More than twenty monsters on the passage let out shrill screams as they were engulfed in a huge flash of light and turned into ashes.

Following the glitter trail, only a large amount of dust remains.

After confirming that the enemy was destroyed, Lefia put down her wand.

"I see, you are from the Weixian Forest. The residents of that forest have particularly outstanding magical powers among your compatriots... No wonder your magic is so powerful."

After seeing Lefia's performance, Fairweis suddenly realized.

"No, no, I only have this advantage..."

After removing the monsters blocking the road like a wall, when the three of them started moving forward again, Fairweese seemed to have a sudden realization and looked at Lefia's side face.

This is the twenty-fourth floor of the dungeon.

After leaving [Rivera Town], it didn't take long for everyone to arrive at the target floor.

The destination for this trip is the food warehouse on the north side of the floor.

Because they had been on the regular route where a large number of monsters had appeared, and they had seen countless "dropped items" that they might not have had time to clean up, as well as the dust turned from monster corpses extending all the way to the north.

These monsters were definitely beyond the ability of ordinary high-level adventurers to deal with, and Bert concluded that Ais and the others must have defeated them.

Chapter 91 Phil Weiss (4/4)

The deeper you go, the wider the cave becomes.

When Burt, who was walking at the front, cleared the obstacles without affecting the team's speed, there was a clicking sound around Lefia and the others.

Fragments of tree bark were scattered everywhere, and there was the sound of cracks in the wall. A large group of lizardmen and dark poisonous mushrooms emerged.

Lefiya screamed in surprise at the sudden sound.

"Ah ah!!"

"Back off, Lefia!"

As soon as the two of them were surrounded by monsters that broke through the bark wall and fell to the ground, Fairweisse immediately called Lefia's last name and ran out quickly.

She pulled out her dagger and chopped down the monster next to Lefiya.

The lizardmen roared and lunged at Failewis, but she accurately hit their vital points with a swift attack that included multiple thrusts and slashes.

Faileweisi danced in her pure white battle suit, dodged the counterattack of the thick tail, and caused the lizard monster to lose its head when it passed by.

Before Lefiya could join the battle, who stood still, Fairweisse reduced the number of lizardmen in the blink of an eye and pulled out a short wooden staff from her waist.

"Evil-Breaking Holy Rod, sweep away my enemies!"

She played the spell while fighting the remaining two lizardmen.

After starting "Parallel Chanting" and cutting down two lizardmen.

Faileweis pointed her short staff at the three dark poisonous mushrooms that opened their mushroom umbrellas and made dangerous moves.

"The Rod of the Supreme God, Dionysus!"

At the same time as the poisonous spores spread, the ultra-short chant type magic was activated.

Accompanied by the sharp lightning, a bolt of lightning flew away, burning the dark poisonous mushrooms together with the poisonous spores.

"Okay, so awesome!"

Lefia was amazed by the way Fairweis defeated the monster horde.

"If nothing happens, just leave quickly. We'll be at the food depot soon."

Bert, who was walking in front, shouted.

Lefia stared at the back of the road they were walking on, turned her head after a while, and hurriedly caught up with Burt and the others.

Her thick golden hair was beating, and her back was getting smaller and smaller before her eyes.

At this time, Xia Qing, who was following the team, took a sharp look behind him.

"What's wrong? Xia Qing?"

Lefiya asked after seeing Xia Qing's sudden action.

Xia Qing, who had already noticed something, just smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then turned his head.

"Nothing, let's keep walking."

"Ah... um."

Lefia also turned around.

Then, a shadow peeked at her back.

In the passage Lefia was looking at just now, a figure appeared from the corner of the horizontal hole.

Figures wearing purple hooded robes and ghastly masks chased behind them silently.

"Tsk! I thought I was discovered..."


On the other side, Aisi, the leaders of the [Hermes Familia], Asfi and Luluni, encountered the same piranha that they encountered on the 18th floor as they headed towards the [Lower Level]. monster.

The only difference is that the strength is completely different. These piranha monsters in the [lower level] are much stronger than before.

"[Sword Lady], hey! Can't you hear me!?"

Luluni's shout came amid the monster's roar.

Forced to be separated from Ais, the [Hermes Familia], who were attacked by the piranhas, were locked in a fierce battle.

Facing the monsters that kept pouring out from the depths of the passage, they stabbed forward with swords and spears without interruption.

"What happened!? What should I do, Asfi!"

"... If we have the energy to worry about her, we should worry about ourselves. Just clear a way and leave here immediately!"

"Too cold!"

"She is [Sword Lady]!!"

Aisi showed no reaction on the other side of the blocked wall, which made Luluni extremely worried. However, Asfi decisively said that she was worried that the first-level adventurer was just meddling in his own business.

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