The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1024 Waiting for Development

1023. Waiting for Development

Nosori, the leader of the Quarren, became the most dazzling star in this sudden civil war that started and ended suddenly.

Not only did he angrily reprimand the special envoys of the Galactic Republic and the Confederation of Independent Galaxies at the Planetary Council, telling them not to interfere in the internal affairs of the planet, but also when a civil war broke out afterwards, and both sides found foreign aid, he used his strong political capital and connections , to persuade the Galactic Republic and the Confederation of Independent Galaxies to withdraw their troops.

For this alone, this is the only contribution in the entire galaxy.

Looking at the entire galaxy, no one dared to say that they could do this, but Nosori did.

In fact, if you delve into the civil war on Planet Dak, you will find that there are many doubts, and the most unreasonable one is why the civil war broke out.

On this point, no matter what the Nossori and the Quarren do, it will be difficult to get rid of the charge of initiating a civil war.

But for such a thing, the wily Nosori came up with a plan. In this public relations plan, the reason why he led the Quarren to launch a civil war was because he was aware of Mina Thiers' conspiracy.

Tiers wants to collude with the Galactic Republic, control Prince Lee-Char, and expel the Quarren, which will lead to the attack of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In order to prevent the two sides from fighting on the planet Dak, Nossori was forced to launch a war. His purpose of launching the war was not to attack the Mon Calamari, but simply to capture Mina Thiers.

Then some members of Prince Lee Char's personal guard who were present at the time also stood up and testified. They proved that Mina Thiers had indeed had a dispute with the captain of the guard Jal Akbar. Only when the underage prince stepped onto the battlefield would the war inevitably lead to the abyss.

This sentence is really true, and Jar Akbar has no choice but to stand up and admit it.

So the context of this civil war became clear. It was all Mina Thiers' fault. It was he who colluded with the Republic to control Prince Lee Char. This behavior caused the invasion of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In order to correct his mistakes, Nossori had to take the initiative to provoke a civil war.

But by this time it was already a step too late. Tiers hid in Deep Coral City with Prince Lee Char as a hostage. Raider Riff - Tamson can take advantage of the opportunity.

Later, because of Liev Tamson's ambition, this civil war that was originally only on the side of the "Qing Emperor" got out of control, causing heavy casualties.

So in the end, if the pot is to be divided, Mina Thiers should bear the brunt and should be the chief war criminal; Liev Tamson conspired to seize the power of Planet Dak and split the second pot. As for Nosori, at most he made an impulsive mistake, just face the wall and think about it.

Then the special envoy of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, Aidra Ketis, noticed Reeve Tamson's betrayal in time, regained control of the robot army, and executed Reeve Tamson in public, which was regarded as equalizing the merits and demerits.

As for the Galactic Republic, colluding with Mina Thiers in an attempt to overthrow the regime on Planet Dak, inciting the confrontation between the Quarren and the Mon Calamari, and even conniving at Mina Tiers to form a pseudo-government in exile, should be firmly condemned .

So in this way, no matter how the Galactic Republic advertises, at least within the planet Dak, this war is so qualitative.

Mina Thiers is completely sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky. When she saw the news from Planet Dak, she almost spat blood on the screen. He became a traitor and the number one war criminal. No one could stand such a contrast.

In all fairness, she really never thought about controlling Prince Li-Char, but she also felt that Prince Li-Char was too young to accomplish anything, so she planned to teach him how to do things herself, but she didn't expect this to be Nosori attacked her handle!

And then, something even more ironic came...

Nossori sent a special envoy to the Council of the Galactic Republic, requesting to replace Mina Thiers as a representative of the planetary councilors, and asked for a thorough investigation of Mina Tiers' intention to provoke a civil war, and asked the Galactic Republic to She was extradited to the planet Dak.

After all, Nossori did not join the Confederation of Independent Galaxies. He still admitted that he was a member of the Galactic Republic, but remained neutral in the war.

