Antanaron stood outside his makeshift cloud lair.

Standing with him were seven tall guards wearing golden full body armor.

Without exception, these seven are all outstanding members of the young generation of the Golden Dragon Clan, both male and female.

And the only ones who can let these eight giant dragons 'watch the gate' outside are the distinguished Platinum Dragon God and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Dragon Clan.

Old man, has your kingdom of God been smashed by Tiamat?

The implication: Otherwise, why do you always run down?

The Platinum Dragon God who turned into an old man sat cross-legged on the ground, smiling and looking at his impatient son in front of him.

Isn't it normal for a father to visit his son?

The dragon prince who maintained his black juvenile form let out a 'chi' laugh.

In the Kingdom of the Platinum Dragon God, although there are no corrupted ones like Tiamat, there are a few dragon concubines with metal backgrounds.

Moreover, these dragon concubines have all given birth to offspring.

I don't see this old man going to see those Dragon Concubine's heirs every now and then.

Seeing that his son was still reticent, Bahamut, who maintained the appearance of a wise old man, could only sigh.

Okay, I just want to ask, what are you trying to do by suddenly summoning the strength of the dragon clan under your command?

The prince, who maintained the appearance of a black dragon cub, had expected this question a long time ago, Eliminate the evil forces colluding with the lower plane.

Although it has not been verified, it is likely to be wrong.

It's okay to be wrong.

Raven's pile of bad debts is not bad for such a shitty pot.

Bahamut believed it eight or nine percent.

Before he realized that his son had single-handedly killed the lower plane, he was really shocked.

Now, the main plane and the lower plane are in a 'peace period'.

My own son has overturned the dark prince's lair with one shot, and today he's recruiting troops and buying horses. These operations one after another made Platinum Dragon God think that they are going to war with the lower plane.

Then I ran down to have a look.

Cough, the old man won't admit it, he didn't run down to look for a chance to take a look because of Antanaron's 'little report'.

Collude with the lower plane...the picture may not be small.

Platinum Dragon God frowned slightly, as if recalling something.

What do you think?

I wish I was just thinking too much.

The black dragon's golden pupils stared at Mingming, who wanted to say something without blinking, but still pretended to be a dead old man who looked like 'you ask me, and I will forcefully tell you'.

Hey, look, this is the side effect of you always using reincarnation to suppress the godhead, if you are not above the astral world, you can't listen to the voices of all living beings, right...

The black dragon's expression is getting more and more dangerous. If it goes on, the projection of the Platinum Dragon God will probably be shattered again.

It is estimated that the black dragon is about to turn his face, His Majesty the Dragon God habitually comforts himself, forget it, and enlighten this stinky son next time.

The goddess of magic has fallen, but the godhead of the god of magic has no new owner. Closer to home, the dragon god said seriously.

That being said, I also remembered something.

At the end of the last era, the gods of the elves drove you crazy and killed more than half of them. Up to now, no new gods have been born...

Dragon God was very embarrassed.

In that battle back then, Dragon God was also very reluctant to fight.

But I couldn't tell my son that.

Surely you will be ridiculed if you say it?

Being coerced by subordinates or something...

Hey, the gods who look down on all living beings don't always go well.

When ninety-nine of your subordinates say that such a battle must be fought, then as the hundredth you, even if you are the 'coach', you have no power to influence the situation.

I always thought that this might be related to the fact that the number of elves is now scarce...

But it's not that simple when it comes to the God of Magic.

Bahamut's expression also became serious, If that's the case, don't interfere, I'll let the metal dragons investigate.

The black gold dragon would never blindly obey the orders of the gods, even if the one in front of him was his own father.


Platinum Dragon God sighed, If there is any connection between the elf gods and the god of magic...

Then the purpose of these guys planning behind the scenes is probably...

The gods above the astral world, right?


When Charlie returned to White Castle, his eyes were still slightly red.

Utopia is her painstaking effort.

I don't want to have anything to do with those despicable people hiding in the dark.

Whoever tries to reason with the enemy is really stupid.

Was the trick the other party used to laugh at her?

Utopia, Utopia, can only exist in the imagination, a city-state that can be broken like a bubble?


The point of the knife almost pierced the throat, there is no reason why this can be tolerated!

Seeing that Charlie was walking faster and faster, he almost lost the core layer who had been trained bloody behind him.

Although Christine was still shocked by the contagious speech just now.

She saw the citizens of the new city before, after listening to His Excellency the Earl's speech, step out of their residences and take to the streets.

They circled Charlie from a distance and saluted her one by one.

These strange races performed human etiquette jerky, and expressed their support for the city lord in this silent way.

They dare not get too close.

