legions on the other side. Is it normal to have a sense of crisis?" Tuenbak-Tula said quickly, she was afraid that Uru-Ulex would not to the rescue.

Ulu-Ulex glanced at her with disdain, and said, "It's okay, the clone army is nothing to fear, Ventress has already got the secret weapon. You know why I dare to bring only 10,000 people Return to the capital region for reinforcements?"

"Could it be, a secret weapon?" Thunbak-Tula showed surprise, "What kind of weapon is it?"

"Although the political status of Planet Semirs has improved a lot, you still don't have independent command, so you have no right to know. You just need to watch." Ulu-Ulix sneered.

However, he also felt that what Tula said was reasonable, so he ignored the sense of crisis from the Force.

However, after continuing to advance for a certain distance, several anti-tank rockets were suddenly fired from the ruins of a building!

boom! boom! boom! ! ! Most of the anti-tank rockets were intercepted, but one still hit a suspended truck! The violent explosion caused the explosion of the truck's energy system. Almost at this moment, more than 20 Semiers soldiers carried on the truck were all blown to the sky!

"Enemy attack! Get out of the car!!" The Semirs fighters were also well-trained, and immediately got out of the car, picked up their weapons and aimed at the direction where the missile was launched, and fired wildly.

Then a burst of intensive firepower was fired from almost all directions, and a large number of Semiers soldiers were knocked down immediately.

"Bastard! It's a surprise attack! Find cover immediately!" Uru-Ulex said loudly.

Suddenly, he heard slight footsteps on the roof of the large command vehicle he was in! The footsteps sounded clearly in his ears amidst the roaring artillery fire, and only he, the dark Jedi, could hear them!

"Jedi Knight..." Ulu-Ulex's face suddenly became very ugly, even a little ferocious, he gritted his teeth, and said to Tula, "Contact me Ventress! Let her come over as soon as possible! "

"Okay...ok..." Thunbak-Tula quickly grabbed the communicator of the communication soldier next to him and started to contact.

At this time, the figure of Ulu-Ulix had disappeared from the command vehicle.

The top of the command vehicle, the top of this huge command vehicle is relatively flat, with a space of about 40 by 15 meters. Ulu-Ulix jumped on it, only to see that several turrets on the top of the command vehicle had been destroyed, billowing thick smoke.

In the surrounding area, the battle between the clone troopers and the Semiers had already started, and the area was full of guns and bullets, and the exchange of fire was very intense.

But Ulu-Ulex put all his attention on the man in front of him.

One, a werewolf!

Wearing the samurai uniform of the Jedi Order, holding a green lightsaber, a werewolf with a hideous face!


"Blood debt!" Meng En said with a grinning grin, showing his ferocious fangs.

"Wilf-Monn, you are looking for death!" Ulu-Ulex was also aroused fiercely, he raised his hand and took off the incomparably expensive black velvet cloak behind him, pulled out the lightsaber from his waist, Press the button, and the blood-red light blade is instantly activated.

However, Wilf Munn shook his nose and said coldly: "The weak."

Then he actually put away the lightsaber directly!

"Do you think I'm still the apprentice from before?!" Ulu-Ulex knew Muen when he was in the Jedi Order, but the Muen in his memory seemed to be a man who was very quiet, but kind. A person who is easy to get along with is completely different from the feeling in front of him, but he also has his own pride, especially after embracing the darkness, "Darkness has given me infinite power! And you, you have only one death!"

As he said that, he rushed forward in a flash, and the fourth sword technique, Atalu, unfolded instantly!

However, in the next second, he lost the trace of Wilf Munn in front of his eyes! In his ears, there was only a piercing howl of a wolf! !


At the same time, the airspace outside the capital region.

A refitted CSS-1 Republic-class large shuttle with thick and hideous armor is flying. A hemispherical device is installed under this shuttle, which looks as ugly as if it is pregnant.

In the cockpit, the super mercenary Deqi is personally controlling the shuttle. He said to the communication: "It takes 5 minutes to activate the weapon. Before that, I can't be shot down. I'll leave it to you, Asa." Guy Ventress!"

"I will fight in person, those flying trash from the Republic can't touch you!" Asajj Ventress' voice came from the other end of the communication.

All I saw outside was a fan-class fighter soaring, and all approaching Republic fighters were instantly shot down!

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