The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1327 Semiles Star Wars (6)

1327. Semiles Star Wars (6)

"Tsk tsk tsk... General Asajj-Ventress, General Ulu-Ulex." Admiral Trench stroked the chelicera at the corner of his mouth with one hand, and patted the pointer with the other hand, It is convenient to have six hands. He looked at the two dark Jedi knights in front of him and said, "Go separately, Xin Dalan City and Tortok City, and launch a counterattack... Tsk tsk tsk..."

He then said to Lieutenant General Dai Hongkui, "Lieutenant General Dai Hongkui, you lead the armored group and maneuver to respond, tsk tsk tsk... how many fighter jets are there?"

Thunbak-Tula said: "We Semiers are not suitable for flying fighter jets. If we search all the fighter jets, there should be more than 2,000 of them, all of which are vulture robot fighter jets."

"I will do my best to guarantee the air dominance in this battle, tsk tsk tsk... including, our entire fleet will also cooperate, tsk tsk tsk." Admiral Trench said.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" Asajj Ventress said coldly.

"I'm concentrating all my strength, tsk tsk tsk...for Count Dooku and Governor Tang Xiao." Trench said lightly.


boom! boom! boom! boom! !

A squadron of Y-wing bombers swooped low, dropping heavy bombs. The fireball, which was hundreds of meters high, spread instantly, and the ground was covered in a sea of ​​flames. The burning Semiers soldiers screamed and rolled around. Only the B-1 battle robots still took big strides while charging forward while using E- 5 blaster rifles fire wildly.

The 9-meter-high spherical body of the OG-9 Nest Spider combat machine moved forward slowly, and the upper and lower disc-shaped laser launchers continuously fired powerful green laser beams, shining on the Republic Army positions.

boom! boom! boom! ! High-explosive shells were constantly falling around, almost non-stop.

In the distance, the AT-TE walker and the AV-7 self-propelled artillery built a powerful artillery position, and the powerful heavy howitzer continuously poured powerful high-explosive shells.

In the sky, a large group of vulture robot fighters and V-19 torrent light fighters meleeed together, laser cannons and blaster cannons were constantly sweeping through the air, and the wreckage and debris of the falling fighter jets fell like raindrops.

Countless anti-aircraft missiles soared into the sky! Although the Semiers are unable to drive giant mechs and Wolverine anti-aircraft vehicles, they still obtained technology from Dawn Planet, and produced a large number of Hellfire long-range anti-aircraft missiles and Argent-V multi-functional anti-aircraft missiles, and passed Fixed anti-aircraft missile positions to provide anti-aircraft support.

At this time, an extremely bright turbo laser cannon flashed past, and then set off a terrifying explosion on the ground of one of the anti-aircraft missile positions! The flames of the explosion even converged into a mushroom cloud hundreds of meters high! In the distant sky, the huge triangular figure of the Cheerer-class assault landing ship loomed above the clouds.

But at the same time that the Cheers fired, another beam of laser light radiated down, causing violent ripples on the shield above the battleship, almost causing the shield to crumble.

In space, a Hieglar-class battlecruiser that had just fired at the Cheerer-class that had penetrated the atmosphere was hit by several consecutive main guns from the Jaeger-class behind it, and its shields had reached their limits. Immediately afterwards, thousands of V-19 fighters flew over to cover the ARC-170 heavy fighters and Y-wing bombers, and fired dozens of proton torpedoes at close range!

A large number of blue and white proton clouds exploded on the Higera-class ship, and the overwhelmed outer armor of the battleship finally cracked and shattered.

A huge explosion occurred in the internal structure, and after losing power, this huge 1009-meter battleship was flying very low, and was immediately captured by the planet's gravity and fell towards the ground.

While falling, a large number of escape pods were launched from both sides of the battleship, but more people had no chance to sit on it. The large flame formed by air friction burned everything around it to ashes!

The huge flat hull pierced the ground like a long sword, and a terrifying explosion erupted when it hit the ground! A tremor comparable to a magnitude 5 earthquake could be felt for several kilometers around, and the smoke and dust tens of meters high billowed and spread, leaving everything it passed in chaos. A town disappeared instantly under the impact of this giant ship!

A B-2 super combat robot's legs were blown apart, fell to the ground and rolled over, and the double-barreled blaster machine guns on its arms were still firing continuously. But in the next second, the rapidly spinning tracks rolled the semi-disabled robot underneath and crushed it to pieces.

A Scorpion tank galloped by at high speed, and the M-512 / 90mm caliber electric heat gun on the small remote control turret opened fire immediately after slightly adjusting the angle, and the rare alloy armor-piercing projectile instantly penetrated an AT-TE walking several kilometers away. The cockpit of the walker, the countless metal fragments stirred up cut all the people inside the walker to bloody flesh.

Two, three... More and more Scorpio tanks were moving forward at a fast speed. They didn't stop at all, they just focused on piercing a gap in the battle line of the Galactic Republic army!

A few kilometers behind the armored group, hundreds of thousands of B-1 battle robots, B-2 super battle robots, and Semiers fighters swarmed up, launching a full-scale battle on a front more than 40 kilometers long. attack!


"Separatism has launched a full-scale attack on our positions in Tortok City and New Dharan City!" On the Jaeger-class battlecruiser as the command center, the staff officer came over and reported eagerly.

Admiral Davis, commander of the Fourth Army Fleet of the Galactic Republic, looked solemnly. He turned on the communication, and two Jedi masters appeared in the holographic projection.

One was the grizzled but imposing Master Paulish-Radur, and the other was his apprentice and now Jedi Master werewolf, Master Wilf-Munn.

"The separatists have already started to act. As you expected, they can't be patient in our continuous strategic bombing. However, the pressure on our positions is still very high." Admiral Davis clicked on the console , share your screen with them.

I only saw that on the holographic combat map, the red dots representing separatism appeared densely, and they were still advancing, squeezing the blue dots representing the Republic, and the position in one of the areas had been broken through. According to the map As can be seen from the scale, the depth of the breakthrough has exceeded 10 kilometers!

In these two directions, there is a cheerer-class assault landing ship suspended in mid-air in each place, serving as the command center of the ground forces. With the continuous retreat of the Republic Army front, the cheerers in Tortok City and New Dharan City have begun to be attacked by separatist anti-aircraft missiles.

Once the Cheerers suffer too much damage and have to retreat, those ground troops will suffer catastrophe!

"This is their last madness, and our battle will also begin!" Master Radul said coldly.

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