Not to be afraid of Charlie, but to protect him.

He didn't want to give the assassin a chance to take advantage of the chaos, so he chose to keep a certain distance with restraint.

These citizens did not have any communication, but made the same move.

But, now is really not the time to be shocked.

Christine ran to catch up with Charlie, but was held back by Mifakon.

Some rough dragonborn generals didn't know how to express it, but he felt that at this time, His Excellency the City Lord wanted to sort out his emotions.

The true feelings from the heart are different from the hypocritical speeches of those politicians.

Your Excellency, I was really about to cry just now.

Because they feel distressed that someone has ravaged their home.

Nao did not let Christine return to the city hall, but brought her into the White Castle.

Charlie was in his room, and after being alone for less than ten minutes, he returned to his usual smile.

Due to the insistence of the guards, when Charlie met Christine in the reception room of White Castle, the surrounding guards stood in a circle.

Embarrassing her.

Sorry, haha... The subordinates are too worried, it's really hard to refuse.

Christine shook her head hastily, Everything starts with your safety, which is more important than anything else.

So, what information do you have about the Raven Society?

Christine took a deep breath.

She didn't immediately start talking about the Raven Society, but more like she had made up her mind.

You must know about Ray Teigrene.

Ah, it's hard to find someone on the Green Continent who doesn't know his name and name. Charlie recalled the (former) marquis of the empire with a delicate expression.

He is like a butterfly flapping its wings on the Amazon River.

It's just that I was given a certain colored hat, but who would have thought that this shit would cause civil strife in the empire, and finally develop into a war of gods.

Even a god fell because of it?

Well, although it is said that the fall of the god of magic is the fault of the arcanist.

But if there is no civil strife in the empire, the gods of the lawful camp don't end up fighting in person.

How could that great red-robed legend have the chance to attack the God of Magic?

In the final analysis, it's all Ray Teigrin's fault!

Would you believe me if I told you...his wife wasn't like this before?

Charlie froze slightly.

Wait, is there an inside story to this?

Fula, she was my former classmate in the women's college. She is very good... Although she and Teiglin are politically married, she has no resistance, nor does she dislike that...

She told me in private that that was an outstanding nobleman, and she felt very lucky to have met such a good fiancé.

Charlie listened, frowning slightly.

Although she had never met Ray Teigrin, he was a nobleman who had been guarding the frontier for ten years.

No matter how you look at it, it can't be compared with that in the imperial capital, who can only flirt with women, right?

Could it be that there is something hidden about this green hat?

You mean, the matter between Mrs. Fulla and the third prince's cousin was planned?


In fact, these are all my speculations, and there is no real evidence...

Charlie frowned slightly, You said you came to tell me about the Raven Society, but what you're saying now...Could it be, Ray Teigrin, or his wife, who among them is with Du Would crows matter?

Christine was slightly taken aback, then nodded slightly and said, Yes, but I...but I'm not sure if the civil war in the empire is related to the Raven Society.

Hearing this, Charlie looked at Christine seriously.

As a noble lady from the imperial capital, I'm even more surprised that you actually know about the Raven Society.

Sure enough, Count Violet noticed it.

Christine gave a wry smile.

It's like this. After graduation, Fulla got married. When she was newly married, she kept close correspondence with me.

Charlie did not urge, but quietly listened to Christine's story about the Fulla.

I brought all those letters. Here, you can read them. I think...

If these things are really a terrible conspiracy, then... Fulla must hope that the truth of this matter can be revealed.

After the civil war, the lady and her lover, the famous playboy in the imperial capital, were both hanged.

What happened in the past is beyond test.

Only these yellowed letter papers and faded ink stains euphemistically express some evidence that has been submerged by time.

Christine took out a stack of letters and put them on the table, pushing them down in front of Charlie.

Charlie directly picked up a copy and opened it to read.

【Dear Christine: Ray is so gentle and considerate...】

But... Gradually, there were fewer and fewer letters between us, until one year after she got married, our contact was basically broken. Christine slowly recalled.

I thought it was because she was married that we were estranged.

Until a ball in the imperial capital later on. She was supposed to be in Teiglin's fiefdom, but she appeared at the ball at the third prince's aunt's house...

Can you understand that you haven't seen each other for a year, but your friend has changed drastically?

I still can't believe that she would have an affair with the kind of man that noble ladies in the imperial capital would avoid...

Until... I saw her at a secret gathering of the Raven Society.

Charlie was so startled that the letter paper in his hand dropped.

The guards around him almost flashed their weapons.

Christine smiled wryly.

You know, before you are fully recognized by the empire, my situation is really bad.

People in desperate situations will grab any straw to save their lives without hesitation.

