The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1332 Secret Weapon (Part 1)

1332. Secret Weapon (Part 1)

Planet Semiles, outer orbit, flagship of the Galactic Republic Fleet.

"General Davis, the radar department has just sent a notification that our hyperspace sensor has responded." The adjutant came over to the supreme commander of the fleet, Admiral Davis said.

"This should be the reinforcements of the separatists. Now we are deep behind the enemy lines, which is not surprising." Admiral Davis said lightly, "Now Trench's offensive is very fierce. I have to admit that from this rigorous formation It can be seen that even I have a lot to learn from him in terms of fleet command. But unfortunately... this time he must swallow the bitter fruit of failure."

"The Seventh Formation retreats immediately! Attract the firepower of the Separatist warships! Test whether they can destroy their formation! The Eleventh Formation immediately makes a large-scale detour to the north pole of the planet!" Admiral Davis did not take the adjutant's words to heart On the next day, he immediately joined the fleet command again.

The adjutant was also a little apprehensive when he saw Admiral Davis' appearance, but due to his duty, he continued: "General, it's just that this situation is a bit weird. Because from the perspective of hyperspace fluctuations, at least the approaching battlecruiser It should not be a transport fleet. However, the landing point of their hyperspace jump is on the periphery of planet 7 in the Semiles galaxy. That is to say, they are at the outermost periphery of this galaxy. General, although things are not Big, but I think this act of separatism must have some kind of conspiracy!"

"The edge of the galaxy? If this is the case, then you don't need to worry about it. If you use sub-light speed travel, it will take almost a day to fly from Planet 7 to Planet Semirs. With this time, the other party can see anything It's clear." Admiral Davis waved his hand.

But he looked back at the adjutant who was almost covered with cold sweat on his forehead, and didn't want to embarrass him too much, and said, "Well, what you said makes sense, this situation is indeed a bit abnormal, arrange a Karak-class light cruiser Take a fighter squadron to this direction to guard."

"Yes! General." The adjutant immediately stood at attention and saluted, then turned around and began to arrange work.


At the edge of the Semiers galaxy, 0.0019 light-years away from the planet Semiers, white light flickered violently. The shapes of the three ships were completely different from any known warships in the Milky Way. The space appears in this silent cosmic space.

They didn't move at all, after leaving the hyperspace, they just stopped here quietly.


After the launch of the Semirs Star Wars, although the combat fleet was in great distress, the Confederation of Independent Galaxies did not hesitate at all for other supplies.

Both the Trade Federation and the Enterprise Alliance have also sent a large number of robots and supplies to assist them in their operations.

In the past few days, various transport fleets have been in an endless stream, almost without stopping.

It's just that the Galactic Republic Fleet's interception and blockade of these fleets has not been relaxed at all. As long as a transport fleet comes over, a light cruiser formation will immediately cooperate with a fighter formation to intercept it. In the past few days, the escort fleet and the interception fleet have fought each other, and this has also become a peripheral conflict outside the main battlefield of the planet's ground and space.

However, today's transport fleet is somewhat different.

With a flash of white light, a behemoth-class battlecruiser and a refitted CSS-1 republic-class large shuttle appeared in the outer space of the planet Semirth without pausing at all. Fly to the planet Semiles.

The CSS-1 is a Corellian Engineering Company product, and it's sold very well, so it's not surprising to see it even in the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It's just that this large shuttle is obviously different!

The original standard size of 80 meters was expanded to 105 meters. The original round and beautiful shell became sharp and angular after adding thick armor, and in order to meet the enlarged size, the spacecraft's engine was also modified. The entire spaceship has almost reached the standard of a Galactic Republic frigate.

The most obvious thing is that there is a large hemispherical structure under the center of the spaceship, which looks like it is pregnant.

Such modification was originally very beautiful, but the CSS-1 Republic-class large shuttle, which is often used as the ship of the ambassadors of various planets, has become particularly ugly.

Admiral Trench has already received the news. He commanded the fleet to move closer to the two-ship formation. On the one hand, he received the behemoth-class battlecruiser as their new reinforcements, and on the other hand, he covered the refitted ship. The CSS-1 shuttle enters the atmosphere of the planet Semirth.

The Republic Fleet also immediately learned of the news, and Admiral Davis dispatched the Third Squadron, led by Vice Admiral Alfonso, to intercept it.


The ground battlefield on the planet Semiles, in the direction of Tortok City.

The defense line of the Galactic Republic's natural army in this direction is already crumbling. Their line was pierced by Lieutenant General Dai Hongkui, and the overall formation was divided into two parts. And the follow-up troops led by Asajj Ventress immediately caught up, trying to use the numerical advantage to divide and encircle the Republic army.

And if it weren't for the powerful fire support of the cheerer-class assault landing ship in the sky, which caused serious losses to Asajj Ventress' troops, this battle would have turned into a massacre.

But even so, the Semiers began to deploy a large number of air defense forces and launched a fierce attack on the cheerer class!

Hundreds of anti-aircraft missiles bombarded the deflector shield of the battleship almost non-stop, and a large number of anti-aircraft guns, laser cannons, and even some gunpowder anti-aircraft guns left over from the previous era were moved out. In short, as long as it can target the air, all the Semiers will use it to carry out the final bombing of this landing ship!

Asajj Ventress hadn't gone to the front line to charge. She stood in the open space in front of the temporary command post, with a pair of cranked lightsabers pinned to her waist, looking at the sky in silence.

A cloud of fire caused by atmospheric friction suddenly appeared in the sky, and then a modified CSS-1 shuttle swooped down, lowered its altitude in an almost berserk attitude, and hovered at a low altitude.

It can be seen that there are many damages on the fuselage of this shuttle. It is obvious that the process of breaking through the interception of the Republic fleet on the outskirts of the planet is not that simple.

The hatch opened, and a figure appeared in the hatch, and he jumped down without taking any measures!

boom! ! ! ! With a loud noise, a big hole was smashed out of the hardened ground! In the middle of the big pit, stood a 3-meter-tall man wearing a terrifying mechanical armor. Almost every inch of the armor was filled with murderous weapons!

If Asajj Ventress hadn't known him for a long time, at a glance, he would even think that this guy was a robot.

"You're here, Durge. You'd better tell me that Earl Dooku's secret weapon is still intact." Asajj Ventress' tone was still so annoying, but her expression was loose Quite a lot.

The super mercenary De Qi, he and Ventress are old partners who have experienced many battles. And the reason why he ranks behind Jango Fett and Cade Bane in the mercenary world is that he almost always acts alone, and he rarely takes shots, which must be a big deal.

"It's intact and ready to use." Dutch said, his voice was covered by a mechanical helmet and processed by a loudspeaker, making it sound like a wild beast was roaring.

"But you send this thing to me first, it's a long way from here to the capital region." Asaji Ventress said.

"It doesn't matter. According to Earl Dooku's commission, all I need to care about is the effect of this weapon." De Qi said coldly, "As for those who came from the Dawn Planet, I don't trust them."


[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: Deqi. 】

Thanks to Dangkong Mountain for the reward of 888 starting coins! ! Thanks to 213teenager for the 300 starting coins! ! Thanks to my dream is very small for the reward of 100 starting coins! !

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