1002. road

"What did Octavian Grant say?" Palpatine asked.

"He thinks that unless we gather more than 10 times the fleet to attack, the Yago-Dur galaxy will always be in front of his 20th army." The chief of staff said.

"The Governor Grant I know is not such a person who gives up easily." Palpatine smiled slightly.

"The Jedi Master of the 20th Army, Sha Kong, also has the same opinion. The Yago-Dur galaxy does have natural obstacles, which are difficult to overcome." The chief of staff said.

"So, what is the opinion of the Supreme Strategic Command now?" Master Windu asked.

"Separatism has caused a hyperspace storm in the Eliadu galaxy. The main reason why the Eliadu galaxy is in danger now is this-we are not without power to reinforce, but we cannot. Currently, Master Obi-Wan Kenobi We are fighting fiercely against the separatism on the planet Marathal, but it will not help the situation in the Eliadu galaxy." The chief of staff said, "We think the only way is to open up a new front."

Palpatine snorted, seeming quite interested, "Oh~~ new front?"

"That's right, it can directly threaten the front of the Dawn star. According to our judgment, the Dawn star has already used most of its power in the direction of the Eliadu galaxy. If we can threaten their flanks, it may disrupt them. deployment," said the Chief of Staff.

"The direction of the Yago-Dur galaxy has been blocked, and the planet Marathal is also fighting fiercely. We have no other hyperspace channels that we can use to attack the Dawn star." Master Windu said.

"Well...there is indeed a channel to attack Dawn Star." Master Yoda said suddenly.

"Oh! Master Yoda, you must have a very insightful opinion." Schiff Palpatine clapped his hands and smiled, saying with great relief.

"Attack the dawn star, and pass through the hyperspace channel of the unknown star field." Master Yoda said.

"Unknown star field? This is too risky!" Master Windu was a little anxious, "The previous overseas exploration plan suffered heavy losses because of this! We can no longer take the risk of exploring the unknown star field during wartime."

"I have communicated with me about the hyperspace of the unknown star field, Master Jolus-Sebos." Master Yoda recalled with his crutches closed, "there are many completely different opinions about hyperspace and The Force. In-depth discussion, Master Cerbos and I have also."

"But to attack Dawn Star, a large-scale fleet is required. How can such a large-scale fleet pass through the unknown star field?" Master Windu asked.

"It's not necessary to go deep into the unknown star field. We can go to the Kuna star cluster through the edge." Master Yoda replied.

"The Kuna Star Cluster..." Master Windu frowned, "Indeed, the Dawn Star has been developing in the Kuna Star Cluster, and it is constantly absorbing pioneers and war refugees to go there. If it can threaten the Kuna Star Cluster, it is true. It can attract the attention of Dawn Star."

Schiff Palpatine was listening, his heart was full of joy, but he was very worried on the surface, "That is to say, do you have to go out in person? Master Yoda. Although I don't understand the Force, Jolu S-Curboth also told me that the Unknown Stars are full of dangers."

"That's the reason, I went there in person." Master Yoda said firmly.


At the same time, the planet Marathal.

After the influential Granite councilor Ainle-Tim returned to the Confederacy of Independent Systems and became the leader of the Ring faction, the morale of the Granites and Dags on the planet Marathal was also boosted.

Ainle-Tim delivered several important speeches on the planet Marathal, deeply analyzing the current status of the planet and the necessity of joining the Confederation of Independent Galaxies and rebelling against the Galactic Republic.

His return really gave the Gran people a reassurance, and because Mr. Tim's policy has always been to try to be as fair as possible between the Gran and the Dag, the Dag people basically He also recognized his leadership.

With the efforts of Senator Tim, the defeatist sentiment that had lingered on the planet before was also brought under control, and people once again saw the hope of the planet.

Earl Dooku finally agreed to send reinforcements to reinforce the battle on the Marathal planet. 20 Generosity-class communication frigates soon arrived in the outer space of the planet, escorting 2 Rookiehook-class battleships and 20 battery-class transport ships. , and brought 1.5 million combat robots.

At the same time, on the battlefield around the pixel city, the capital of the planet, the joint army composed of the Planetary Legion and the Army of the Fourth Civilization is also engaged in a bloody battle with the army of the Galactic Republic.

Xiao Guanghua commanded the coalition forces to continuously attack the army of the Galactic Republic. The battlefield was divided into the city's underground pipe network and the ground battlefield. However, unlike the battle that took place on the Eliadu satellite at the same time, Xiao Guanghua's In front of you, all clone troops of the Galactic Republic!

Facing the extremely elite clone soldiers, even the Army of the Fourth Civilization must pay a heavy price to compete with them. And the soldiers of the Grans and Dags can only fill with their lives!

Fortunately, they still have a large number of robot troops as cannon fodder, so that the casualties are reduced to an acceptable level.

As the most powerful elite force of the Fourth Civilization, the Fourth Legion is also struggling.

Under the leadership of Commander Justin Reeves, the Fourth Legion was like a hidden dagger, constantly attacking the clone army from the flanks, and also caused serious losses to the clone army. But the Fourth Legion was too small in number after all, and it was still unable to deal a decisive blow to the clone troopers.

Shi Aimin, who claims to be Captain Liming, takes the lead every time and fights at the forefront.

He has fought against the Jedi Knights of the Republic many times. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luminara Anduli have fought against him several times. It seems unreliable for this, but it is tough in real fights They are also incomparably amazed by the incomparable humanoid warriors.

hum! hum! hum! ! The two lightsabers swung at high speed and collided continuously, making a buzzing sound of energy fluctuations.

Light sabers, one blue and one red.

After the two figures exchanged more than ten moves in an instant, they separated abruptly. Obi-Wan Kenobi adjusted his breath slightly and recovered his state. Then he rubbed his fingers together to form a sword pointing forward, posing the third sword technique Soletsu's sword With a dignified expression, "Master Green Betty, I didn't expect you to come to this point in the end..."

"Hey..." The Bothan Jedi Master in front of her let out a beastly roar, and she couldn't speak anymore.

In the next second, Green Betty's eyes were filled with golden light, and she roared and rushed up again brandishing her lightsaber, "Roar~~~!!!!"

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