The only thing Stryker can be sure of is that the enemies are very powerful and there are a lot of them, and they probably won't last a few hours in this ragged nest.

The tracked vehicle was designed to crawl smoothly on the rugged terrain. Now the hedgehog drives very fast, and both of them are shaking in the cab.

"The governor was so easy when he died, he threw the **** mess at me."

Thinking about it, Stryker stood up.

About half an hour ago, the Governor of Adissac, who had lost all retreat, used a global broadcast to announce the transfer of the title of Governor and all powers of the planet to the highest military commander of the Plague Star, Strei Colonel Ke then activated the preset bomb and committed suicide.

There was a dusty wind blowing from the outside of the car, sweeping the sun visor in front, and the last beam of light had fallen behind them, and there was only pitch black in front.

Stryker grabbed his headband and took it off. He was a little out of breath and needed to calm down.

However, those terrifying pictures continued to appear in his mind.

He couldn't even describe the horror of the things he saw, were they monsters or demons?

But now, the only thing he can do is to immediately gather everyone in the Katachan 183 regiment, as well as those who can still fight. He does not intend to continue to defend Attica, it has become a dead place.

A simple strategic plan began to form in his mind-to preserve the vitality as much as possible, use the complex terrain of the platoon star to deal with the enemy until the imperial reinforcements arrive.

And this is exactly what their Katachans do best.

In the next hour, Stryker worked hard to retrieve most of the 183 group. The original configuration of 800 people now only has more than 600 people left.

And most of the mortal garrisons had been defeated, and Stryker no longer wasted effort to gather them.

It is cruel to say, but it is very realistic. If you bring too many oil bottles, the 183 regiment is likely to be annihilated in Attica, and the entire platoon star will inevitably fall.

Therefore, Stryker must give up the nest city, and everyone in it.

They began to retreat to the swamp outside the city, passed through the outlying buildings of Chaodu, washed off the embankment, and passed through a concrete fortification on a six-lane highway.

The driveway was full of wreckage of vehicles, huge oil tanks were burning with raging flames, and under the traffic signs shattered by the explosion but still flashing with speed limits and directions, Stryker urged the brawny to move on.

The dome of the nest is still rumbling, but Stryker will never look back.

To go to the swamp area, they must pass through a large area of ​​workers' residential areas. Signs in the corridors of these residential areas are also engraved with slogans that encourage the workers to accomplish their work goals and praise the emperor.

They didn't see the enemy, but

Residential halls and corridors are full of dead bodies, broken glass and broken plastic all over the ground.

There was a fire in some areas, and the air was filled with floating cinders, which looked like incandescent snow.

There are also flies, those dark, plump flies.

The flies are buzzing, and the radio communication is now deafening like a firefight. Some kind of psionic phenomenon effectively cut off any support or everything else.

"What's the progress of the grandiose barge fleet now?"

Hearing Stryker's voice, the correspondent pressed the communication bead and replied:

"They have basically evacuated. According to your plan, sir, the floating barge team is now concentrating on the Olympus foothill camp, but the psychic power is destroying the planet's navigation system, and no one knows how much it can reach in the end. "

Colonel Stryker raised his head and looked at the purple, corrosive turbulence in the sky.

There is no doubt that regardless of the plane, you will lose your sense of direction in this nightmare storm.

Being so close to the chaotic power made the colonel's own sense of rotation and balance lost.

He felt nauseous, throbbing pain in his temples, and goose bumps.

Along the way, more than ten people have had nosebleeds, and a few others are convulsing and vomiting. Obviously, there is only a dead end to stay in the nest. Stryker's plan has been proven to be absolutely correct.

Now they are almost out of this area.

"Smelly pigs, be careful!"

Stryker growled in a suppressed voice:

"We are still in the nest of hell!"

The 183rd Katachan jungle warrior regiment passed through the buzzing cloud of flies and walked along a corridor full of broken plastic and confetti.

Suddenly, something seemed to explode a kilometer away, and the shock wave shook the ground.

Stryker walked to the corner of the hall and motioned for his soldiers to come over. The hedgehog behind him was driving flies while murmuring some imperial prayers.

This may be the oath of allegiance to the emperor he learned in his hometown.


This was once someone's home, and Stryker suddenly thought of this cruel fact.

Once, in this noisy old-fashioned high-rise building, in this noisy old corridor, hard-working and humble workers returned from the factory to cook shabby meals for their tired children.


He pointed to the stairwell.

"You check over there."

The hedgehog wiped his mouth and stretched his like a pianist preparing to play, and then took out the thermal imaging night vision that he used when hunting in the jungle of his hometown.

Through the night vision goggles, he scanned this area carefully.

"Sir, nothing unusual was found."


So they proceeded cautiously, covering each other, and walking forward along the broken stairs that were blown up.

While walking, Stryker noticed a corpse on the ground. The head of the man had been knocked out in half and he was still holding a frying spoon in his hand.

The colonel sighed.

Walk into another corridor.

There is a burning smell of human flesh here,

Stryker walked along a wall, watching the **** and broken furniture all over the ruins.

Looking towards the wall, under a pile of chaotic signs smeared with black paint, dolls and children's toys were nailed to the wall.

Stryker stared at the dolls nailed to the wall, and his heart burst into flames.

He can think of how many families and friends have lost their children forever.


Suddenly, Stryker noticed a detail, a detail that shouldn't be in a doll toy.

The next moment, he realized with horror that these dolls are not all children's toys——

"I'm **** the chaotic trash of his **** mother!"

Stryker couldn't help snarling anymore, and the other Katachan fighters were taken aback.

They had never seen the leader in such an angry shape, like a Katachan demon whose egg had been stolen.

However, the colonel did not explain much, but led the soldiers to quickly traverse this world of purgatory, from the wall on the edge of the city into the perilous jungle, and they are the only survivors of the entire Attica.

Like the emperor’s angel of death, please collect it: () The emperor’s angel of death has the fastest update speed.

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