The Black Gold Sovereign who had dealt with the 'little bug' was not in a very happy mood.

He returned to his black-gold chariot, and the dragon's power unknowingly overflowed almost made all sixteen ancient sub-dragons faint.

But this cannot be blamed on His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

He hadn't experienced it for a long time, the feeling that the leaves of his lungs were going to burn with anger, and he wanted to breathe out a mouthful of dragon's breath to burn everything clean.

Dragon clan, different types of dragons almost have different minefields.

For example, a copper dragon can't stand people who don't appreciate his humor.

Intelligent beings cannot refuse a brass dragon who is 'talking high'.

Otherwise, it will be knocked unconscious by the furious brass dragon, planted in the ground, and 'forced to do business with it'.

The Bronze Dragon is almost a model of 'hating evil as hatred'.


However, all giant dragons have one thing in common, Ni Lin. Even the silver dragon, who is recognized as a good old man, will definitely turn his face if he offends this in person.

That is their 'treasure'.

No one is allowed to pry into the secret treasure of the dragon, and those who violate it...

Either kill the dragon or be killed by the dragon, without exception.

However, different dragons prefer different treasures.

For example, silver dragons favor finely crafted artifacts and powerful magic items.

The red dragon likes the 'Gold Coin Mountain' where it can bury itself to sleep.

In short, each dragon is a huge mobile treasure trove.

The longer dragons live, the richer their treasury.

It is inevitable that some greedy intelligent creatures will become greedy for the treasure house of the giant dragons, even though they also know that it is very likely to die.

For these wanton 'pretenders', no dragon has a good temper.

Especially the color dragon.

That's really killing you, it's all to prevent you from worrying about his family's small money.

Even though Alfonstantin has repeatedly refused to admit that he is a dragon who has not yet escaped the vulgar taste.

But when, who dares to covet his 'treasure'...

Just give a painful living example for reference.

Time Dragon, one of the legendary dragon species.

Because of the battle between the elves and the giant dragon in the last era, in order to distract their noble and explosive His Royal Highness, he used his ability to secretly blow away the ring of His Highness the Crown Prince...

How many years have passed?

Shi Guanglong's injury has not healed until now.

Unfortunately, Charlie is currently on the list of 'private collections' designated by Alfonstantin.

And as General Locke, who coveted Charlie face to face...

At this time, at the sentry post by the Yarra River, Locke and the Knights of Saint-Saëns of the Empire stationed in the eastern border stood blankly in front of the ruins.

They all seemed to be wandering in the daytime, looking at the important fortress on the frontier of the empire that was trampled into a flat land, unable to return to their senses for a long time.

The three major philosophies of life linger in everyone's mind and ask: Who am I? where am I? What just happened?

TMD! Why did a black wind pass by in a flash! Are they all hanging in the woods outside the fortress? !

Come over and have a look!


Who tore down their fortress? !


However, the anger in Alfonstantin's heart did not dissipate when he sat on the black and gold chariot again.

The daring little bug was not shot because he didn't want to behave like a colorful dragon.

In short, the gas is not smooth enough.

At this time, I miss the offal of Tiamat.

If someone offends him at this time, he doesn't mind beating him until he can't take care of himself.

It's a pity that using the black gold ring to 'sweep the wool' is a bit too much recently.

Tiamat probably felt uncomfortable, so that the bastards she gave birth did not dare to show up in the world.

For fear of being caught by him and beaten to death.

Although Alfonstantin has always refused to admit that he was really angry because of this trivial matter.

But under the clouds, look at the imperial frontier that has been reduced to ruins.

Who can believe that he is not angry, then there is a ghost.

Alfonstantin's face was gloomy, even though he didn't exude dragon power, the sixteen ancient sub-dragons were all silent.

What are you still doing here?

After an unknown amount of time, Alfonstantin asked in a deep voice.

The sixteen dragons almost cried.

His Royal Highness, they dare not breathe.

If he doesn't speak, who dares to fly around?

What if I made a mistake?

Will he be chopped into sub-dragon offal on the spot?

For this Highness, even if pulling a cart is the world's first generation of Yalong.

