Although it costs a lot to buy these things, it pales in comparison to the game console Rider bought.

What is really depressing is the price of nutritional supplements and heaters sold in pharmacies, which are incredibly cheap.

If you want to use magic to create medicines and props with the same effect as these, you will need to consume a lot of magic power, and the cost will be dozens of times different.

Although he felt that buying this thing would damage his reputation as a magician, Weber was so angry that he still bought more than he actually needed.

After taking the bus back to Miyama Town, I started taking out the bento I bought at the convenience store from my bag in the middle of the forest.

Weber felt deeply depressed about being born in this era.

"I was born at the wrong time. It would be great if I grew up in an era where magic was full of admiration and fear. Why did I have to be born in an era when a stove only costs 400 yen and I don't know how hard life is...?"

Just as he was whispering like this, Rider's voice sounded in Weber's ears.

"If you really grew up in that era, you would definitely feel that modern times are paradise."

"Tch! How is that possible?"

Weber retorted.

However, he still knew that as a magician, he was completely immature, but even though he thought so, he still refused to bow to Rider.

After all, it's already embarrassing enough to be ordered around by your own Servant.

He is indeed weak and incompetent, but Weber himself is very unwilling to admit this.

If he can bring about the best results through careful preparation, then even Rider can no longer underestimate himself.

Soon, Weber had passed through the residential area and walked into a forest of trees that was being developed into a green space park.

Through the small dense forest where no road has yet been opened, Weber walked towards the deepest part.

Although the scenes here during the day and at night are completely different, for Weber, he was still very familiar with the process of moving inside.

After finally arriving at the destination and confirming that everything was safe, Weber sighed with relief and began to spread the thermal mat on the ground covered with fallen leaves. Weber sat on it and took out the cold lunch box and ate it.

"...Is it delicious? This one?"

Rider's curious voice came.

"No, it tastes terrible. I'm afraid this is the most disgusting thing among the food here."

Hearing Weber's answer, the spiritual Rider seemed to sigh with regret.

"Boy, remember that when you were in Xindu, you passed by a place called [Assorted Shake Zhongkui] but you didn't go in. The modern yaki there is obviously a top-notch product. It's such a pity..."

"If you still want to eat, please quickly return to the state where you can materialize."


The atmosphere of silence spread strangely, but now Weber seemed very obedient. He ate his lunch box with big mouthfuls, and the young man who was a trainee magician continued to speak.

"You know where this is, right? This is the place where you are summoned. Needless to say how high the spiritual power here is, and the magic circle used for summoning that night has not been destroyed yet. For you, this is Fuyuki's most beautiful place. The earth veins that are suitable for you can help you restore your magic power here."

In fact, since that day, Weber has noticed that a large Noble Phantasm like [King's Force] consumes a huge amount of magic power just to develop such a powerful inherent barrier and maintain it for a period of time.

The consumption of these magical powers forced Rider, who was so persistent in materializing, to turn into a spirit state and concentrate on recovery, which shows that the consumption is not small.

Author's message:


Ahhhhh, there was a power outage today. Although I miss you very much, my laptop still has power. (Gan!)

Chapter 79: Go for it with full energy! (Third update)

"I will stay here all day today and do nothing but sleep, so you can take my magic power as you like, as long as it doesn't kill me. In this case, it should also help to restore your magic power. .”

Rider's spirit body looked surprised, silent for a while, and then laughed.

"...Hahaha, since you have noticed it, why didn't you tell me earlier? Well, I'm really sorry."

"Fool! If you don't recover quickly from your current state, I will be the one in danger!!"

Weber couldn't help but get angry. Rider, who had always been carefree, was actually embarrassed this time. If he really talked about the reasons for this situation, Weber would be ashamed.

The reason why Weber is unwilling to let Rider remain physical is obvious. As Master, Weber's magic supply is far less than the magic power consumption required for Rider's recovery.

Of course, this is a shame for the Master. He is not worthy to control a powerful Servant like Rider. This is the best proof that he is just a weak second-rate magician.

After Weber finished eating the whole lunch, he drank the nutritional supplements he bought in one gulp, and then asked Rider's spirit body next to him.

"...What's wrong? You haven't talked all this time?"

"No, I'm wondering if I can continue to hold on. The magic power consumed when using [King's Army] before was not very much."

The scene of thousands of heroic spirits appearing in the yellow sand appeared in Weber's mind again. It was so majestic that he was so surprised that he was speechless at the time.

"As a result, your trump card consumes magic power unexpectedly, right?"

"No, it's just that the scale is a little bigger. After the guys in the army are summoned, they don't need to consume too much magic power to maintain them."

"Lie! That level of magic requires a lot of magic power just to be activated. And once it is activated, the army summoned is an unexpected consumption for you, right?"


Weber got to work on the heating pad, took off his boots and got into his sleeping bag.

"Rider, why don't you even use the magic power that should be borne by me, but instead use the magic power you have stored up?"


As if it was difficult to explain, Rider sighed deeply.

"To be honest, as a Servant, I am a pure soul eater. If I involve you when my magic power is fully activated, it will even threaten your life."

"Even if that happens, it's fine. I've already prepared for it."

Weber whispered.

"I don't want this to be a war for you alone. This is my first time participating in a battle. If our troops don't win with bloodshed and sacrifice, it will be completely meaningless."

What Weber couldn't let go of was something in his heart that he couldn't give up to anyone.

"Do you know my purpose of winning the Holy Grail? I don't care about what happens after winning the Holy Grail. I just want to prove it to everyone! I, Weber, even like this, can use my own hands to get what belongs to me. s things!"

"…But, boy, does that only make sense if the Holy Grail truly exists?"

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