This move almost made the Speaker of the Galactic Republic, Schiff Palpatine, unable to step down.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the planet Dak is already a planet close to separatism, but as long as they haven't pierced this layer of window paper, then they are still members of the Galactic Republic. According to the law, the Galactic Republic really has to accept them. of this requirement.

They even had to pinch their noses to allow the delegation sent by Nossori to join the parliament, even though they knew that the delegation was here to cause trouble.

But here lies the problem. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Mina Thiers is the one who is truly loyal to the Galactic Republic, but now according to the laws of the Galactic Republic, they must extradite Mina Tiers to Dak planet!

Politics, sometimes is so fun, but also so shameless.

As long as you have a shred of shame, you are not a qualified politician and cannot survive in the political arena of intrigue between countries and planets.

Therefore, Schiff Palpatine, while apparently agreeing to the extradition request of the Nossori government on the Dak planet, secretly found someone to send Mina Thiers out of Coruscant, and then announced that she had escaped.

So Mina Thiers was forced to leave Coruscant, and became a fugitive not publicly recognized by the Galactic Republic... The aggrieved heart in her heart could not be added, she even wanted to cry!


"Is this the answer you gave me? Your Excellency Tang Xiao." Earl Dooku said lightly.

Tang Xiao forked a piece of meat covered in delicious sauce and put it in his mouth, chewed it comfortably, and then swallowed it, then said with a long sigh of relief: "Sure enough, the food here is better than Earl Dooku's." ...Although the industry of Celenor Planet is not well developed, it is really rich."

"If you want, with the current strength of Dawn Star, you can easily enjoy food far better than this." Earl Dooku said.

"I don't have much personal property. If converted into credit points, it should not exceed 5 million." Tang Xiao said with a smile.

"This is because what you want has gone far beyond the scope of wealth." Earl Dooku replied very seriously.

"The status quo of Planet Dak is exactly what I want. Lord Death Angel, I am also satisfied with this." Tang Xiao picked up a towel and wiped his mouth before returning to the topic, "The national industry of Dawn Planet has passed the The official channel contacted Planet Dak, and construction of 500 super-pressurized hulls has already started in the deep-sea factory of Dak Planet-this is the supporting structure of the bow part of the Cole-class battlecruiser."

"This is a good move. Although we withdrew our troops from Planet Dak, Planet Dak is still serving us." Earl Dooku nodded in satisfaction.

"That's right, Planet Dak announced that this is a civilian project. It is true. After all, if the armor plate is not hung, these super-pressure hulls can be said to be used for civilian spacecraft-it just happens to be in the same shape as Cole. The Class Battlecruiser is just a bit of a match," Tang Xiao said.

Count Dooku stared deeply at Tang Xiao, and said, "Actually, one thing I am very curious about is what is the relationship between you and the dead angel? You and him seem to be very close. Of course, this may just be intuition."

"I've said it many times. Hego-Damask II created the Fourth Group, and I was the leader elected by the Fourth Group's colonial group at that time. Later, due to development needs, the Fourth Group and Dawn Star were divided. After that, I became the governor of the planet. You should be clear about the other identity of Hego-Damask II. The dead angel and I did know each other very early, but we didn’t meet many times " Tang Xiao said.

"Every time I see you, my instinct tells me that I'm facing a dangerous person..." Count Dooku narrowed his eyes.

Tang Xiao stretched out his wrist generously, "Do you still want to check my blood? Come on."

Count Dooku suddenly laughed, shook his head and said, "Hehehehe, is there a possibility that the Sith Lord has such a secret technique that can cover his own midi-plasma from being detected by the instrument?"

Tang Xiao also smiled and said: "I don't know anything about the original force. I'm afraid you have to ask the dead angel himself, or... Darth Sidious."

"Sidious has already started to be wary of me." Count Dooku didn't dwell too much on the previous topic, he leaned back on the back of the seat, and directly followed Tang Xiao's topic.

"This is inevitable. The war has progressed to this extent, and it is almost time to close the net." Tang Xiao said, "Dawn Star, after capturing the Eliadu galaxy, will fully turn on the defensive. Our purpose, Just live."

