She decided to ignore the battle-experienced [Sword Princess] for the time being and put everyone first.

After all, the piranha flowers pouring out from both sides still flanked them.

"Monsters appear from behind, five in total!"

"Here comes the front too!"

Asafy made a quick judgment regarding the screams that continuously informed the monsters of reinforcements.

"Spill the magic stone!"

After hearing the instructions from the group leader, the group members also took action with tacit understanding.

Everyone stuffed their hands into their pockets or bags, and sprinkled the dazzling blue and purple crystals against the wall.

The group of piranha flowers ignored the attacking members and ran toward the "magic stone" like livestock snatching feed.

"Everyone move forward!"

Asfi had an idea and used the information provided by Ais (the habits of piranha flowers) to open a path ahead.

Luluni and others took advantage of the monster's attention to turn to the "magic stone" and ran forward without saying a word.

Yasi Fei, who was at the rear of the team, took out three bottles of explosives from her holster and prepared to deal with the monsters.

"Nelly, use the "Magic Sword"!"

The grenade was thrown into the group of piranha flowers that were still devouring the "magic stones".

At the same time, the supporters who received the order also took out the "magic sword" and waved it hard.

The flaming flying blade that burst out from the dagger came into contact with the three bottles of explosives thrown out, causing a big explosion that was much stronger than a single explosive.

They eliminated the possibility of pursuit from the monsters whose bodies were on fire and screaming.

"Asfi, there are a lot of people coming in front!!"

Seeing the piranhas swarming from the front, Luluni shouted loudly.

As she spoke over and over again, she ran quickly, passing between the enemy's bodies, slashing them as they passed by.

Taking advantage of Luluni's slashing to weaken the monsters' momentum, the large weapons of each striker slashed open the monsters' painted faces.

"It seems you really don't want us to meet you...!"

Asifei stared sharply ahead, her lips twisted into a smile.

The monsters attacked her more and more fiercely, making her sure that there must be something ahead.

She moved from the rear of the unit to the front, taking the initiative to repel monsters blocking the way without slowing down the team's progress.

Asfi and the tiger man equipped with a big sword took the lead and drove away the particularly huge piranha.

"That is……"

Just when they repelled the monster's unknown attack.

The group members saw a blood-red light that was different from the faint phosphorescence of withered flowers leaking from the front of the endless passage.

"Is it the light of quartz? Is it almost reaching the food warehouse?"

Luluni, like her companions around her, narrowed one eye.

The large cavity located at the very edge of the underground city is called the food warehouse, and there is an extra-large quartz in it.

This crystal column will stretch out nutrient solution to provide monsters, and emit mysterious light, forever illuminating the large void.

The twenty-fourth floor is red crystal.

As soon as they saw the red light coming from the front of the passage, everyone understood that the end was not far away.

Chapter 92 Orb (1/4)


"...Just rush in right away."

The team followed the leader's instructions.

They defeat the last piranha and rush through the green wall maze.

A group of people ran through the increasingly rancid space and rushed into the exit of the passage that oozed red light.

They stepped into the gaping hole in the grain depot.

After their field of vision widened in one breath, Asfi and others were speechless.

What awaited them, just like the journey so far, was a vast space eroded by a green wall of flesh.

If we want to cite a difference, it would be that there are countless large and small flower buds hanging all over the green wall.

And in the great void, what particularly robbed Yasi Fei and others of their vision and consciousness was the huge monster parasitic on the main pillar of the grain depot.

"Parasite plant...?"

A total of three piranha-like monsters were entangled in the main red crystal pillar that was at least thirty meters high.

Qifang has three bright, dazzling, colorful flower heads. The entire length and thickness of the super-large monster are at least ten times longer than the piranha flower.

Vine-like tentacles derived from the long body crawled all over the surface of the large main pillar.

Under the illumination of the quartz that emits red light, the scene looks like blood vessels one after another.

"Could it be that... that one is absorbing the nutrients seeping out from the big main pillar?"

Every time a slow "thumping" pulse sounds at intervals, there will be a series of strange sounds of sucking in some kind of substance.

In front of Asfi's wavering gaze, the giant flower monster sucked up every drop of liquid seeping out of the crystal.

The monster's tentacles and roots not only covered the surface of the large main pillar, but also extended all the way to the walls, ceiling and ground of the large cavity, forming a green wall of flesh.

The culprit causing the mutation in the food depot on the 24th floor must be the giant flower-shaped monster.

It is indeed not an exaggeration to say that it is a parasitic plant.

The monsters absorbed the nutrients that overflowed from the dungeon, explosively expanded their body composition, and finally formed this strange green-walled maze.

"That, that's..."

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