The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 12: get slapped in the mouth

Chapter 12 Getting a slap in the face

Wen Huan is the proudest person. He would not give in to his younger brother in normal times, let alone face Wen Yu in front of him?

She glared at Wen Yu fiercely, arrogant and tough, and her meaning was obvious: Yes, I did that, what can you do to me? !

Wen Yu ignored them and continued: "Of these handkerchiefs, only this one has holes cut out, and can barely be used. And these... I'm afraid they are those village women who, during their leisure time, I just do it to make a living. Oh, five big bucks is a lot!"

Seeing that Wen Huan refused to admit his mistake, Yuan could only turn to Wen Yu: "Sister Yu, your sister also has good intentions. These are some local specialties under your father's jurisdiction. If you think they are not valuable... look back, I Looking for a few..."

Wen Yu smiled and ignored her, only looking at Wen Qian.

"You..." Wen Huan understood what Wen Yu meant. Did she want her father to make the decision for her? Oh, so she cried to Wen Qian first, "Dad, mother is right, this is your specialty! Also, this piece is broken, it must be the carelessness of the person who bought it. Sister, she doesn’t understand clearly and talks about her daughter indiscriminately..."

"Wen Yu, what are you doing?!" Wen Qian became angry and got angry at Wen Yu, "She is your sister. Before we found out what was going on, you came up and accused her with this face! You are so kind Education!”

Wen Yu looked at him quietly, her eyes were like a thousand-year-old well, without any ripples.

 I am not well educated...but have you ever educated me?

 Wen Huan has a shallow temperament, is stingy, and has a dark heart. You taught her, but what a good upbringing! ?

"Father..." Wen Yu finished, and her eye circles suddenly turned red... "My daughter has been looking forward to her father for many years. I heard that you have been promoted and that you are coming back. I don't know how happy I am!"

She said with a sincere and heartbroken gesture, "...You said you brought your daughter a gift, and she opened it with joy. But this is what happened!" She pointed to the tatters on the table.

“You are the person closest to my daughter. My daughter is heartbroken and wronged. If you don’t make the decision, it’s because your daughter is uneducated!?”

At this moment, Mrs. Yuan blushed even more and felt guilty. She couldn't help but secretly blame herself. She didn't know that her daughter had this intention and didn't check it in advance...

 You can bully Wen Yu, suppress her, or even trap her, but this is not the way! Although he was anxious, he did not answer the question. Instead, he looked at his husband with a hint of embarrassment.

There are no outsiders in this house, so the husband makes all the decisions for her!

“You are full of resentment when you come up, and you still want me to make the decision? I think you are neither old nor young, and you are unfilial and disloyal!” As expected, the man slapped the table and became angry.

 “Father!” Wen Huan also became enlightened when he saw his mother’s appearance.

He knelt down directly and said, "It's all my fault that my daughter didn't understand: what my sister wants is expensive jewelry! Let her's all my fault, daddy...don't scold my sister! Don't blame her!"

She covered her face with her handkerchief, smiled sarcastically at Wen Yu, and continued: "Also, I blame my daughter for being careless. After they finished shopping, my daughter didn't check it carefully. She was really careless. The things that dad gave to her, My daughter didn't do a good job..." She cried when she wanted to, and she didn't hesitate.

 Wen Qian looked at Wen Huan who was kneeling and crying... She should obviously be his eldest daughter. As a result, she turned into a second daughter.

  Deep down, there is still such an unbearable life experience.

 What if the news is leaked, how will she deal with her life?

 For a moment, my heart was filled with guilt...

It's all my fault that I didn't have the ability or courage to insist on what I wanted... He turned to his eldest daughter with a gloomy face.

Wen Yu finished speaking excitedly, but his expression returned to calm and indifferent.

As if it had nothing to do with her, watching the mother and daughter's performance, the two brothers watched nervously... It's okay, let them see it too!

 How did she become like this? ! Wen Qian pointed his slender finger at Wen Yu: "Huanhuan gave you something with good intentions. You don't appreciate it, but you hurt her heart by saying these words! How could I, Wen Qian, have such an ignorant daughter like you?!"

Wen Yu thought to himself: This is exactly what he said in the previous life: Then I, Wen Qian, will no longer have a daughter like you!

 Haha, it seems that he has never wanted to have a daughter like me!

"Father..." Wen Yu looked at him with distant eyes, and the reverence in the past was gone. He just said the truth simply, "The life that a father gives to his daughter is the greatest gift! Whether or not to give a gift, what kind of gift to give... The daughter can only be grateful and will not have any resentment. Now, what the daughter is saying is that Wen Huan did something wrong. !”