"Then, wait for the star fire that the dead angel said?" Earl Dooku's tone became a little cold.

"What he thinks, I don't know. But I know very well what I should do - survive." Tang Xiao said.

"Survive?" Earl Dooku took a sip of wine, "The fleet led by Master Yoda has arrived at the Kuna star cluster, right? All your power is already in the Eliadu galaxy, so now, you, Can you survive?"

Tang Xiao's expression became serious, "There is no room for loss in the strategy of the Eliadu galaxy. If the Eliadu galaxy cannot be guarded, there will be no strategic space in the battle zone of the Dawn star."

"But if there is a problem with the Kuna star cluster, then the Dawn star will be directly exposed to the attack range of the Republic. And I remember that in that area, the Ailu people have never been very honest." Earl Dooku thoughtfully Looking at Tang Xiao, he really wanted to know how the governor of the planet, who seemed to be inextricably linked with the dead angel, would react under such circumstances?

Sometimes, only at the critical moment of life and death can we see something that is usually hidden deeply.

Although an agreement has been reached in a certain sense with the Dead Angel, neither he, nor the Dead Angel, nor Tang Xiao, are far from being able to trust each other.

In other words, Sith, will not trust anyone.

Although Count Dooku is not an official Sith Lord, he is still learning and contacting the way of Sith.

The Dead Angel did promise to write him into the Sith Book and teach him the true ways of the Sith, but that can't be done now.

Because once the name of Earl Dooku appears in the Book of Sith, Darth Sidious will immediately know all of this through the dark inheritance, then the fact that Earl Dooku fell to the dead angel will also be He found out.

"Well, since this is the case, I can only hope that the preparations I have made, and the officials I choose can live up to my trust. If every time a crisis comes, we can only rely on strange tricks to turn things around, then this just shows that I'm usually not prepared enough." Tang Xiao said, "Then let the matter continue to develop."

"Dead Angel, will you help you?" Earl Dooku asked.

"I hope he will come, but I have already done everything I can do." Tang Xiao replied lightly.

"You talk as if you're about to let go."

Darth Masail opened his eyes and muttered to himself, "That's right, neither the Kuna star cluster nor the Eliadu galaxy is something I should interfere with. What a pity, Master Yoda ...Although I really want to meet with you for a while, it is better to save your sharp sword for killing Darth Sidious..."

He stood up from the altar, and this place was surprisingly still in the northern part of the Milky Way, on the island of Abola on the planet Murinster.

At the same time, 'Tang Xiao' was accepting Earl Dooku's invitation to have a drink and chat with him on Planet Serenno.

The most critical conversation at the banquet has passed, and next, he does not need to use the crude body link provided by the essence transfer technique to remotely control Tang Xiao's clone.

This is his new understanding of the art of immortality. Instead of transferring his consciousness as before, he can separate a part of his consciousness to remotely control a clone.

Through the link of the force, he can even control this clone simultaneously across tens of thousands of light years.

For him who is still playing two roles, this ability is indeed very useful.

At least now it proved that Earl Dooku couldn't see through his rough plastim clone. After all, Earl Dooku was a top-level swordsmanship master, but he was not good at the original force skills. Moreover, the secret techniques studied by these Sith Lords are by no means comprehensible to a half-baked dude like Dooku.

Darth Malthael didn't see any movement, he just saw his black cloak hanging on the side and flew over to put it on his body. He walked out of this secret lair, drove his own shuttle on the tarmac, vacated Then, it disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Soon, the shuttle left the hyperspace in an unknown barren galaxy, and here, there was already a flat and round spaceship covered in gold waiting.

This is the shuttle of Protoss!

Darth Malthael drove the spaceship into the open cabin of the protoss shuttle, opened the door, and a tall, thin protoss in Chinese clothes was waiting here very politely.

Xerakas, leader of the Sirak clan!

Behind him is Talim, the guardian of the Shirak tribe's temple! -

[Attachment 1 of the Easter Egg Chapter: Protoss' shuttle, well, it's the transport plane in the first generation of games. 】

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