The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1163: Storm in the North (1)

1162 : The Northern Territory (1)

Speaking of which, Tang Xiao had a relationship with the planet Ord-Mantel before.

When he was still practicing under Darth Plagueis, Plagueis once sent him to the planet Odd-Mantle to slaughter a casino.

But this time, Tang Xiao was not directly involved in what happened on the planet Ord-Mantel, he was on his way to the planet Korriban.

Speaking of which, the protagonist doesn't show up in more than a dozen chapters at every turn, and his life is pretty easy, isn't he? His pay will be deducted another day.

Here, it needs to be mentioned that there is no large-scale hyperspace channel passing through the northern region of the Milky Way. It is also because of this that although the northern region is not far from Coruscant on the plane star map, it is actually still a very remote star region compared to other places.

So although Ald-Mantel belongs to the middle ring, in the eyes of many people in the inner circle, this place is also similar to the outer ring.

There are two other places in the Milky Way that do not have large hyperspace channels, one is the unknown star field, and the other is the Hutt space. This actually shows that the Galactic Republic is actually a regime established on the basis of hyperspace channels. Or expansion is extremely dependent on hyperspace channels.

Apart from hyperspace navigation, they don't have any means of faster-than-light navigation, but from another perspective, since there is a safe and fast hyperspace channel, they really don't need to develop other means of faster-than-light navigation.

Traveling at the speed of light in other universes may encounter four peddlers, and may encounter high-dimensional demons, but in the Star Wars universe, there is really nothing in hyperspace, and the only danger in hyperspace channels is that you take risks and fly around. Then hit the mass projections of those stars...

It is true that occasionally some high-dimensional animals are active in hyperspace, but most of them don't bother to care about you.

Back on the Ord-Mantel planet, this is the confluence of two relatively large hyperspace waterway tributaries in the background—the Celanon Spur and the Entralla Route. , although the convenience of transportation is far from being compared with real transportation hubs such as Eriadu and Delong, it is already considered very good in the remote northern border.

After the outbreak of the war, the Great Republic Army of the Galactic Republic was established, and the Eighth Army was divided into the northern border of the galaxy. The Legion was established with the Pearl Star District as the core, and the command center of the Legion was established on the planet Ord-Mantel.

Because of this, the Eighth Army is also known as the 'Bright Jewel Command'.

Because the Eighth Army's jurisdiction also includes the Interstellar Banking Association and the Fourth Group, the political and military situation is relatively complicated, so the Eighth Army is also the larger one among the 20 legions.

The Eighth Army, the Ninth Army, and the Tenth Army together formed the Northern Campaign Sector Armies. The name is very prestigious, but when it comes to asking for supplies and support, it is always ranked at the bottom, and life is not easy. Fortunately, in the early days of the war, the Federation of Independent Galaxies was not active in this direction, and the Interstellar Banking Association and the Fourth Group were quite honest.

The fleet of the Eighth Army is not strong, but it has a powerful army, which is divided into three armies - the Delta Army, the Ypsilon Army and the Zeta Army. The governor of the Legion is a human noble from Coruscant , Fan Ke (Vanko).

However, it needs to be explained that although the command center of the Eighth Army is set up on the planet Ord-Mantel, they do not control the planet. There is a garrison area on the edge of Porter City.

And this garrison area is called the "white area" by the locals because of the white combat armor of the clone soldiers.

On the surface, Odd-Mantel declared neutrality, but in fact the separatist forces inside the planet were very strong. However, because the political power of the planet itself was transformed from a powerful gangster, and the interior is extremely complicated, the Eighth Army has no ability to straighten out this matter, and can only let it go.

The Ord-Mantel planet has become a very rare planet where the republic and separatism coexist.

However, since last year, the Eighth Army's jurisdiction has suddenly changed, and the entire area has become chaotic and full of danger!

Last year, they first raided the core circle, and then the Plague Titan battleship that broke out all the way swayed in their jurisdiction, causing great chaos, and then a more terrifying threat appeared——

Geth! ! !

This is a mechanical race. Their most obvious feature is the flashlight-like sensor, and the body uses bionic materials, which is very flexible.

Where the geth came from, and where their lairs are, no one knows.

I only know that since they appeared, they have been wreaking havoc in the northern region of the Milky Way, and they actually know how to proceed step by step. At first, they started from some remote colonies, then mining areas, and remote planets. During this process, their strength began to expand. , and then began to attack those relatively developed planets.

This ruthless race of machines is incredibly intelligent and brutal. After they invaded the planet, they would drive the people in the occupied area together, then puncture a steel needle four or five meters high, extract all the water, implant nanomachines, and turn these people into horrible corpse puppets!

Then, they will use the corpse puppets as cannon fodder to attack the big cities of the planet.

These terrifying corpse puppets often demoralized the local defense troops because of fear when they appeared, and then faced the attacks of regular geth troops, they were completely powerless to resist.

The geth didn't occupy any planets at the very beginning. After they destroyed some colonies, they would just take away the industrial equipment and some elite corpse puppets, leaving only a dead The ruins, and the ordinary corpse puppets all over the mountains and plains.

Afterwards, perhaps when the geth became stronger, they would begin to occupy some planets. But at the same time, they are only interested in the resource area and the industrial area. They will transform the industrial area into a factory that can produce their own machinery, and the resource area will continuously provide various resources.

As for the cities of these occupied planets, apart from the ruins, there are corpse puppets, and they are completely dead cities!

During the raging process, the Geth attacked almost indiscriminately. In addition to attacking the planets occupied by the Galactic Republic, they were also attacking the planets occupied by the Separatists, and they almost became a public nuisance in the entire northern region!

The number of their fleets is not large, but they are always elusive, and their flexibility and maneuverability are very high, making it impossible for the Republic fleet to seize the opportunity for a decisive battle.

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