Steele shook the cigarette in his mouth up and down and continued.

"The "Apostle's Cross" uses this mythical psychological effect. No matter what happens, things will go in a direction that is beneficial to the Orthodox Church. People around them who are made unreasonable demands will accept it for some reason...

For Orthodoxy, this is undoubtedly the most comfortable and pleasant "holy place", right? "

Xia Qing nodded.

"So what exactly are Orianna and the others going to do?"

"If this world is divided into two parts, it can be divided into scientific forces and magical forces. Now it happens to be in a state of balance."

Steele replied simply.

"Among them, the leader of the scientific forces is Academy City. If Academy City is fully under the protection of the Orthodox Church, what do you think the balance of the world will be like?"

Xia Qing answered.

"The scientific force that accounts for half of the world, if it becomes an organization under the magic force, with the world's general scientific force and its own organizational power in magic, it can indeed control more than 50% of the world's force.

Then just rely on the simple principle of majority decision-making, and you can manipulate the world as you like. "

If they are attacked from both sides by science and magic, organizations or institutions that belong to only one world will be unable to fight against them.

The balance of power in the world will be completely concentrated on the Orthodox side.

The Orthodox Church does not need to think about what specific steps are needed to take Academy City into its hands. As long as the "Apostle's Cross" is placed in Academy City, Academy City will take actions that are completely beneficial to the Orthodox Church.

"For this reason, Oriana and the others' transaction is not a transaction of spiritual items such as the "Strike Hang Sword" or the "Apostle's Cross", but is conducive to the dominance of the Orthodox Church in the "Academy City" and the world. "

Steele took a deep breath, and the cigarette in his mouth lit up orange due to the inhalation of oxygen.

Chapter 167 Lidovia (1/5)

"Other than the delivery person Orianna Townsend and the sender Lidovia Lorenzetti, there is no recipient at all on the other side.

This transaction has nothing to do with anyone else. Chengjiao is very suspicious that this is false, because it is something given to him by Chengjiao himself. "

Stilton paused and finally said something.

"This deal must be stopped, otherwise, something worse than the destruction of the world will happen."

The corners of Xia Qing's mouth raised slightly and he said in a half-joking tone.

"I really want to see what the worse thing would be like."

Steele turned his head sharply.

"Are you joking?"

Xia Qing glanced at him.

"Of course, otherwise what else do you think it could be."


"Tsk, the spiritual equipment they hold is not the "Thrusting Sword", but the "Apostle's Cross". As long as the space it is inserted into, regardless of physical or spiritual aspects, it will be forced to become the property of the Orthodox Church.

In a dominated land, everything will go in a direction that is beneficial to Orthodoxy, and no one will feel doubt and accept it happily.

What would happen if it were used in Academy City, which is opposed to the church world? If it is the most beneficial thing to bring Academy City under the authority of the Orthodox Church, it is likely to be true! "

Steele took a deep breath.

"The deal Orianna and the others are talking about is not just the spiritual clothing itself, but also includes Academy City controlled by the spiritual clothing.

Academy City is the leader of the scientific forces. If it can gain control, it means it can gain half of the world's power.

If the Orthodox Church, the most powerful in the church world, takes Academy City, the most powerful in the scientific world, into its hands, the world will be controlled by the Orthodox Church. "

The two turned a street, and the passers-by turned a blind eye to Steele's strange attire.

"Actually, it was clear from the beginning that the deliverers were Orianna and Lidovia. In comparison, their transaction partners were very unclear.

In fact, Oriana and the others have no intention of handing over the "Apostle's Cross" to anyone. This is a transaction between Lidovia and the others and the Orthodox Church to which they belong! "


Lidovia Lorenzetti is located in the hotel lounge.

The old, worn and faded monastic clothes she wore were quite eye-catching against the surrounding modern scenery.

Her hair and skin were also damaged and lost their luster like the monastic clothes on her body.

Judging from the facial features, she should have been a beautiful beauty, but from head to toe, she seemed to have lost her color like an old movie.

The monastic robe she wears is a costume that is a century earlier than the uniform adopted by the current Orthodox Church. It is characterized by multiple color changes.

Among them, Lidovia is wearing a white monk's uniform with a red cross design.

It was a symbol of St. George and also a symbol of Puritanism. From the beginning of her active service, she had caused a lot of trouble by wearing a monastic uniform designed with the same design as the symbol of Puritanism.

But Lidovia dared to continue to choose such an outfit, not only because it was an outfit passed down from her grandmother’s generation.

On the other hand, a big factor comes from her belief. She believes that as long as you have excellent talents, even sinners should reach out to each other.

The hotel she is in is not a famous hotel in terms of world-class rankings.

As far as history is concerned, it can only be expressed as still shallow.

Although it can't be compared to the large hotels in her hometown where the entire building has antique value...

But the prosperous situation of this hotel is better than other hotels in the world.

This may be due to the influence of the Daiha Star Festival, a world-scale sports event, Lidovia made a wild guess.

Academy City, which was originally a closed environment, did not need a hotel at all except to accommodate VIPs such as the Academy.

As a result, when facing such a large-scale event, foreign guests will flock to a few hotels in one fell swoop.

All the guest rooms in Academy City are fully booked. With so many tourists, even the hotels outside the city should be doing a booming business.

The crowd around them was moving quickly, and only Lidovia was walking slowly among them.

It makes people feel a sense of dissonance that time and space are excluded.


Lidovia Lorenzetti left the lounge and walked out of the hotel through the glass revolving door.

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