At best, they are just 'animals' pulling carts. If it is worse, His Highness will be so angry that he might swallow them and stuff them between his teeth!

Only the drop of His Highness's true blood that was promised earlier...

Save your life first!

An extremely ancient sub-dragon cautiously turned its head, and yelled a few times in a cautiously flattering tone, Woo ang, woo ang.

The prince's face darkened, and he wanted to speak, but he changed his words halfway: No, go directly to [Golden Fire Dance], the most powerful red copper dragon around here, you - can you find it?

The extremely ancient inferior dragons were full of desire to survive, and they nodded frantically.

Almost swear to God.

This must be found, and it must be found after digging three feet!

Alfonstantin closed his eyes and rested, not talking.

He didn't want to go to that dead woman who 'likes to see imperial uniforms'!


Whenever the sun and the moon shine together.

It was Vinicyr, when Nawei Lake was extremely lively.

A long rainbow piercing the sun fell like a shooting star and fell straight to the shore of the lake.

After the long rainbow dissipated, I saw figures in white robes and hoods standing on the shore of the lake in the land of swamps.

No one could see their faces clearly. They were dressed in white robes, and the lowered hoods covered most of their faces. A thick hemp rope was used as a belt, and the white robes were tied tightly around their waists.

Like saints, they are all barefooted, holding daytime lamps, and their whole bodies are shrouded in the hidden flames that are isolated from the detection of the gods.

Step out and walk towards the center of Nawei Lake.

Originally, there was nothing in the lake.

But as these people chanted words, ripples appeared in the center of the lake, like water waves swaying in circles.

After the soles of these people's feet were stained with the lake water reflecting the blue sky, and they stopped singing, their figures were like 'divine hidden'.

A series of strange disappearances.

When they reappeared, these people were already standing on both sides of the long meeting table of the Lake Heart Xiaozhu that appeared inexplicably.

Seats at long tables are fixed.

After everyone appeared in their seats, they didn't take their seats. Instead, they waited until all the people were present and bowed to the head seat.

On the first seat, sat a person, who was also wearing a white cloak, covering his aura and face.

However, the person's hands stretched out his robe, holding a pair of sweater needles, and knitting the woolen fabric with great dedication.

sit down.

Hearing this, everyone dared to take their seats, only to hear the very neat sound of 'cracking' high-back chairs rubbing against the ground, and the room fell silent again.

The leader was still knitting the woolen fabric in his hand, but someone on the long table had already started the 'topic' of this meeting.

There was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

The white cloaks on the long table looked sideways.

Unsurprisingly, another stack of goblin publications.

The man stretched out his hand, unwrapped the bundle of newspapers, and then patted the newspapers.

In the next moment, there was an extra goblin newspaper in front of everyone.

This stack of newspapers is marked in advance so that everyone's attention can be put on the articles that the person who provided the newspaper wants them to pay attention to at the first time.

It was a report about Utopia after the Military Parade.

The white cloak movement of knitting yarn on the first seat was also a meal.

Then 'he' put down the sweater needle in his hand, picked up the newspaper, and read it carefully.

Unexpectedly, the Arcanist is dead but not stiff. A white robe shook his head with admiration.

I thought that the last wave would be enough to make the Arcanist completely withdraw from the stage of history.

Who knew, but the beauty of adults made their remnant forces the focus of all forces at the moment.

Does anyone know what the hell is going on at the Association of Magicians?

The goddesses of their family have been killed by that red-robed lunatic Louis? Didn't avenge this revenge?

On the long table, a white robe sighed and said:

Forget it, my spy, who took seventeen years to sneak into the headquarters of the Magicians Association, was crying for me a few days ago...

An old man who is over half a century old, with a white beard reaching his chest, whoever asks me to cry, looks like a bitch spoiled by goblins.

Tell me that he is walking on the street now, and when he is seen, he will point and point.

The boss of the pharmacy who frequents often recommends hemorrhoid cream to him.

The conscience of heaven and earth, the old president who just died is over a hundred years old...

He was so angry several times that he almost followed in the footsteps of the old president...

