Last night, the alert in Utopia reached an unprecedented high.

The top leader of Utopia was assassinated in public, but it is impossible for the officials who want to share their face to go back to sleep.

Thanks to the Raven Club, for some time to come, Utopia's security will be so high that the assassins will despair.

There is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days, this Charlie understands.

While studying the information of the Raven Society, Charlie was thinking hard about why he was targeted by the world's number one terrorist organization.

It doesn't make sense for her to close the door to 'farm', can it hinder Raven's plan to destroy the world, right?

Here, Utopia is all mobilized, and the dragon descendants of the military department exude a strong murderous aura when they walk.

Clerks are once again in 'endless meeting' mode.

Charlie sat in the meeting room, quietly watching the officials of the city hall enter, 'proposing a proposal', 'rejecting a proposal proposed by others', 'I don't have a better proposal', in an endless loop.

The new city in the ideal countryside has become a large-scale spy paradise.

If you don't check, you don't know. If you check, you will be shocked.

Relying on the brain-peeping monster, in just one night, the military department caught more than 500 spies.

From the three major human empires on the surface to the dark elf clan living in the dungeon for a long time.

In short, relying on these spies from all over the world, Charlie can piece together a map of the world.

If Bella was still a small fishing village in the backcountry, it would naturally not attract so many malicious 'spies'.

The same is true in this world. You want to close your doors and develop, but if you don't have a strong force to defend your town, you will only be waiting for war and plunder.

And when you develop strong force, you will be feared by others.


Today's new city is different from yesterday's.

In the past, Beira's new city was always lively and noisy.

This place is not perfect, and even the existences who love Utopia deeply are, in a sense, a group of freaks.

A vegetarian and good-tempered ogre; a flower spirit who likes to fall in love with the troglodytes who prey on him; a dwarf who loves scientific research but always makes research and development accidents...

Everyone is imperfect and has a past that they don't want to mention, but in Utopia, they can ignore their race, ignore the eyes of others, and just be themselves.

This is also the side that Charlie sincerely wanted to see when he made those remarks.


In today's Xincheng, there are very few people doing business on the street.

More storefronts are closed than open.

And those shopkeepers who opened the door no longer had the smiling faces to welcome customers, and their eyes were all gloomy.

On the street, the new boss came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

No one wants to say a word to each other.

And the atmosphere at the gate of the city can only be worse.

Originally, the city guards always greeted passers-by with smiles.

When I see strangers, I will say a few more words.

If a few words can help others, why should I be stingy?

But today, passers-by who want to enter the city are considered unlucky.

The formerly friendly city guard soldiers disappeared, but replaced by a group of ferocious 'plague gods'.

It's just a suspicious life who entered a city and was almost interrogated. Eight generations of ancestors were almost dug out.

What was even more abnormal was that during the interrogation, a monster that looked like a brain jellyfish stood beside the city guard.

With that 'floating' 'brain jellyfish', no one wants to lie.

'Da da da' came the rapid sound of horse hooves.

On the city wall, the two dragon-born generals on duty looked down upon hearing the sound.

As a result, I saw a team of knights.

The leading knight carried a banner with the coat of arms of the aristocratic family embroidered with a shielded griffin.

The pair of knights did not escort the carriage, but they were advancing in the shape of a 'pin', obviously escorting important people.

Mifalken narrowed his eyes and looked carefully.

Only then did they find a woman wearing aristocratic light cavalry from the pair of knights.

He recognized this face, it seemed to be the woman named Christine, Mifakon thought.

Yesterday, the city lord was assassinated in his mansion, and the army lost a lot of face.

Marshal Theon scolded their five generals yesterday.

Of course, the five generals themselves blamed themselves.

If they had done a better job, it wouldn't have happened.

Therefore, those who have anything to do with the military today have a 'donkey face' from top to bottom.

Look at the kind that everyone wants to kick.

When the pair of knights reached the city, they were stopped without any surprise.

The soldier in charge of the interrogation dragged the 'Brain Peer Monster' over.

Mifalken, who originally wanted to go down in person, stopped walking.

The procedure that should be followed still needs to be followed.

It wasn't until the soldiers finished their routine interrogation that Mifakon jumped directly from the city wall.

The spread wings greatly cushioned the force of his fall.

The three-meter-high Dragonborn General landed on the ground with a muffled 'bang'.

He was tall enough for him to look at the noble lady on horseback.

Miss Christine, I don't think this is an excellent time to visit. Mifalken said.

Christine's horse seemed restless because of Mifalken's approach, pacing left and right, as if wanting to turn around and run away.

I know, but I have very important news, and I want to report it to Earl Violet!

Miss Aifa hurriedly said to Mifakon while trying to comfort the horse.

