The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1025 The Second Artifact

1024. The Second Artifact

Xerakas bowed to Darth Malthael in an unassuming manner, and then made a gesture of invitation to the cabin, his elegant voice appeared directly in Darth Malthael's mind, "Powerful and powerful Lord of Darkness, after a long period of investigation and comparison, we have roughly confirmed the scope of this artifact."

Darth Malthael nodded, followed Xerakas all the way to the cabin of the Protoss transport plane and sat down.

The Protoss transport is self-piloted by artificial intelligence, and since the Protoss population is extremely sparse, they make extensive use of artificial intelligence and automation.

It's just that, unlike the "Star Wars" universe, Protoss is very cautious about artificial intelligence. Although they will give these artificial intelligences extremely high computing power and temporary contingency handling capabilities in various situations, they will never allow Artificial intelligence has a consciousness of its own.

And because the Protoss does not need to speak the language of sound, the robots they make basically have no language ability, or strictly speaking, they do not have the language ability to communicate with other ordinary creatures.

Protoss robots basically use a machine language, which can contain a large amount of information in just a few syllables. Interestingly, this is somewhat similar to the robots in "Star Wars".

Only when the protoss are in a hurry, will they truly apply their infinite wisdom to artificial intelligence. This is the Purifier Project, a technology that combines the consciousness of the protoss templar with artificial intelligence.

This technology is also available in the mothership, but Tang Xiao regards it as one of the most dangerous technologies. Under normal circumstances, he is not willing to consider activating it. Of course, even if this technology is activated, the cost required is astronomical, and most importantly, it requires the cooperation of Protoss scientists, but these are not things that need to be considered now.

Darth Malthael found a seat and sat down. This transport plane has obviously been modified, and the interior space and decoration are much more comfortable, and it is very spacious.

"I hope you don't mind, powerful and dark lord." Xerakas said: "Although you have opened up the think tank of the Protoss for us, at present, with our equipment, we can only manufacture this relatively simple automatic flying machine .It was originally designed for our brave frontline fighters to quickly enter the battlefield, so comfort was not considered too much.”

Tang Xiao was not in a hurry to get to the point. Anyway, there was still time, so he began to chatter about homework, "The cooperation between you and the Geth seems to be pretty good, and you will be able to manufacture this 60-meter-level spaceship so soon."

"I have to remind you again that geth is a very dangerous existence. They will not obey anyone's control, so you can't really control them." Xerakas said, "However, geth is also true. They are really excellent, and with their cooperation, we have established an automated factory on the other side of the Delray II satellite."

"What can you produce now?" Darth Malthael asked.

Zerakas said: "It is mainly mechanical sentinels and mechanical interceptors. We only built such a transport aircraft. For the desolate planet Drey II, the mechanical sentries can already provide us with good support, because we You are the best fighter."

"Mechanical interceptor? The one used on your aircraft carrier?" Darth Malthael shook the protoss combat unit in his mind, and then figured out which one it was, isn't it the small aircraft on the aircraft carrier.

"That's right, this is a very efficient small combat machine. But to exert its maximum combat effectiveness, a flight control computing center is needed. Currently, they cannot exert their maximum power and can only provide us with basic defense. Means," Xerakas said.

"Interesting, send me a few later, and I will compare your interceptors with the vulture robot fighters we are currently using widely." Darth Masail said.

"As you wish," Xerakas said.

While they were chatting, the transport plane had already entered the hyperspace channel during autopilot, and entering hyperspace was very... Darth Malthael had to use the adjective 'silky'.

Protoss technology's mastery of hyperspace is obviously more profound than the current Milky Way, and the specific manifestations lie in these details. The dropship barely felt any vibrations as it jumped into and out of hyperspace.

Darth Malthael looked out of the porthole, a green and white planet appeared here, his eyes narrowed, "Taris planet..."

"Yes, the planet Taris." Xerakas said: "This planet is the fifth in this star system. It is far away from the stars, so the climate is relatively cold. But it has abundant natural resources, and , there are still a lot of traces of intelligent biological activities. Obviously, the degree of development of this planet is far from what it is now."

Darth Malthael clicked on the universal tool on his wrist, and called up the information of this planet, "Planet Taris, thousands of years ago, this planet was the trade center and transportation hub of the outer ring of the galaxy. It is the most important link of Hydia's hyperspace channel, with a population close to 100 billion at one time, and at that time, it was even called the 'Coruscant of the Outer Ring'."

He went on to say: "It's just that as the Corellian trade route was gradually discovered, the status of the planet Taris was gradually replaced, and many people left. In addition, during the Mandalorian War and the Sith War, Repeated scrambles also broke out on the planet Taris, which was once occupied by the Sith Empire, so this planet is no longer as prosperous as before. Now the population here is less than 1 billion."

"It's a very interesting history." Xerakas said very plainly. For the protoss with a lifespan of thousands of years, such rise and fall have long been commonplace.

"But I remember telling you that Moore's amulet is not here," said Darth Malthael.

Xerakas did not answer his question, but went on to say: "Mul's amulet has a history of more than 7,000 years. We have carefully studied the documents left by the Jedi covenant. They once pursued this amulet and for this reason. A lot of work has been done. This amulet was made by the first generation of Sith lord Thorzus-Sheen, but the function of the amulet is vaguely recorded. It only says that it can create an invincible army. Call it the Summoner of the Army of the Dead."

"So any clues?" Darth Malthael asked.

"The amulet has always been in the hands of a Sith Lord named Karness Muur, who is also the first generation of Sith Lord. I am also very interested in the history of Sith, but the records in this regard There are also very few, so I don't know what the first generation of Sith Lords means, but according to the documents of the Jedi Covenant, Kanis-Mur is a dangerous person." Xerakas said.

"Alas..." An old sigh came from behind Darth Malthael, and then the phantom of Lucian Drey slowly appeared, "Mul's amulet, this powerful telepathic race gives you What did you say?"

"Necessary information." Darth Malthael said flatly.

"Mul's amulet is an evil and powerful Sith artifact. It should be the public enemy of all intelligent creatures and should be completely destroyed!" said Lucian Del Rey, "I remind you again that this taboo thing should was destroyed."

The corners of Darth Malthael's mouth turned up slightly, "Then, I will be very happy to use this artifact to deal with the Galactic Republic and Darth Sidious."

"This artifact is very important, because it will allow us to conduct research on the 'channel'. Maybe it will reveal something deeper in the Force... and the relationship between the Force and psionic energy may also be revealed ’” Xerakas said.

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