"Why...are you here to save me...?"

Shirai couldn't help but murmured.

Chapter 152: The Failure of Jiebiao Danxi (2/4)

"Aren't we not related at all? No matter how powerful you are and how powerful you are, you shouldn't sacrifice your life for me. Why are you willing to rush over without hesitation?"

Floating to the ground, Xia Qing placed the girl on the ground and replied with a chuckle.

"I'm not just here to save you. Tell me, where is that box?"

Upon hearing this question, Shirai immediately woke up and answered quickly.

"She was snatched away by Jie Biao Danxi, and she ran in that direction."

Kuroko Shirai, who was supported by Sister Misaka, entrusted this matter to Xia Qing.

"Please, that thing must not fall into the hands of those people."

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

Xia Qing nodded.

Immediately afterwards, he headed in the direction Shirai pointed. He was obviously just walking, but he covered a hundred steps in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Mikoto, who had just arrived, ran over with a worried look on her face after seeing the injured Shirai.

"Heizi! How are you?"

Seeing Mikoto's arrival, Shirai covered his injuries, shook his head slightly, and answered with a smile.

"It's just a minor injury. Fortunately, someone just saved me."

After hearing this, Mikoto was stunned for a moment and said doubtfully.

"Who saved you?"

"...It's Xia Qing."

Shirai answered with a somewhat complicated expression.

"It's actually him!?"


Yuebiao Danxi arrived at the edge of Academy City via a safe escape route.

Her body was covered with puncture wounds, and her bare upper body was now covered in a winter uniform jacket with one sleeve missing.

The buttons on her coat were all in the wrong place, but she didn't even notice.

As a result of overusing her ability, blood vessels appeared all over her body, and her mouth kept breathing hot and heavy breath.

Her eyes kept darting around, as if she didn't know what to do next.

She kept mumbling to herself, her face covered with sweat from nervousness.

Since losing his military flashlight, his superpowers seem to have become difficult to control.

The fingers that were used to holding a military flashlight were now stained with blood, touching the suitcase that was missing its handle.

Terrible memories flooded my mind.

This is the aftereffect of having the ability to move your body with super powers.

She recalled the accident in class two years ago.

The content of the test at that time was very simple, which was to transport one's body into a locked room.

But Jie Biao miscalculated the coordinates and buried one foot in the wall.

There was no pain at all at first.

So I don’t particularly care about the final bid. She pulled out her feet buried in the wall, trying to get away from the wall.

Unexpectedly, this was the biggest mistake.

At this time, she heard the sound of "crack!"

The rough material of the wall section rubs against the skin of the feet.

Then came a sharp pain.

The feet, pulled out of the wall, had no skin at all.


Just like a peeled orange, the moist and tender muscles and the network of fine blood vessels covering it are fully exposed...


Jiebiao Danxi's body couldn't help but bend in pain.

A feeling of vomiting shot up from the depths of his abdomen, and Jie Biao tried his best to suppress it.

His back trembled irregularly, and after he felt vomiting, his feet that were stumbling around stopped completely.

The feeling of vomiting gradually disappears.

But once your feet stop, you can't take a step forward.

"do what……"

Jie Biao Danxi couldn't figure out how many times she had asked herself this question.

"Now...what should I do...?"

The broken heart has completely lost its purpose.

The thoughts that fell into chaos, in order to reunite the fragments of the soul, had to find a target for themselves in a hurry.

The first thing that catches the eye is the suitcase after all.

Although I can't remember why I needed this thing in the first place, I still have to hand it over to an outside organization.

The purpose no longer exists, but the means are still in vain.


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