At that time, an organization called the Raven Society offered an olive branch to a desperate noble lady.

It's logical.

The Raven Society became the 'life-saving straw' for this noble lady.

Wait, you mean, this cult-like organization still holds regular meetings in the imperial capital?

You recognized Mrs. Fulla, so those who participated in this gathering did not hide their identities from each other?

Charlie was stunned.

Are all the terrorist organizations in this world so strong? Aren't you afraid that there will be a 25-year-old boy in it, and just take them all in one pot?

Charlie now wanted to write to the old emperor of the empire.

Let's make a real-name report first.

Revenge doesn't last overnight, it has always been her motto.

Those who dared to be so rampant in the imperial capital were probably punished by the Platinum Dragon God and sent to the God of Death to report.

Actually, I only went to that rally once, and it was only by chance that I recognized Fulla.

Bella's pearls were hot around that time.

A black pearl ring I was looking forward to was just snatched by Fulla...

And at that rally, I saw the ring on the exposed hand of a man in a black cloak.

Afterwards, at a ball, I saw that ring was still on Fulla's hand.

Do you suspect that Madam Fulla's change has something to do with the Raven Society?

So the civil war in the empire is also related to the Raven Society?

There is also a god boss, also because of this raven will fall.

Charlie was silent.

She stared at the letter in her hand.

Between the lines above is a newlywed woman's admiration for her husband and her satisfaction with a happy life.

is it possible?

The flapping of a butterfly's wings can really lead to the downfall of gods, the arcanists are almost wiped out, and the empire is divided into two.

If not possible.

And think about Ray Teigrene's rebellious path.

It's not hard to find out that the whole world knows that he was cheated on, except for a thorn in Bella.

Wasn't this rebellion a little too smooth?

Even if the empire raises millions of pigs and puts them on its territory, if Lei takes Green to cut them down, he will have to cut them down for a while, right?

But how long did it take for him to defeat half of the country?

To be honest, Charlie, the one who wore the hanger through, couldn't help but wonder at that time, in fact, Teglin actually opened the hanger.

He rubbed the center of his eyebrows.

So now comes the problem.

If everything is true.

So, how did the Raven Society keep their eyes on her? !

What did she do to be targeted by such a terrifying terrorist organization? ?

Oh my god!

At this time, the door of the living room was pushed open, and a high-spirited black dragon ran to Charlie's side, jumped lightly, and jumped into his 'exclusive position'.

Folding his claws, his black tail hooked aggressively on Charlie's other shoulder.

It seems to be declaring sovereignty to the world.

Antanaron followed.

Seeing Xiao Hei, Charlie's ugly face turned for the better.

Before, I was worried that I was being targeted by some huge evil force.

However, when it comes to the real biggest power in this world, apart from the giant dragon clan, everything else can only be the younger brother.

The last elf who refused to accept the dragon is still live broadcasting Survival on a Deserted Island on a deserted island overseas.

Besides, didn't she know the prince of Julong's family?

Charlie stared at Antanaron with sparkling eyes, and the honest silver dragon almost turned around and ran away in fright.

Now, His Royal Highness's rules of conduct are becoming more and more unpredictable.

Bronze dragons are now babysitter dragons of brass dragons.

Although he doesn't mind falling in love with the opposite sex he likes, but if His Highness arranges a wife every minute, let's forget it!

If it was possible, he would have tactfully suggested to His Majesty today that he would choose a female giant dragon to take over his job.

It's really hard to be by this person's side!

Antanaron froze for a moment, What's the matter, Your Excellency?

Christine's fingers trembled slightly.

She knew that this handsome silver-haired man was actually a dragon, not an elf.

But just like that, it was shocking to hear the dragon address Earl Violet as 'Your Excellency'.

Although Yinlong has a good temper, he still has the arrogance of being a giant dragon in his bones.

They're dead set on intercourse with humans as friends, but never in such a way as to put themselves in a lower position...

Charlie was also not polite, and asked directly: Can you contact that Highness?

Christine is here, and Charlie can't be too direct.

Yinlong resisted the urge to look at Heilong, and replied: It is possible.

I have something to talk to that Highness, can you convey it to me?

Before Antanaron could answer, a voice came from the bottom of his heart.

【tonight. 】

Silver Dragon: ...

I forgot to ask His Majesty to persuade His Highness today.

If this torment continues, the day this secret is discovered, it will really...

'Knock knock knock'

The knock on the door interrupted Antanaron's brief silence in the living room.

Please come in.

Nao hurriedly pushed the door open and entered.

Your Excellency, the guards of the Xincheng Gate have urgently reported that the Silver Empire has sent an envoy to ask for an audience.

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