Too much direct sunlight on a hot day.

She narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Oriana is also working hard, it's time for me to take action."

Lidovia, who said this in her heart, heard the broadcast of the Great Star Festival in the distance.

Looking up at the sky, you can see a spaceship floating in the distance.

The weather forecast is playing on the large screen on the belly of the spacecraft.

Reports say that the weather is cloudless and fine these days.

It was indeed a nice day. Lidovia turned her eyes away from the light shining directly in front of her eyes.

The whole street had a peaceful atmosphere.

Lidovia Lorenzetti passed through the gaps between people and disappeared into the crowd.

The sky has already turned dusk.

The asphalt paved ground looked as if the nature that was originally there had been completely wiped away with a eraser.

In this barren corner, there was nothing to block the wind, and the slight flow of air touched her face.

The air is mixed with the smell of engine oil, which is the smell of cities in this country.

Booms could be heard overhead.

Looking up, I saw the huge body of the passenger plane flying low in the sky.

Probably because of the Daihasei Festival, there were quite a lot of planes coming and going.

There was no one around.

The first reason is that this is not a place that attracts ordinary people.

The second reason is probably because it is now the Daihasei Festival, a sports festival on a global scale.

Compared to a place like this, if you go directly to the arena, you can spend a hundred times more meaningful time.

Therefore, she was the only shadow on the asphalt.

The shadow lengthened by the setting sun revealed the figure of a woman carrying a large cross.

The master of the shadow took the cross off his shoulder with slow movements and placed his hand on the white cloth wrapped around the cross.

The cloth strips spread out with a crash.

The strip of cloth, a little thicker than a bandage, left the cross without any resistance, like a bow after untying a gift.

There was a hissing sound as the clothes rubbed against each other, and the defense that wrapped the cross without any gaps was gradually untied, revealing the original shape of the cross.

That is the "Apostle's Cross".

A pure white marble cross that is one hundred and fifty centimeters long, seventy centimeters wide, and about ten centimeters thick.

Only the lower end of the cross is as thick and sharp as a sharpened pencil.

Chapter 168: Trying to control the world (2/5)

At first glance, you can feel the weight of the thick stone. Even after more than 1,800 years, it still retains its shape as if it were new, as if it were molded.

Although this is an object made of marble, it has been touched by human hands over the years, and the inside is still slightly reduced.

Such perfect preservation is not due to the protective effect of the spiritual equipment, but simply because there is no public background at all in history.

She used both hands to re-grasp the cross, which was as white and uninjured as a purdah lady, and then slowly picked up the naked cross.

The unique weight of the stone is conveyed from the arms to the back, waist, and feet.

She did not hesitate to swing the cross down in one breath.

Huge weight coupled with acceleration, and a sharp front end.

The "Apostle's Cross" with all the necessary conditions ran through the asphalt road without any resistance and was deeply embedded in the ground of Academy City.

"Transform the sky into a roof and build a shelter here. Please grant me the shelter of the Twelve Apostles."

The incantation that fixed the "Apostle's Cross" was very different from her usual speaking tone.

The cross planted on the asphalt started to move on its own.

Slowly adjust the angle as if it were toppling over in the mud.

She looked at the sky.

It hasn't quite turned into night yet, but the first stars have begun to twinkle.

"what's next……"

Thinking that the magician is standing on the runway of the vast experimental airport.

This area, which is off-limits to the general public, looks like a grassland fixed with asphalt.

The flat gray ground continues to the horizon.

"I have completed preparations here. In a few dozen minutes, the world will change."


"They want to take over the world."

Steele exhaled a puff of smoke and said.

Xia Qing, who was walking next to him, looked at the terminal that was getting closer and said.

"Here we are."

Here is an unfamiliar scenery.

"Listen to the broad one."

As soon as you walk out of the terminal, you can see a slightly rounded horizon like a foreign ranch.

But this horizon is not the green of pasture, but the black and gray of asphalt roads and concrete.

Most of the huge area is connected to the launch site of the artificial satellite. High walls span the endless area and separate the endless fields.

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