1328、Thick and foggy

Gabriel Tosh opened his eyes, and he immediately found that his psychic power seemed to be unusable. He sat up and looked around, and found that he was in a room full of gold, and the surrounding instruments and equipment were basically unusable. It has a golden hue and looks very aesthetically pleasing.

"Protoss..." Even though Gabriel Tosh had forgotten most of the things that happened before he came to this world, the existence of Protoss went deep into his heart, and he couldn't forget it.

Tosh stood up and looked at himself in the water polo-like energy field next to him. He found that not only had he lost his spiritual power, but even his eyes, which were originally full of power and could not see his pupils, had returned to normal.

"Hmph! Hypocrisy, conceited guy. Even if you cut off the connection between voodoo and me, I can still smell the stench on you!" Tosh said ferociously.

"Your psychic power was not cut off by me, but by someone else." A spherical drone floated in from outside the door, and the speaker on it emitted an elegant and calm voice.

Then walking in was an elegant Protoss wearing a gorgeous robe—the leader of the Sirak tribe, Zekalas.

"Hehehehe, don't dare, talk in my head? Disgusting protoss." Tosh said coldly to protoss.

"Now your heart and brain waves are very fragile, like a bubble. Even the little telepathy generated by my conversation with you may shock you into a vegetable." Zekaras didn't take it for granted. said the robot.

Tosh looked down at his hands, his face became serious, "It's you, save me, come back?"

"I'm glad to see you've finally let go of this spiked shell," Xekalas said.

"I've been, plotted against. Dark, voodoo..." Tosh said.

"In this universe, people call it the Force." Zekalas said, "I didn't save you, I don't have this ability. The one who saved you was Solar'a. Originally she was you back up for the operation, but before she's in place, you're in danger."

"I don't know this person." Tosh snorted coldly, "I was not notified before the action. This back-up is useless, even if it saves me."

"She is from the tribe of Sari'jal, a member of the Nerazim. Awoke voluntarily in resonance with my tribe," Zekharas said.

[PS: This protoss comes from "StarCraft: Ghost". 】

"I thought it would take hundreds of years for your protoss to come in handy," Tosh said.

"In order to rebuild our homeland and race, no protoss will refuse. Some powerful beings did not choose to wake up, and they all have their own reasons." Zekaras said, "Even now, our awakened tribe has reached 400 people , Protoss, is being reborn."

"Only, Nerazim, can save me, but I won't say, thank you." Tosh said.

"We saved you not because of your personal reasons, but because we have a common goal for the time being - the Galactic Republic." Zekaras said, "What happened to you on the Kona planet?"

"We were deceived by a false intelligence! That guy said that the Fourth Army of the Republic can directly raid the planet Semiles, and the time is a week later. But in fact, their fleet will set off the next day. Alright!" Tosh gritted his teeth.

"But the Republic Fleet can raid the planet Semiers. This information itself is correct. As far as I know, because of this information, Planet Semiers has a day to prepare for battle, so that it will not be unprepared. Raided under the circumstances,” Zekaras said.

"This is the strange thing about me!" Tosh's face darkened, "Information, only half, is true. But, it's also the same, the Ministry of Intelligence chose it, believe it!"

"Now the planet Semiles is in fierce battle, and the situation is irreconcilable. The intelligence department is now worried that the purpose of this information is to limit the power of the planet Dawn and the Confederation of Independent Galaxies to the planet Semiles, leaving no time for others. And now the Milky Way The Republic has launched a series of offensives in the eastern border of the galaxy, which also proves this." Zekalas said, "However, there is another deep meaning behind this, this is my hunch."

"Dark voodoo! Very powerful! It is this power that controls Cejas, this informant, and lets him pass on information. The conspiracy behind the planet Semiles is the dark side." Gabriel Tosh said , "It must be told, Governor Tang Xiao."

"Governor Tang Xiao recently went to the planet Karl to deal with the settlement of a new race, and he has no time to take care of him for the time being. Therefore, I will first pass this information to the Dawn Planet Intelligence Department, and then try to solve the mystery." Zekara S said.

"How do you want to crack this so-called mystery?" Gabriel Tosh still expressed his distrust of the Protoss.

"Here is what invades your mind, the force of the dark side." Zekalas raised his hand gracefully, only to see an instrument next to it slowly unfolding, and in the middle of the psionic magnetic field, a force that seemed to be constrained Something like black mist.

This thing is not much, only about the thickness of a pencil lead, swimming around in the psionic magnetic field as if alive.

"Can you catch voodoo?" Tosh frowned.

"For the original force, it is exactly the same as psionic energy. The research between the two has a lot in common. And our protoss' research on psionic energy is unmatched." Zekalas said.


Swish! !

Two blood-red sword lights intersected each other and cut down instantly, even leaving an afterimage of a cross star in the air! A Galactic Republic AT-XT biped walker was cut into pieces by this sword!

Asajj-Ventress showed a ferocious smile. Holding a blood-red cranked lightsaber in each hand, she directly rushed into the formation of the Republic army, as if entering no one's land!

Following her footsteps, a large number of B-1 combat robots and Semiers rushed up, launching a tidal assault on the Republic's position!

The Semirs here are quite different from the fully armed armored Legion. Most of them are wearing ordinary combat armor. They have almost no defense against blaster rifles, but they can effectively defend against shrapnel and melee combat. s damage. There are no remote-controlled weapon stations on their backs, just a powerful blaster machine gun in their hands.

But even so, fighting on their own home planet, the morale of these Semiers is high. They are not afraid of sacrifice and continue to launch attacks.

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