The speed of the sixteen sub-dragons pulling the chariot is naturally far slower than that of the real black gold monarch.

It can't even compare to the speed of a real dragon pulling a chariot.

However, if one of the ten proud real dragons were to pull the cart, it would basically be no different from his real body walking in the world.

One of the disadvantages of having too much fame and strength is that the real body of the black gold dragon is inconvenient to show in the world.

It's not that he has many enemies.

Hei Jinjun wants to fly around with his real body, and it is estimated that all the legends in the world will be blown up.

At this moment, the extremely ancient sub-dragons pulling the king's chariot were squinting their dragon eyes to scan the earth.

At the same time, these sub-dragons sucked their nostrils vigorously, and spit out their forked tongues. The sub-dragon's tracking secret technique was running at full strength throughout the whole process, and it was urged to its peak.

One of the sub-dragons turned its head and humbly faced the black gold chariot, His Highness, who seemed to be taking a nap with his eyes closed, groaned a few times.

Those bright golden eyes opened.

You said, she stayed here before.

The sub-dragon beast let out a short cry.

At this time, the other extremely ancient sub-dragon turned around, just like the previous companion, and whispered a few times as if reporting to the king.

The black gold monarch learned that Charlie had crossed the river and arrived in Kansang.

However, the very ancient sub-dragon who was the first to report to him dutifully reported to him that there was an aura of 'target' left in the human defense building directly below.

Obviously, the target they tracked stayed here for a long time.

Aren't you in a hurry to find the legendary red copper dragon?

And why waste time here?

His Highness's golden eyes narrowed slowly.

Here, the black gold chariot hovers in the clouds and mist.

Alfonstantin slid across the smoky clouds.

The next moment, the cloud was unbelievably solid.

From the state of being unable to touch, let alone carrying heavy objects, it has completely transformed into a fluffy but flexible 'cloud cushion' like cotton candy.

You wait here. After setting up his chariot, the dragon prince in black robe stood up from the chariot and ordered lightly.

The sixteen extremely ancient sub-dragons crouched on the clouds, sending off the eminent Highness of the Dragon Clan with such an etiquette that was almost five body throwing the ground.

They didn't even dare to open their eyes to see the heroic figure of His Highness.

Among the top ten dragon species, only silver dragons have the ability to build nests on clouds.

Little did he know that the mysterious His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was also able to perform this trick with such ease.

There are rumors that the Black Gold Monarch was born with a part of the 'characteristics' of all dragons.

Of course, this rumor was only treated as an alarmist joke.

After all, if that was the case, no one could have imagined how powerful a god the prince of the dragon clan would become when he ascended to the astral world.

What they didn't even dare to think about was that if that was the case, would the prince of the dragon clan who is still in this world sneez one day and smash the world into pieces.

The golden-eyed man in black robe and barefoot, like a fallen leaf, landed in front of the sentry by the Yarra River without making a sound.

He raised his head and glanced at the old but majestic outpost, without wasting much time, he took a frank step and walked into the heavily guarded outpost.

However, the strange thing is that none of the heavily armored knights holding the imperial spear stopped him, and none of them even asked a question.

It was as if they couldn't see the handsome man in black robe who was so blatantly trespassing on the sentry post.

After talking with Countess Violet yesterday, General Locke fell into a peacock-like narcissistic state of mind.

Such complacency and narcissism put him in a wonderful mood.

Today, he even set foot on the fencing field that he hadn't set foot in for a long time, preparing to practice with the officers under his command.

After the fight, everyone sat together and bragged.

After a hearty battle, the men were sweating profusely sitting together and talking nonsense.

Today's topic was naturally brought to yesterday's group of visitors.

General, general, Miss Violet is so beautiful!

Ms. Bai Qiangwei is not bad! I think they are both equally beautiful! Ms. Bai Qiangwei has more 'charm'!

A young man in the army can't do without Charlie and Bai Qiangwei who visited yesterday.

General Locke smiled confidently and cleared his throat.

In an instant, the audience was silent, and everyone was waiting for his next words.

General Locke is very satisfied with this effect.

Has any of you ever fallen in love at first sight?

These army soldiers on the frontier haven't even seen a female creature for many years. Who do they fall in love with at first sight?

At times like this, even soldiers who know about it have to cooperate with the general's speech, shake their heads, and pretend to be please advise.

Hey, I think that the Countess probably fell in love with me at first sight.

General Locke continued to give examples to prove his point of view:

Alkin, you followed me yesterday, did you see that? The countess smiled brilliantly at me!

If it weren't for the spring heart, which girl would smile so courteously at the gentleman she met for the first time?

Alkin opened his mouth, but finally closed it again.

Yes, their chief took Miss Charlie Violet to chat for a while.

The topic got awkward several times.

Although that lady would not make the general look bad, she obviously didn't have much interest in the general.

So, how did the young lady's attitude change?

Invited by the General.

In this desolate place, only the scenery on the city wall can be seen.