Hey, well, let's talk about gossip in private. On the 13th, please get back to business.

Uh... what I said was business, so my spies couldn't bear the pressure and quit.

Retired directly from the General Association of Magicians.

Everyone: ...

This reason for retiring is too 'rigid', and everyone is speechless.

For a long while, no one continued to speak.

Going off topic, aren't we talking about Utopia?


He complained and coughed to cover up his embarrassment.

Hey, I'm just complaining to everyone, the Magicians Association is too busy to take care of itself right now.

It's a pity that the old president, who had returned to the embrace of death, had given the order to assassinate that little girl in Utopia, but failed in the end.

Arcanist isn't dead, but think on the bright side.

I found out that the magician was going to be finished.

Uh... is this a surprise?

Are you... stupid? It's not only the human empire that has magicians!

How many species of spellcasters?

Killing the magician can put an end to the source of belief in magic gods?

This has nothing to do with our next plan, right?

Uh...well, wait...Only I care...why is the floating city floating again...?

Sitting at the end of the conference table, a timidly speaking, very thin woman said something weakly.

There was a moment of silence.


Just now, all the attention was focused on the chaotic gossip of the magician!

I've already sent people to investigate in Utopia!

I can be sure that it is by no means that they have connected to the magic net again.

The fallen goddess of magic hated these arcanists.

Those idiots with stones floating on their heads will never be able to restart the 'Core of the Alien Plane' in the next life.

This statement immediately caused some people to jump out to object.

Don't be so absolute, how do you explain that such a big city is floating in the sky?

Seeing that someone on the conference table was about to quarrel, the 'White Cloak' on the first seat turned the page of the newspaper in a leisurely manner.

The sound of newspaper pages turning made a 'subtle' sound.

This faint sound was enough to make all the people present shut up and be as quiet as a chicken.

The 'White Cloak' on the first seat casually said a word:

Everyone under the throne is an ant, so there is no need to argue.

Everyone thought about the leader and nodded slightly.

During the silence, someone suddenly said, Everyone, I have important information here.

Everyone turned their attention to the person who spoke.

Judging from the appearance of the white robe, this person does not look like a human being at all, but more like a humanoid 'monster'.

In fact, I also have spies in Utopia. I just received the information that the Lord of Utopia left Floating Void City with two legendary fighters.

Someone immediately asked, Do you know the reason?

The creature in the form of a 'monster' sitting in the center of the long table said in a calm tone: Not long ago, the super lich Edward appeared in the city.

At the conference table, someone immediately exclaimed.


Edward is still alive?

I thought he and [City of the Dead] turned into an 'Underwater Monument'!

Edward found it, and the high-level combat power of Utopia left, and the little girl, the city owner, also left. Among them...

Everyone. The person who provided this horrifying information said lightly, Did everyone forget that the rainbow dragon [Rainbow Sky Road] Adonis of the legendary dragon species gave something to Utopia earlier.

Everyone here remembered the name of an organization.

'League of Legends'!

These people looked at each other.

One person stood up, bowed his head to the chief's 'white cloak' who was still holding a newspaper, and asked:

President, I agree with your words and am willing to listen to your teachings.

However, we managed to cut off some arcanists from the League of Legends...

Wouldn't it be a waste of previous efforts to turn a blind eye like this?

The person in the first seat raised his head slightly.

Although the hood blocked 'his' face.

But the person who stood up felt that the person in the first seat was staring at him.

Do what you want, I will not interfere or ask.

The man wanted to say something, but was 'silently stopped' by the palm raised by the white cloak.

Come here today, on the 6th, stay here for a while.

All eyes were on the long table, the third white-robed man on the left of the chief.

Then, everyone bowed and left.

Only 'Number Six' remained.

President, what are your orders?

The white cloak on the first seat raised his hand and pressed lightly, Come here, sit.

The man bowed his head, Don't dare to go beyond.

The white cloak didn't force him anymore, he put the newspaper in his hand on the table, and lightly tapped the table with his index finger.

In the next second, the newspaper appeared in front of No. 6.

If you start now, can you use all the resources in the club to create a second 'Goblin Publication'?

Number six seemed to shake his body.