Can you tell me the specifics? Your Excellency is still in a meeting at the city hall. If it's not urgent, you might have made this trip in vain today.

Aifa lowered his voice: Raven.

Mifalken looked solemn, and immediately said: Please follow me into the city.

After entering the city, Christine also discovered that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the new city.

She felt a little uncomfortable.

It is precisely because I have felt the harmonious atmosphere of Utopia before.

Witnessing races from all over the world, enjoying themselves, amazed by this, and more and more admiring the achievements of Charlie Violet.

Therefore, seeing such a strange atmosphere in the new city today made me feel even more uncomfortable.

It is always easier to destroy than to build.

Mifalken had to personally escort Christine so that her group of knights could pass through the teleportation hall.

Otherwise, without the general as a guarantee, the Floating Void City of Ideal Township is in a 'closed' state today.

The scene yesterday terrified everyone.

If it weren't for the quick response of the black dragon raised by the city lord, I'm afraid Utopia would have to do something for nothing today.

When passing through the teleportation hall, Mifalken signed three documents and waited for about 10 minutes before being released.

From this point, Christine speculates on the current state of the closed city of Utopia.

Is the situation serious? Christine asked with some concern.

Mifalken hesitated for a moment, but said, Last night, we found many spies in the new city.

It's no wonder that today, the new city is full of grass and trees.

At the same time, Christine also admires Utopia's methods very much.

Can the spies in the city be caught overnight?

But... this kind of thing, is it possible to put an end to it?

The teleportation hall directly sent everyone to the outer city of Utopia.

From the outer city to the inner city, you have to go through a portal.

With this portal, Mifakon signed many documents.

Finally, there are even communication crystals that connect directly to Secretary General Nao.

After the Secretary-General approves, this group of people can use the teleportation gate to the inner city.

Compared with yesterday's smooth journey, today is like a pearl shell, with layers of strict guards, protecting the 'pearl' in the center.

When the group arrived at the city hall, Secretary-General Nao was already waiting in front of the gate of the city hall.

The first sentence of a meeting is not a greeting, but a statement that cannot be refused.

Miss Aifa, your retinue knight will not be allowed to accompany you, please forgive me.

Christine's knight commander frowned, and wanted to object when he took a step forward.

However, Christine stopped him first.

Oli, I think if General Mifalken goes with me, I won't be in any danger.

The knight commander named Ollie bit his cheek, and finally saw his lady's firm gaze and had to compromise.

Utopia did this to protect Charlie's safety.

But the proper hospitality is not lost.

The horses of the group were taken away by the staff of the city hall, fed with water and feed, and brushed their manes along the way. In short, a full range of services were served.

The knights were politely invited to the lounge of the city hall.

There are delicious refreshments and gourmet black tea waiting for them.

Nao led Christine all the way to the conference room.

On the way, he explained to Christine in a low voice: Sorry, I made too many demands on you who came here with good intentions. But please forgive me...

The melancholy and handsome half-elf said sincerely.

Miss Charlie, is she all right? We're all worried about her.

Oh, your Excellency is safe and sound, thank you for your concern.

Until approaching the conference hall, through the heavy ornate wooden door, Christine could hear the nearly roaring quarrel inside.

Old man! What do you mean?!

It's not interesting! If it wasn't for you foreigners! Your Excellency Violet, how could she be assassinated!?

Half of our Bella boys are in the city guard! They are proud to protect you and your land!

We Bella's girls, all twenty of them are in White Castle, serving as Your Excellency's maids!

Ha! Am I wrong? There are more than 500 spies found out this time. Is there any one from Bella!? Let me ask you, yes! Or not?!

you you you!

Stop arguing! Old man of Beira Village, please don't say a few words, there are less than a hundred people in your Beila Village, drive the rest away, don't you feel panic when you live in this huge floating city?

Your Excellency Arcanist... I didn't mean that!

Hmph! You're talking about a foreigner! I think that's what you mean!

Nao pursed his lips slightly, but when he looked back, he still gave Christine a warm and apologetic smile.

Sorry to offend you. He lowered his voice.

No, no, no one wants such a thing to happen.

Nao nodded, then knocked on the door.

'Knock knock knock'.

However, the quarrel in the room overshadowed the knock on the door.

Helpless, Nao had no choice but to push the door directly and enter.

The moment the door opened, Christine saw Charlie sitting on the high seat in a trance.

She didn't seem to be listening to the quarrel of the red-faced consuls below.

The girl sat lazily on the high-backed chair, looking at the side with a little distracted attention, and the eight-color Ain Stone above her head was spinning slowly.

The people in the conference hall were already on fire.

They were barely standing on the stool.

Christine was not surprised.

Father was a member of the Imperial House of Lords.

When did the House of Lords of the Empire hold a meeting without everyone throwing ink bottles at each other?

