Chapter 13: Don’t stop it

Seeing her husband speak warmly, Yuan yelled out of control, "Huh?!"

Wen Huan knelt on the ground and pretended to cry. He put down his hands and stood up excitedly. He grinned so widely that he almost laughed out loud.

Wen Yu looked at his father steadily, then rolled his eyes, fell to the ground with a bang, and fainted.

“…” Wen Qian was already dumbfounded before he lowered his raised hand.

 He never thought that he would be so impulsive!

 Who is he? Intelligent, elegant and determined. Have ability, style and structure.

 What is his identity? He is the eldest son, his father, and the third-rank official of the imperial court who is about to take office. He will stand in front of the emperor early!

How could you do something like beating someone?

 The one who beat him was his eldest daughter...

"...Husband!" Yuan's voice was dry. She was not as happy as Wen Huan. Things were out of control, which was not necessarily a good thing!

Wen Huan didn't care about anything. Looking at Wen Yu, he wanted to go up and make up for himself!

 Yes, she should have been beaten a long time ago!

Wen Qian regained consciousness and was sweating all over his back.

 If word of this gets out... what will others say?

 How will he use it when his father comes back and finds out...?

He didn't look to see what happened to Wen Yu on the ground. Instead, he pointed at the baggage that Wen Yu had left behind, and said with a cold face and a deep and hard voice: "Wen Huan, is this the gift you bought?"

This is the first time that I have been called by my father by his first and last name!

Wen Huan was stunned for a moment. She was immediately embarrassed and annoyed. Her face turned red and tears welled up. This time, she really cried...

Yuan still said softly: "Husband, it is true that Huanhuan did not handle this matter properly. After a while, I will ask you carefully. If she is wrong, I will punish her severely! It's just that …Don’t you know that this girl cares about your favor the most and is even jealous of your younger brother!”

Wen Qian’s expression remained unchanged, obviously not convinced.

Yuan hurriedly walked over and raised Wen Yu, "Sister Yu, get up! No matter what the reason is, your father should not take action. This is his fault. But he is your father after all! Be good and give it to your father. Let’s save some face, okay? Everyone knows that it’s not good for people to laugh at us! Come on, get up... let’s talk properly.”

 I pulled for a long time, but the **** the ground did not move.

Wen Qian was very confused, "She...she fainted? It can't be broken, right? Go and call a doctor!"

"Husband, we will call the doctor as soon as we get back...this..." Yuan was still holding Wen Yu's arm, obviously not planning to go.

“What’s the matter?! Just watch her lying here like this? Or carry her back to the room like this?!” Wen Qian got angry again.

 Her husband has never spoken to her like this!

Yuan has been pampered for many years and has her own temper. She almost screamed: "She is just pretending. Can't you tell?"

 If she wants to lie down, let her lie down!

 Get up when you’ve had enough lying down!

 Call doctor, she is even more energetic!

 But she couldn’t say it…

Wen Huan added to her mother in dissatisfaction: "Dad, you didn't use any force, how could you knock her out?! She was just pretending! Okay, let's learn how to do that like a country woman who cried, fussed, and hanged herself! Pretend to be dead! Ah!?" She raised her chin and spoke softly with her eyes.

The daughter he valued the most looked mean and bitter at the moment, and Wen Qianxin was even more confused. Why was she more like a country woman than Wen Yu? ! Their thoughts were a little confused, but more importantly they were impatient: Neither of them could handle such a trivial matter well, so they got into this trouble for nothing...

  I simply don’t know what it means!

 “Okay! Stop talking! Go call the doctor quickly!” He said firmly.

Wen Huan was dissatisfied and wanted to talk. Yuan pulled her and the two of them walked out.

The two teenagers in the room kept watching, dumbfounded for a long time, and then followed out nervously.

 Wen Qian looked at the woman on the ground, eyes closed, describing her gracefully.

 Can't help but think of her mother...

 “If you don’t want it, just be tough and stop it...” This is talking about him!

 At that time, he was deeply in love with Yuan Xijun, but he did not dare to tell his family was difficult to do it!

 His marriage was arranged by his father.

 In this matter, my mother did not make any trouble with my father for some reason. Seeing that Chen was doing well in all aspects, she did not object anymore.

