Rider said something unexpected, leaving Weber stunned and speechless.


"Everyone is rushing to compete for Fuyuki's Holy Grail, but in the end, does this thing really exist? It's just a legend. No one has seen it with their own eyes, right?"

Weber's expression froze and he nodded.

"Indeed, as you said, but..."

"I...have fought in the past to pursue "something I don't know whether it exists or not."

"The Endless Sea..." Weber murmured subconsciously.

Rider's words contained a bit of pain and sadness for some reason, which was far different from his usual arousal.

"That's right, I boasted that I would take you to see the endless sea. Those who listened to my sweet words and followed me without any doubt died one after another. Until the end, everyone was still dreaming You can see the endless sea that I talk about.”


"After I got the knowledge of this era, it really gave me a big blow. I didn't expect that the earth was spherical. It was really a bad joke... But even so, I knew it when I saw the map. There is no endless sea, and what I called my ideal at the time seems to be nothing more than a delusion now."

"Hey, Rider."

Even if this is the truth.

But Iskandar said it himself, which still caused a big shock to Weber.

Why did a man who once moved forward so bravely towards the vivid dream in his heart now deny his dream with such a calm voice?

However, the words of rebuttal were not spoken.

For Weber, he has the same dream as Rider, but he can't express it anyway because it is related to Weber's glory.

"I no longer want anyone to die because of my nonsense. If the Holy Grail does exist, then I am willing to support your passion for pursuing it. But unfortunately, it is not yet possible to determine whether the Holy Grail really exists..."

"Even so, I am still your Master."

Weber argued.

"Hahahaha! Boy, you have become good at talking!"

Rider returned to his usual cheerful demeanor and laughed.

"Your magic circuit is indeed much stronger than usual, and the ground here is also good. If you rest like this all day during the day, you can work hard again at night."

Weber himself could feel the magic power absorbed by Rider through the magic circuit, as if all the power in his body had been taken away. It became difficult to even move his fingers or open his eyes.

"...What? A big move? What else are you planning to do next?"

"Well, that's it. We will first use Saber as our opponent, and then attack the castle in the forest again."

"Aren't you going to chat with them?"

"Of course not. The banquet is over. All that needs to be said is said. Now it's time to fight with real swords and guns!"

Although Rider's voice was still bold, one could still hear the vigilance hidden in it. Even for Rider, that Saber was definitely a formidable enemy, and he was already prepared for a fierce battle.

"Say so..."

The corners of Weber's mouth twitched.

"But I have to go back to that 'home' first, and I have to prepare the necessary things. If you want to face Saber, I also have to guard against the enemy's magician."

"Oh oh oh, boy, do you want to join the battle too!?"

Rider was also a little surprised.

Author's message:


ps: I finally called, the update is a bit late, sorry~

Chapter 80 The Command Spell You Should Have Obtained (First Update)

"But your little magic power will be pinned to the ground and beaten by others, right?"


"...If you stay in this state, how far will you be able to recover by night?"

"Well...if everything goes well, [Divine Power Wheel] and [King's Force] can continue to be used. However, if [King's Force] is used once, more than half of the magic power will be consumed. You still have to choose a good opponent before using it, otherwise you will be taken advantage of. It would be troublesome to enter.”

Weber nodded.


In the end, I still have a trump card in my hand, which is already pretty good.

"This should be reserved for the battle with Archer. I can't deal with that golden sparkling trick without using my ace. The other enemies can be dealt with as long as the chariot comes out."

"Is this so..."

Although he felt that there were some problems with this strategy, Weber did not intend to refute anything.

"emmmm...forget it, if that's what you want...that's fine..."

The voice became weaker and weaker, and Weber gradually became tired and couldn't bear the sleepiness. He lay down in the brand new sleeping bag and felt the warmth of the duvet.

"Okay, stop insisting, go to sleep, kid, rest is your battle now."


Although there are still things I want to say, I'd better wait until I wake up to talk.

When talking to the disembodied Rider, even though he flicked his forehead without fear, it still felt like something was missing.

And anyway, even talking now makes him feel very tired, so he might as well have a good sleep.

Weber gradually relaxed his almost empty body and fell into a deep sleep.


The time is getting closer to night, and the sky is gradually getting darker with the sunset.

Under the dim sunset, Xia Qing inside the villa window was preparing firearms and magic-filled gems for the next battle.

Gemstones are easy to accumulate the thoughts of the holder, and are easy to store magic power. Especially, natural spirits are easy to form in the ores that have been dormant in the ground for a long time. The gemstones with attributes themselves are simple magic imprints.

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