The general, who was so anxious that he was sweating, had an idea, and invited the noble lady to go with him to the city wall to see the scenery.

However, the countess saw the bed crossbow they used to fight dragons.

Rather than saying that the glamorous lady fell in love with the general, it would be better to say...

Alkin has been looking sad since yesterday.

Taking advantage of this time, his boss, General Locke, put the words on his head, and he dared to ask.

Uh...General, the bundle of 'purchases' you signed with that lady it really all right? That, that's an astronomical sum...

General Locke waved his hand, You will write a report later, saying that the bed crossbow was broken while blocking the dragon attack, and you need to purchase new military supplies.

Hey, Alkin, don't spoil the fun, let's hear how the general used his charm to subdue the flower of the empire!


Then there was a whistle.

Locke continued to brag triumphantly, Boys, let me tell you a secret. The key, the key is the military uniform of the empire, you know?

This imperial military uniform can make any boudoir woman in the imperial capital open the door of her boudoir for you, hahahaha!

Didn't you see that after I changed into the ceremonial military uniform of the empire, that lady never left my eyes?

Hahaha! It's a pity they were in a hurry, otherwise I would have captured her that night!

The men burst into laughter, and at this moment, a cold and deep voice mixed with the violent Longwei came, Really.


When you set foot on Kansang, you can still see some green plants at first.

Walking deeper into the mainland for a while, these green plants gradually decreased, and finally turned into cacti that are common in deserts.

Unlike when he came here, Edward would rather walk with Bai Qiangwei, who didn't give him a good face, than say a word to Charlie.


The appearance of Super Lich Edward pleased Bai Qiangwei.

Charlie walked behind with the apathetic Eris, and White Rose looked at Edward who had been chattering with her sarcastically.

Didn't you say that you wanted to rob Erris as an apprentice? Did you give up now?

Edward shook his head frantically.

After seeing someone's deeds of draining the frontier's military spending for ten years with a few words.

Edward weighed his family fortune in the City of the Dead, and he felt that his little gold coins might not be able to keep this apprentice.

I'm shocked...

Bai Qiangwei slightly raised her eyebrows, looked at him and waited for the next article.

This ability to make money, is she already comparable to goblins?

Bai Qiangwei's complexion became a little subtle.

The Goblin United Chamber of Commerce stationed in Ideal Township has not lost money for a year.

However, even so, the goblins are stubborn and will never leave Utopia.

The arcanist was talking about business, and Bai Qiangwei curled her delicate red lips, and looked at the road ahead that was baked by the scorching sun.

Just lead the way, I don't want to meet a brass dragon or a red copper dragon here.

Edward scratched his cheeks guiltily.

At this time, tell the grumpy woman next to him that every time he comes, he will be teleported to a specific location.

Never walked past...

Since an hour ago, he started to 'lead the blind'...

Will he be beaten to death?

Compared to this side, Eris is much more silent.

Basically, Charlie said ten sentences, and he replied with an 'um'.

Or, more often than not, the word 'hmm' that expresses the mood is missing.

Mentor, tell me about the red copper dragon and the brass dragon!

Teacher Bai Qiangwei didn't even tell me!

Eris' Soulfire glanced ahead.

Along the way, he and Bai Qiangwei had a tacit understanding.

That is, there must be someone walking beside Edward.

Edward, who always seems to be very funny, is actually the existence that the two mentors are most wary of during this trip.

As for what he said, after connecting to the Shadow Magic Web, arcane arts cannot be used here, and the two instructors thought he was talking nonsense.

There's nothing to say. Eris said calmly.

I don't know if it's because the sun is too strong, but the two liches don't seem to have much energy.

Charlie looked up and looked at the hot sun above his head.

Then he looked at Eris who raised his hand and lowered his hood.

She squinted her eyes, and an Ion Stone shone above her head.

The next second, a small dark cloud appeared above their heads.

The dark cloud is like an 'umbrella' that shields the two super liches from the scorching sun.

Eris tilted his head to look at Charlie, and even Edward, who was walking in the front, turned his head.

To Mr. Edward in front of him, Charlie smiled politely, and continued to ask Mr. Eris about the red copper dragon and the brass dragon.

Meeting the Copper Dragon... Eris said lightly, If you can't beat it, remember to laugh.

Charlie: ...?

Uh... the implication is that you don't have to laugh if you can beat it?

And the brass dragon...

As he spoke, Eris paused.

Ahead of their path lay a hill of huge rock accumulations.

There is a shadow at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, in that shady place, there were bursts of cries for help that seemed to be there.

But from their perspective, there was no one there at all.

Um, can we go and have a look, mentor?

Before Eris responded, he saw that Edward, who was walking in the front, had changed his direction and walked towards the shadow of the rocky mountain.

Charlie also followed quickly, but Eris had no choice but to swallow the words of detour.

In broad daylight, the barren desert road is not haunted.

Charlie walked in before finding the source of the sound.

That's a brain...

It wasn't the horrifying cry for help from the severed head.

