The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 897: Brave man

Mahmadu knows what kind of world this is, and for him who is edified and immersed in the way of war and killing, it is a dead world.

It is empty, barren, and ugly.

Nothing should stay here. Anything that exists here is suffering.

But be patient.

At present, the empire is still fighting.

Attica's disk dome is divided into five areas in total, each area has a wall, and is attached to a defensive tower, and guns are installed on the high spire platform.

However, these tiny defensive weapons quickly turned into burning ruins under the bombardment of Thunder Eagle and Chaos Fighter.

Some gunmen stood on the adjacent parapet—they could not be called soldiers at all, just citizens who took up arms.

They were protected by a heavy shield, struggling to aim at the target in the strong wind. The Terminators had already begun to attack the wall, strode out of the names of the howling dark gods, and dismissed the blow of the bullet.

Mahmadou walked to a corner of the retaining wall, where there was a crack. He saw the outlines of soldiers running through the passage or squatting behind the bunker, like small particles all over the blood vessels.

Few Legions are better at discovering weaknesses in defenses and how to use them than Iron Warriors.

When the others came to attract the fire according to the tactical arrangement, Mahamadou walked to the wall, stretched out his handguards, and stuffed a hot melt bomb in a small gap between the steel plates.

With a bang, a burst of end-guard walls instantly collapsed and fell off, exposing a light-filled cavity.

The guards saw what Mahamadu was doing and hurried to stop him, but it was too late.

The steel warrior crossed the gap, like a nightmare, rushing out of the churning dust.

He drew his pistol, every shot hit the target.

A man fell down after being hit, rolling on the ground, spitting out his trachea.

He pushed into the depths unstoppably, chopped down those who were too close with the chainsaw sword, and kept firing his pistol.

On the other hand, his brothers continued to kill further away, using their power gloves to break the bunker and tear the enemy apart.

Mahmadu didn't care that he was out of touch with the army, he didn't think there was anything that could threaten him.

"For the emperor! Die to heresy!!"

A man rushed towards Mahamadu with a rifle with a bayonet inserted, screaming that the emperor would protect this and that.

Mahamadu only glanced at him-around 35 years old, malnourished, and then shot him in the chest.

The man's abdomen burst open, twisting, pinching his neck with stiff fingers.

The steel warrior broke through the shaky door at the end of the corridor, broke into an open inner courtyard, and saw the whole place in a mess.

There was a big fire burning here, exuding an unnatural stench, the fire was out of control, and the steel warriors rushed through the hastily built fortifications single-handedly, opened the roadblocks, and chopped down those who were still brave enough to resist.

The mortals are now hurriedly retreating towards the retaining wall to the north, and the comrades in the distance are covering them with laser firepower.

They ran frantically, at least for those who could still run.

"Run! Scream! Pray to your false emperor!"

Mahamadu, who was slaughtering, heard a loud, hoarse noise.

He turned around and saw a five-meter-high large crawler device, equipped with huge tires, a thick windshield, and the engine roared, increasing the throttle and rushing, only a few meters away from him.

The steel warrior raised his hand and fired at it. As a result, it turned suddenly, making a sharp rubbing sound, and the bullets scratched the barriers on both sides.

The car was very unstable, too fast for its bulky size, and almost overturned.

Mahmadou laughed and continued shooting.

The tracked vehicle began to skid in the dust, and the person driving it was trying to turn its forward direction to the opposite gate. It still maintained its structure, but was burning violently, and it was obvious that it was seriously injured.

Just when Mahamadu thought the other party was about to escape, the tracked vehicle suddenly drifted in an unbelievable posture, ran over the corpse and ruins on the ground, and directly hit him on the side.


It was as powerful as Astarte, and had to fly out under such a huge force.

Mahmadou felt the world go round and round, and when it took him two seconds to wake up, he was buried in a pile of rubbish.

And the moment he raised his head, he saw a tall figure jumping from the tracked vehicle-he even thought it was an interstellar warrior at first.


After landing, the brawny man's footsteps did not stop, the explosive gun he was holding in his arms roared and spit out bullets, banging clusters of sparks on the armor of the steel warrior.

His speed is also very fast, and he rushes in front of Astart in the blink of an eye.

The steel warrior, struggling to free himself from the ruins, dropped his pistol and raised his chainsaw sword.

The two sides will soon be forced to engage in a close death fight. At this distance, only a sword is enough to kill the brawny man. However, in order to kill him, Astarte needs to hit him first.

When he saw the opponent throw a few grenades at his feet, the Iron Warrior retreated subconsciously. He didn't intend to die with a mortal, even if he was only likely to be injured.

But those hand grenades never exploded.

A scam.

Suddenly, several shells fired from above the tracked vehicle hit the knees of the heresy Astarte, forcing him to bend down.

"Gan your mother!!!"

The brawny man shouted loudly and ran into and threw him to the ground in a ball of sparks.

Considering the weight of an Astarte wearing a power armor, many eyes were stunned by this scene.

The moment the opponent fell, the strong man used the explosive gun against the eight-pointed star on the chest of the interstellar soldier, and fired violently at zero distance.

The steel warrior struggling to stretch out his fist, but unexpectedly smashed a hole.

Afterwards, a lot of blood spewed out from the shattered armor. The moment the bullet was finished, the man took out a wide-bladed war knife and aimed it at the gap between the fallen Astarte’s neck and mobilized his entire body to stab it down. .

That weapon cut through the power cables and bionic muscle fibers splashed by sparks, submerged in flesh and blood, and chopped off the bones.

Until his death, Mahamadu did not expect that he would be killed by a mortal.

"Colonel Stryker! We have to retreat quickly!"

After closing the ghost door, Stryker spat at the corpse of the Chaos Star Warrior on the ground, and then rushed to the tracked vehicle.

Hedgehog was driving a tracked car. There were more than a dozen Katachan fighters in the car, but everyone was injured.

"I got a big fuck! Boss, you're so **** up, you killed a heretical star warrior!!! The star warrior!!!"

The hedgehog's voice was trembling when he spoke, and his hands held the steering wheel tightly.

"I don't care what I killed now, I just want to know what is going on?"

Stryker trembled violently, uncomfortable all over-since they first saw the demons from the parapet.

Three hours ago, the attack suddenly came, and the huge fleet was packed with the small orbit of the platoon star.

And they don't even know the true identity of the enemy.

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