His father arranged for him to meet Mrs. Chen. He secretly made a bad face to Mrs. Chen, looking extremely reluctant, just to let her retreat in the face of difficulties.

 Unexpectedly, that silly woman is usually surrounded by compliments and flattery. Seeing that the handsome man in front of her treated her differently, he nodded happily.

He had no choice but to tell his mother that he didn't like it, but her mother didn't help him. What's more, even if she doesn't get along with the Chen family, she still can't marry Ajun, because my mother also has someone she likes...

 He is destined not to marry Ajun.

 Parental conflicts, filial piety, and the future of the Wen family are all weighed down by many mountains! I don't want to, but I have to marry Chen.

 It’s a pity that I didn’t have much leverage by marrying her. The Chen family was also implicated in the deposed crown prince. In the end, she ended up...

The only blame is that I chose the wrong person!

 He can't even remember that woman's voice and smile now. The few times I came back before, this girl seemed a bit like her in her well-behaved and pleasing appearance...

 Over the years, his official career has been going smoothly.

 In life, I fall in love with Ajun.

Ah Jun gave him children, took care of his life, and socialized with others. Everything was remarkable. He also gave her the greatest dignity: no concubines by his side.

 He resisted Wen Yu from the bottom of his heart. She represented his former helplessness.

 Now, look at her on the ground.

 “Who is serving the eldest girl!?” he asked, raising his voice.

 Hong Xingqi walked in, only to find her girl lying on the ground. "Girl..." She was startled and took two steps there.

Wen Qian snorted and she quickly knelt down.

"Go out and find someone to put her up on the roof." He pointed to the roof under the window.

Hongxing got up quickly and called a woman at the door. The two of them worked together to lift Wen Yu up.

Hongxing looked at it and saw that half of the girl's face was swollen, "Ah?! Sir, did the girl's face fall?"

Wen Qian looked at it with some guilt and found that it was indeed swollen. His face was as white as porcelain, with half of it red and swollen. I even regret my heavy hand...

We haven’t seen each other for more than two years. Is this the coming-of-age gift I gave her? I couldn't help but smile bitterly, why are you so impulsive and unable to control your temper? !

 He has very high requirements for himself. This time he comes to Beijing, which means he has stepped onto the steps to the top. I'm making steady progress step by step, and it's no problem to join the cabinet in the future.

 After years of hard study and years of running around, a great future beckoned to him. But today, such a gaffe...

 Fifteen...he was thinking about it in his mind.

Not long after, a doctor who was familiar with the mansion came.

 Seeing Wen Yu who was unconscious, he was also a little surprised.

He checked his pulse and pondered for a moment. I don’t know what to say to a man.

 “Doctor Gao, don’t be cautious, just tell the truth.”

"Girl...there is something wrong with the liver qi, gastrointestinal tract, and even the lung meridian. It seems that she has been thinking too deeply and is suffering from sadness. She is so young..." This should not be the pulse pattern.

It would not be a good thing to hear if this word got out!

"Oh, a few days ago it was her biological mother's memorial day. The old lady said that there was something wrong with her being sad." Wen Qian compiled a reason.

 This is quite reasonable.

"Oh, that's right... At present, it's not difficult to take some medicine to treat her. However, the elders in the family need to pay more attention, and the sisters need to be more tolerant. She will get better faster."

Wen Qian was a little embarrassed, "Then her fainting is..."

"... Anger attacks the heart, and lack of rest may cause fainting. Acupuncture can relieve the symptoms. However, there are differences between men and women, and acupuncture is inconvenient. Sir, don't worry, just observe. If you really can't wake up. , Let me tell you again, I will ask my fellow junior sister to come over, that’s all.”

 Actually, what I said is clear, there are accumulated losses, but it’s nothing serious…


The doctor prescribed a prescription, and Wen Qian asked Hongxing to follow him to get the medicine.

Facing his daughter with her eyes closed, Wen Qian was also a little helpless.

 What should I do if I know she is faking it?

 He winked when he went out, and his men guarded the door from a distance.

There was no one in the room, so Wen Qian whispered: "Okay. You don't have to pretend anymore! If anything happens, just get up and talk."

 (End of this chapter)

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