He was silent for a few seconds, and then answered quickly:

The success of goblins is mainly due to the following points.

First, their populations spread across the world, across surface barriers.

Over time, many teleportation stations have been built.

Second, they accumulated from generation to generation and opened up many trade routes.


The head seated white cloak listened quietly to the analysis.

So, can you do it? He asked lightly.


Very good, you can deploy the resources in the meeting as you like, and as soon as possible, create a newspaper that is comparable to Goblin Publication.

When No. 6 also disappeared into the bright and bright small building in the middle of the lake, the person in the first seat raised his hand and wiped out the goblin daily newspapers on the table.

Number 27 should be a group of people who want to intercept and kill Utopia.

Their whereabouts are actually not difficult to inquire about.

Ask the League of Legends who is responsible for sending the invitation this time, and you can basically guess where they went.

I am somewhat concerned about the matter of the highly poisonous emerald.

In this way, I will trouble you to make another trip, and there is also the Utopia.

It seems that it is quite easy to sneak into the city, and always send someone to 'cook' the poisonous jadeite.

After all, the name 'Raven' cannot be betrayed...

After finishing speaking, the man in the black cloak who appeared behind the high-backed chair of the white-robed man at some point lowered his head and tapped his chest.

Then his figure seemed to 'melt' under the sunlight, and disappeared into the shadow of the man in white robe.


Outside Nawei Lake, the time has passed by one day.

On the wilderness of Kansang.

Still the same small rocky mountain.

But the scene was a horror.

Looking around, there are no less than fifty brass dragons surrounded by three inner floors and outer three floors.

These brass dragons come in big and small.

Elderly, the scales on their bodies are yellow-green with a metallic color, and they are at least five hundred years old.

The young one, like the one that Charlie praised at first, is covered in a matte brass color, and has survived the age of fifty.

At this time they surrounded a beautiful human girl.

The scene was very noisy, comparable to a large-scale group cross talk scene.

But everyone talked and laughed, very happy.

It has been a long time since the dragons have met a human girl who is knowledgeable and likes to talk to them.

Especially since this girl is not their 'prisoner'.

Have a strong desire to talk.

Moreover, the words were full of sincerity, and there was no attempt to 'dig a hole', 'set a trap' for them...and all kinds of despicable tricks by taking advantage of the chattering nature of the brass dragons.

The last super lich who thought he could take advantage of the chattering nature of the brass dragon and pretend to be smart.

At this time, it has been 'planted' in the sand like a radish.

And the thug who was walking with him suddenly became violent, ready to poison the dragon...

After they beat a juvenile dragon, it was no surprise that they aroused fierce revenge from the only group of dragons, the brass dragons, who loved to live in groups.

There are about 4~7 dragon eggs in a nest.

Who would dare to believe that within a radius of ten miles, a female dragon gave birth to cubs over a long period of time?

With a cloud-piercing arrow, the whole family of dragons come to meet each other.

When fifty giant dragons landed on the ground, the faces of the two legends were ashen, and they had to kneel no matter how hard they were.

Ever since, it is not far from Edward, who failed in the routine.

The brass dragon had a hole in one finger, and the mentors of the two violent wounded dragons were also planted.

Rare, three legends, one pit next to the other.

Eris and Bai Qiangwei, who enjoyed such 'treatment' for the first time, looked at a certain super lich who wished to become a real skeleton.

If the gaze could be turned into real damage, Edward might become a 'lich bone meal' at this time.

If you want to say that the only one who has not been persecuted is Charlie who treats the dragon sincerely.

With his rich experience in raising dragons, Charlie avoided the embarrassment of being planted in the sand as a 'carrot' at the critical moment.

The lord of Utopia who has reached the full level of 'Fudge Dafa', as long as you give her a chance to speak, there is nothing that cannot be solved!

So, not long after, the beautiful aristocratic girl talked about group cross talk with more than fifty brass dragons.

This human-dragon scene of Happy Family leads to the two Super Liches being planted in the ground with one head exposed, and a legendary Arcanist woman with a dull face...

Catch up, so dangerous ε=(ο`*)))

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