1163. Spreading false rumors【Congratulations on the successful opening of the ***! 】

At first, the Galactic Republic didn't know where this mysterious mechanical race came from, what purpose it had, and even their names. It wasn't until later that during several battles between the two fleets, they intercepted some of the opponent's communications, and after careful deciphering, they found the word Geth that appeared repeatedly in the middle, and then realized that their opponents called themselves Geth.

After the first few encounters, the Galactic Republic's small local defense fleet was no match for the geth fleet, and many colonies and planets fell.

The number of Geth fleets is small, and the size of the warships is not large, but in fact, this is because their warships do not need to consider the life support system at all. The members inside are all mechanical entities, and even the battleship itself is a super mechanical entity. The degree of automation is extremely high, so the combat capability of a Geth warship of the same size is at least 5 times that of a Galactic Republic warship!

The first contact between the Galactic Republic and the Geth was after the fleet of the Interstellar Banking Association and the Fourth Group raided the planet Janfatar, and the battle was interrupted by the large-scale appearance of the Geth. After this, Jedi Master Sass-Tin, who led the Republic fleet, had a head-to-head confrontation with the geth.

But in that confrontation, because Sass-Ting was completely unfamiliar with the geth, and he had no idea that the geth would actually engage in conspiracy and tricks, so he was defeated.

However, since then, Sass-Ting has logically become an advisor to the Eighth Army of the Galactic Republic, fighting against the Geth full-time.

At the same time, discussions about the origins of the geth are ongoing in various departments of the Galactic Republic.

Through continuous hyperspace scanning, the Republic has roughly determined that there is a center for the activities of the Geth fleet, and this center is the northern border of the Milky Way, which is also the outermost planet of the Eighth Army's jurisdiction.

Then they tried to find this planet through gravitational waves, and wanted to get some information from it, but they searched the Milky Way star map and failed to find a planet that could correspond to gravitational waves.

This can only explain one answer - this planet is not on the star map!

So, did someone modify the star map, or is this an unknown planet? The jury is still out.

Regarding the source of the Geth, some scientists have suggested that the weapons and equipment of the Geth have very obvious imprints of insect bionics, and the remains of some Geth individuals found on the battlefield also show that this mechanical race is a Gestalt consciousness.

These scientists believe that the intelligence of each individual Geth is very limited and can only maintain basic actions, so they are the most likely to be Gestalt consciousness, that is to say, there is an intelligence on top of all Geth individuals The extremely high-level super AI dominates all of this.

And scientists are still studying the shape of these geth individuals. They believe that if this mechanical race has a creator, then the shape of the geth should be somewhat similar to their creator.

So what are the characteristics of the Geth shape? Anti-jointed feet, flexible limbs, and a flashlight-like head, Republic biologists and sociologists said that there has not been a race that fully matches this feature in the history of the galaxy.

So they speculated whether this could be some lost civilizations and races.

Some scientists then proposed that the geth were remnants of the Killik swarm! Killik swarm, although many people don't know the existence of this race, but the scientists of the Republic are very clear about it, and they have also conducted extensive research on the Killik swarm.

They know that the Killik swarm began to be active in the Milky Way 100,000 years ago, and they also know that the Killik swarm developed a very deformed and partial family, but at the same time it was also at a frighteningly high level of technology, until more than 10,000 years after the founding of the Galactic Republic Sometime ago, more than 35,000 years ago, it was completely extinct due to an unknown disaster.

Based on this judgment, it makes sense for them to think that the Geth is the legacy of the Killik Swarm. After all, the spaceships and equipment of the Geth are all insect bionic models, and the Geth's gestalt consciousness is also highly consistent with the Killik Swarm. . The level of technology displayed by the geth was also achieved by the Killik swarm back then.

As for the shape of the individual geth, that would also explain it. After all, there are countless ethnic groups in the Kilik swarm, and the members of each ethnic group have completely different shapes. Maybe one of the ethnic groups has such a shape?

Also, why does the Killik swarm, as an insect race that does not lack labor at all, still create this mechanical race? So maybe that's why they have to do it.

Then the scientists of the Galactic Republic began to use their unrestrained imagination, and came up with an explanation that they thought was reasonable——

More than 35,000 years ago, the Kilik swarm realized that they might face doom, so they created the geth, a mechanical race, in an attempt to let this race help them survive the doomsday.

Sadly though, the hitherto unexplained cataclysm still decimated the Killik swarm, but the geth survived.

They have a factory on an unknown planet at the edge of the galaxy that has been dormant for a hundred thousand years, and fell asleep due to the demise of the Killik swarm. Until recently, due to the outbreak of war, some explorers were flying all over the galaxy. Perhaps a group of them strayed into this planet and accidentally woke the geth from their slumber.

So the factory started running, the energy began to recover, and the shut down supercomputer began to restart, and the Geth returned to this galaxy!

But the geth found that this galaxy was completely alien. Strange races occupied the galaxy that once belonged to the Killik swarm and thrived here. And the program entered by the Killik swarm to the geth requires them to protect the swarm and rebuild the swarm, so the geth began to destroy the road!

And the war that is breaking out now also gives the geth an excellent opportunity! They took advantage of this war to rise again, established their own mechanical planet and industrial world, and began to challenge all living beings!

The stories made up by these scientists are so realistic that they believe it themselves. Some people even wrote a paper of more than 100,000 words and submitted it to the Supreme Strategic Command of the Republic. In the paper, they deeply analyzed the purpose and method of the Killik swarm to build the geth, and vowed that the ultimate goal of the geth The target must be the planet Alderaan!

Because the Alderaan planet is the birthplace of the Killik swarm.

If Tang Xiao had read this paper, he would have laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten up.

The existence and appearance of the geth, even he himself didn't think about how to explain it. As a result, the scientists of the Republic made up a whole set of stories on their own, and they made it up like the real thing, with context, details, and textual research. Reasonable, almost even he believed it.

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