It was a body below the chest, buried in the sand, a large living person, unkempt, and it seemed that he had been buried here for how long.

The man with only one head showing was weakly calling for help.

No wonder they were far away before and couldn't see anything.

For a moment, Charlie really thought it was haunted.

The two instructors looked around vigilantly for a moment.

And Charlie squatted next to Edward, and together with him tilted his head to watch the big living being 'planted' in the sand.

Of course, people can't dig a hole by themselves and bury themselves like this.

Charlie is very curious, who 'planted' such a person here.

Save me! Get me out quickly!

I will never come to Kansan again! Quickly save me!

Otherwise he will be back! !

After finally seeing a living person, the person who was planted in the soil struggled frantically.

It's a pity that he was so exhausted that he couldn't even break free with his arms.

Sir, can you tell me your name first?

Charlie hadn't spoken yet, but Edward began to question him slowly.

The person who called for help was about to go crazy with fright.

He looked very flustered, as if he was afraid of something coming over.

Charlie speculated that the person who planted him, or some creature, hadn't gone far.

At this time, she also felt that the person should be rescued first.

But she didn't act recklessly. Obviously, Edward has lived for so long, so he should have more experience in dealing with such things than she does.

When you are away from home, you should trust the 'old man'!

When Charlie was thinking, the man who was buried alive and smeared was already going crazy.

If conditions permit, he wants to headbutt the lich in front of him, who wasted his time slowly.

Then, Mr. Thomas, as a human being, why did you appear in Kansan?

Q\u0026A update.

The human man who had just quickly answered his name looked in shock at the lich who slowly asked a new question.

He no longer urged Charlie and his party to save people, and he no longer answered questions, but just laughed nervously.

You crazy people, you will be like me, you will be like me!

Charlie tilted his head and looked at the calm Edward, wanting to ask if they should avoid this situation even if they don't save lives.


There was a long roar of a dragon in the distance, which dispelled Charlie's thoughts.

Kansang is worthy of being one of the Top Ten Habitats for Dragons.

How long have they been here?

This can hit a head!


Bai Qiangwei and Eris looked at Edward at the same time.

Edward has also stood up, doing the movement of looking into the distance.

Exaggerated acting as always.

Hey, it's a brass will take some time, but it's better than meeting a colored dragon.

Edward muttered for a while.

As soon as they spoke, the screaming dragon had already flown above their heads and descended in circles.

Judging from the dragon's body shape, it was a juvenile dragon when it was stretched to death.

The brass dragon landed on a hill of boulders.

Accompanied by the sound of a cracking rock sliding.

Charlie will look up and cast his eyes on the short hill in front of him.

Against the light, Charlie couldn't see the appearance of the dragon clearly.

But the dragon on the top of the mountain could see them clearly.

Two liches, two human women...ah, what were you doing until I got back?

Charlie was about to answer, but before he could say anything, he heard the brass dragon on the cliff hurl another question.

No, my mother said that at this time, you should ask the visitor's name first, which is polite.

Oh, so, what are your names, stranger travelers?

This time, Edward wanted to answer.

But the lich's slow manner made him quickly miss this opportunity.

That's not right, you broke into my territory, how can I be polite to you? Hey, should I bury you in the soil first, and then we can talk slowly?

Charlie: ...


This does not give people a chance to speak at all. Could it be that the dragon world is talking...?

Bai Qiangwei glanced at Edward, as if she was asking with her eyes, Do you want to fight?

Edward responded with a gesture of be calm and calm.

Just kidding, this is the live map where he asked for 'route'!

They ran away, who did they ask?

Is this fool human walking in the dirt?

The brass dragon was still chattering on top of the mountain.

Charlie took out his pocket watch and looked at it.

It's amazing, ten minutes have passed, and the brass dragon has nothing to say.

Thirty minutes later.

The brass dragon barely ended his 'prologue'.

During the whole process, the four of them didn't have a chance to say a word.

The brass dragon said enough, stood up, leaped lightly, and jumped down from the top of the mountain.

With the tremors on the ground, and the flying dust that was kicked up by the giant dragon.

Charlie covered his mouth and nose, and fanned the dust in front of him with his other hand.

This is the first time to see the whole picture of this giant dragon clearly.

The head of the brass dragon has a head guard like the Triceratops.

But the left and right sides are symmetrical fans.

It looks like the headgear of an ancient Egyptian king.

The spread wings are very distinctive, different from Mag and Xiao Hei.

The dragon wings of the brass dragon have beautiful wings growing from the shoulder blades.

This pair of beautiful dragon wings, extending to the tip of the dragon's tail, is a one-piece dragon wing that has never been seen before.

His scales are metal scales like brass.

It is a bit dimmer than the golden dragon, but overall, it can be regarded as a dragon with a unique aesthetic feeling.

It's so beautiful... Charlie couldn't help sighing in a low voice.

Thank you Tickets~Monthly tickets and recommended tickets~ヽ(°▽°)ノ

See you tomorrow~

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