She didn't even bother to call her sister and pointed at the rags on the table...

“Should such a gift be given only to my daughter, or should it also be given to other sisters?”

Wen Qian was immediately asked.

"If it is only given to the daughter, it means that Wen Huan has deep thoughts and is trying to instigate the relationship between father and daughter to break up. If it is given to other sisters, they are also such shabby children... My father has not returned to the house for two years, and he has been promoted to the capital. Who are you planning to do with this? Aren’t you afraid of losing the face of our head?” Wen Yu slightly raised his chin, straightened his body, and spoke righteously!

 The eldest daughter’s style is very good!

"I...I didn't! You're talking nonsense! You wronged me..." Wen Huan shouted before he could get up. Maybe she was too angry and anxious, and her voice was shrill and harsh.

Yuan Shi glanced at her daughter quickly and sighed in her heart: This girl is not careful in doing things and handles things inappropriately.

 You look pretty good on weekdays, but why do you act like this when something happens?

 Fortunately, I discovered it under such circumstances... I still need to teach him!

"Father, Wen Huan said that this was a gift she personally selected. But just now, she said that she was not aware and allowed her subordinates to take advantage of the loophole. It is so inconsistent! Could it be that this is how she learned to follow her father? of?!"

 The momentum of Wen Yu’s words made Wen Qian’s heart beat and his mind also started to beat...

"Even if she didn't do it intentionally, she was deceived by others..." She smiled coldly, "Master Huang's handkerchief can be sold for up to twenty taels of silver. Wen Huan was so easily sold on a large purchase of silver taels. Is the person cheating because she is not serious about her work? Is it because the people around her are of bad character?

 No matter which one it is, it is a bad reputation!

 Wen Qian was speechless...

 Wen Huan was dumbfounded when she saw how powerful Wen Yu was!

Other than yelling, she didn't know how to respond. She wanted to stand up and fight her...she glanced at Yuanshi.

Yuan Shi shook his head slightly.

Wen Huan had no choice but to cover her face and cry, "Dad, she actually said that to her daughter!"

Wen Qian's head was buzzing. He was not good at housekeeping matters. Now besides using his identity to suppress Wen Yu, he doesn't know what to do...

 However, this is what he disdains the most.

Seeing this, Yuan had no choice but to solve the problem herself. She looked sad and changed the subject: "Sister Yu, it is possible that Huanhuan is careless and gullible when doing things for the first time. But how can you make her feel so embarrassed by your criticism? No matter what , She is your sister after all, your attitude and words are too harsh!" She glanced at her daughter complainingly and shook her head gently.

“I know, not long after your mother passed away, I married your father. You can’t live with it..."

When Wen Yu heard Yuan mention this, he turned his face and looked at her seriously for the first time.

"Your father has been away for many years and has not taken you with him. Without a parent, your life is not as good as that of other girls and you have suffered a lot. I admit all this! This is because I did not do things properly. Mother gave me Why don't you apologize... As for the gift, I will organize another valuable supply for you to ensure your satisfaction. What do you think? "

Wen Yu almost laughed out loud, this is so true, they are in the same vein. "Madam! If you marry my father, you only need my grandparents, my father, and... the original family. Ha, it feels right! How can I, a younger generation, have the right to comment? At that time, I was still a little baby, what could I know? ?

 Furthermore, I have lived with my grandmother for so many years. The housekeeper is my second aunt again. Wen Yu’s life is going well! It’s not like what you said: I’m suffering and feeling wronged! I want to make this clear! This is to avoid being misunderstood by my grandmother and second aunt and hurting their hearts! "

This time, Mrs. Yuan was really embarrassed.

Wen Yu smiled sarcastically again: "As for these gifts... How could I not like the taste of my wife and sister? In two days, it will be my brother's wedding. Wen Yu will use these things at the wedding! When others ask Please don’t deny me, my wife and sister! Father, please resign!”

 After saying that, she was about to leave as soon as she copied the things.

"How dare you! Did I let you go?" How could Wen Qian let her go like this? He was anxious, "Since you don't like it, just let it go! No one is forcing you to have it!" He lost his cool and shouted out calmly.

Upon hearing Wen Yu, she stopped in her tracks, looked sad, looked up to the sky and sighed, "Yes!" She stared at the elegant man with her peripheral vision.

“If you don’t want it, just be tough and don’t reach out. If you reach out to take it, it seems like you have been wronged. It’s more like someone else owes you something..."

This sentence seems to be ordinary, but it is inserted into the lungs of Wen Qian.

His blood rushed to his head, he stood up, walked up in two steps, swung the ball round, and gave Wen Yu a big mouth.

   Alas, I was beaten.



 (End of this chapter)

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