Chapter 1004 Showdown

1003. Duel


Obi-Wan Kenobi held Green Betty's lightsaber, and he clearly felt the dark and chaotic force of the opponent.

Looking at this 'person' in front of him, this Jedi master who was once known for his agility and wisdom—Green Betty, now looks neither human nor ghost.

The combat uniform on her body was tattered and damaged everywhere. This was the result of her crazy attack regardless of her injuries. What flowed out of it was not blood, but black and smelly pus. Her skin was gray and rotten everywhere. It was a crack, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that she is now a corpse.

"Is this...the power of the dead angel?" Obi-Wan Kenobi's eyes were full of anger, "Playing with death, playing with life!"

"Roar!!" Green Betty rushed up again.

While resisting her insane attack, Obi-Wan Kenobi secretly made up his mind...

Dead Angel, must pay for this!

All around them, an intense firefight was going on. This direction is an industrial area that has been destroyed. The separatists have gathered tens of thousands of robots, with more than 5,000 Dag soldiers and more than 1,000 Fourth Civilization Army, trying to drive out the clone army.

Obi-Wan Kenobi led his 212th Assault Battalion and was struggling to hold off the opponent's offensive.

Green Betty's offensive became more and more crazy. Even though she had completely lost her mind now, the original force talent and swordsmanship that had already been carved into her body instinct still drove her to launch a crazy attack on the enemy in front of her.

Now there is only one voice left in her decayed and withered mind, constantly reminding her, kill this person in front of her, kill him! !

The look in Obi-Wan Kenobi's eyes became more and more sad, because he finally made up his mind to end the tragedy in front of him and set her free.

He suddenly made a feint, and Green Betty, who was completely unconscious, was directly deceived by his fake move and rushed to the side. However, Obi-Wan Kenobi seized the opportunity to stand on the wall beside him. He pointed his lightsaber obliquely, and said calmly, "Come up, Master Betty, and attack my high ground."

Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes, concentrating.

This is a basic skill in a lightsaber duel, and it can also be said to be common sense - when the opponent is at a high place, don't rashly use the force to jump to attack the opponent, because you have no way to dodge the opponent's attack in mid-air attack.

But Green Betty, or this walking dead who used to be Green Betty, doesn't have such common sense, she can only attack instinctively, whatever is convenient.

"Roar!!!" She let out a beastly roar, and sure enough, she used the Force to jump, jumped several meters, and rushed towards Obi-Wan!

She waved the blood-red lightsaber in mid-air, full of power, but at the same time, in the eyes of Obi-Wan, it was also full of flaws!

Obi-Wan Kenobi's eyes froze, and he used his lightsaber sword move like a swimming dragon. He cut off Green Betty's undefended left hand in a split second, and then took advantage of the momentum to chop off the rotten tree with his second sword. head! !

He looked down at the head with an extremely complicated expression, even the chaotic gunshots and explosions around him were far away, and there was only endless emotion and anger in his heart!

"General! General!!" A voice pulled him back to reality, it was the clone commander Cody, "There are too many separatists! We must retreat!"

He fired while talking, and several Dag soldiers who rushed to the front were immediately knocked down to the ground. One of them was still alive, rolling and screaming on the ground.

Obi-Wan Kenobi took one last deep look at Green Betty's body, then turned his head and followed Cody all the way out.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a sharp sense of crisis! He reacted instantly, dodged to the side suddenly, and gave way to the opposite direction again before he could get a firm foothold!

Almost at the same time, the place where he was standing before was hit by a shot, followed by the second shot where he first landed! This is not over yet, the third shot and the fourth shot followed one after another!

Only then did Obi-Wan raise his lightsaber to block the next bullets, and shouted loudly: "It's a sniper! Black Legion!"

Only the black army can have such terrible marksmanship! And, only that guy... the guy with the stuffed animal hanging on his combat uniform!

That guy is a pervert, Obi-Wan added in his mind, in every sense of the word.

"Be careful! Watch out for side attacks!" Cody shouted, and immediately several clone soldiers organized defense on the spot, and the blaster rifles frantically fired towards the direction of the sniper rifles. But Obi-Wan knew that the other party had already moved!

boom! boom! boom!

Gunshots kept ringing, and several clone troopers fell down immediately.

"We're ambushed!"

"Pay attention to concealment!"

Da da da! Da da da! Whoosh!

The clear gunshots of live ammunition weapons and the dull gunshots of blaster rifles are mixed together, and the battlefield suddenly becomes very complicated and extremely dangerous!

"They cut us off!" Cody said to Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"Master Green-Betty, it's just a decoy..." Obi-Wan looked serious, "They should have discovered her state, so...they treat her as a consumable!!"

Obi-Wan clenched his fists tightly, unable to hold back the anger in his heart any longer, he punched the ground hard.

"General, I'm afraid we have no other choice but to stand by and wait for help." Cody shook his head.

Obi-Wan Kenobi shook his head resolutely, and said: "No...the other party should have someone similar to Master Betty—Master Aiden Ward! They probably used the same trick on Lu Master Minara-Anduri! We must break through!"

The surrounding gunfire continued, but compared with the chaotic gunfire of the local army, the gunfire from the Fourth Army, which was launching a surprise attack, was more sparse but more rhythmic. Both speed and direction are so deadly and unpredictable.

Obi-Wan looked into the depths of the battlefield. It was almost dusk now. If it continued, after nightfall, the Fourth Legion, which put more emphasis on individual combat, would undoubtedly occupy a more favorable position.

Since the start of the war, in the battlefields of Pixel City, clone soldiers have often suffered from the Fourth Legion in street battles.

"Let's rush out! I'll deal with their leader!" After Obi-Wan Kenobi finished speaking, he picked up his lightsaber and rushed out from behind the cover!

The dense bullets hit immediately, and Obi-Wan kept using his lightsaber to block the bullets, while using the force to feel.

Among the bullets coming from all directions, there are a few of them that are the deadliest!

And this is the person he was looking for!

Justin Reeves! Fourth Army Commander!

boom! boom! boom! boom! Several bullets were fired in a row, Obi-Wan quickly dodged, and at the same time the lightsaber in his hand blocked all the other bullets. He clearly felt that these bullets were completely different!

These bullets were fired in the direction he was about to avoid! This is not the foreknowledge of the original force, it is pure intuition and experience honed on the battlefield!

bang bang bang! More bullets were fired at extremely tricky angles. Although Obi-Wan's footsteps were a little slower, he was still very firm. The distance between him and the opponent was getting closer and closer!

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