The mess after the meeting showed how horrible it is to lock men with different political views in one room.

It was Charlie at this time that made Christine very curious.

Facing the current situation, how will Charlie Violet, the miraculous first Countess of the Empire, who is said to be miraculous among these aristocratic women, solve it.

When the quarrel got to the point, no one could convince anyone, and the anger reached the extreme, and it became inevitable to do it.

There was a 'bang'.

As one of the representatives of the 'Foreigners', General Dragonborn smashed the conference table in front of him with his fist, stood up and roared:

Old man! What do you mean, the one hundred people in your village won the war?!

We haven't shed blood!? We haven't died brothers?!


Theon was silenced before he could finish his sentence.

There are quite a few arcanists present, but there is only one who can do it directly.

Everyone looked at the noble girl on the main seat.

The halo of the Ion Stone above her head has not dissipated.

Xi En was furious, and he was so aggrieved that he couldn't speak.

Charlie conveniently gave him another 'forced calm technique' from the enchantment system.

His Excellency Ian relied on this trick back then, but repeatedly suppressed those in the 'Floating City Club', who were like the red robes of bullfighting produced in Spain.

Sure enough, after Theon calmed down, he sat down with an ugly expression.

However, there was nothing in front of him, and the table turned into sawdust under his feet.

It doesn't make sense to continue this meeting like this. How about it, everyone change places with me, and let's continue.

With that said, Charlie stood up.

Only then did she find Nao and Miss Christine standing behind him.

But after hesitating for a while, Charlie still felt that he should solve the problems at the core layer first.

She nodded apologetically to Christine.

Naou understood, and immediately said to Christine: Miss Aifa...

Can I go and have a look? Christine looked at Nao pleadingly with bright eyes.

We'll just follow, shall we?

Charlie took the core layer directly to the outer city.

It wasn't until she walked towards the portal leading to the new city that everyone's expressions changed slightly.

Several old men from Beira Village rushed forward to stop Charlie.

Charlie, however, waved his hand.

The backbone of the Black Robe Wizards Association, my Dragonborn Grand Marshal, and my guards are all here.

If something goes wrong like this, then the dreamland will be lost. Charlie said lightly.

The black dragon on her shoulders went somewhere, and she felt a little uncomfortable when she walked there.

Although he had quarreled with a few old bones in Bella Village before, and almost picked up the table to slap them, but seeing that Charlie was about to go to the new city.

Theon was more nervous than anyone.

If he didn't think that His Excellency the City Lord would most likely not agree, he would have wanted to hug him up and protect him.

The group of people seemed to be going to open a boss, and went to the new city directly below the floating city.

The staff in the teleportation hall thought it was the previous wave of knights.

It turned out that it was the leadership team of Utopia, and I was almost taken aback.

Charlie could feel the difference.

In the past, when everyone saw her, they would cordially gather around and say hello.

Now, when everyone sees her, the first reaction is to take a step, then pause, and then take three steps back.

Distance yourself from her.

Is it fear?

Charlie lowered his eyes and walked forward in silence.

She just walked out of the teleportation hall step by step.

Usually, although she seldom comes to Xincheng, she does come here occasionally and likes the atmosphere of Xincheng very much.

Such an atmosphere gave her a sense of accomplishment.

But now, she silently felt the depression on the street.

Everyone in the store looked at her.

The races that used to be happy and harmonious, now have an atmosphere of mutual suspicion and mutual hostility...

She couldn't bear it anymore, she stopped and stood on the wide street of the new city.

The store owners who hadn't closed down all wanted to come over, but after thinking about it for a while, and looking at the core members with unfriendly faces, they dispelled such thoughts.

Everyone, I think this place is good, let's continue the meeting just now!

Hey, everyone was talking about it just now, and I didn't say anything.

Let me tell you now!

First of all, I have a question, please explain it to me.

Every word she said used the sound transmission arcane of the wind attribute.

The sound spread to every corner of the new city.

The citizens who were in their own houses, or the passers-by who were hurrying on the street, stopped what they were doing and listened carefully.

I ask everyone, how long have we spent to make Utopia what it is today?

I ask everyone, do you still remember everything we experienced together, the 'fall of the floating city', the 'success of the blue sky project'... Until today, the only floating city in the world has been created.

Is this done by one of us alone?

Did it come without any sacrifice?

No! An ideal land that is a mess of sand is not an ideal land!

How long did it take us to build our Utopia? But our enemy only took one night, an assassin, to destroy everything about us!

And now, do you still want to make those enemies hiding in the shadows happy?! Because what you have done is to help them destroy our home little by little! Our city! Our ideal town!

At the end of her words, she screamed and screamed, her eyes were red.

The last time she cried, it was because her respected mentor had turned into a cold walking skeleton.

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