"It's bad……"

Blood-stained hair stuck to his cheeks. Some even got into the mouth.

"It's too ugly... I showed mercy to the enemy without killing him... I also angered the enemy and made the enemy's super power go out of control... I'm afraid Shirai Kuroko has to bow his head and apologize to many people..."

When thinking of the person to whom Shirai bowed his head to apologize, the first thing that came to mind was a certain girl.

Misaka Mikoto.

Shirai and Misaka Mikoto have not been friends since childhood, and their families do not have any close friendship. Shirai met Mikoto after she entered Tokiwadai Middle School...that is, after April this year. Moreover, the two people's acquaintance was not deliberately arranged. At first, they just happened to go to the same school and met in the same building.

However, Shirai learned a lot from Mikoto.

Although the two only met occasionally in school, and there were not many opportunities to meet, it was enough to change Shirai.

What Shirai learned from Mikoto were very simple things.

The so-called manners are not to decorate oneself, but to make the other person feel at ease.

The so-called etiquette should not be forced on the other party, but should be guided by oneself.

The so-called education is not to love vanity, but to listen to the other person's troubles.

The so-called dignity cannot be achieved alone, but can only be obtained by protecting the other party.

Mikoto didn't lecture Shirai.

But Mikoto leads by example.

In Shirai's eyes, Shirai felt so small. Although Mikoto's words and deeds may seem quite rude at first glance, they actually adhere to the basic concepts and are just not formal. Even in street fights, Mikoto does not go beyond the rules of various fights, which is the so-called "dueling etiquette". To this day, Shirai still deeply feels that there is a huge difference between himself and his sister who only knows how to do superficial things but never understands the inner meaning.

If it were her...

If it were Misaka Mikoto... she would never make such a mistake.

Shirai is quite confident about this. Although this is just an arrogant, wishful, and self-righteous outsider's idea, Shirai firmly believes it. If it were a railgun, it would never take this level of crisis seriously. She can definitely charge into the battlefield with a smile on her face, without giving the enemy a chance to breathe, suppress the enemy in one breath, and then leave unscathed.

To her, Shirai's current situation is nothing at all.

No matter how bad the situation is, she will never back down.

She would rush to Shirai's side, carry the bruised Shirai on her back, say some comforting words, and rush out of the building at the last second.

She is very likely to come to save this stupid school girl who fell here.

Shirai Kuroko thought about Misaka Mikoto's name and face.

Then Shirai smiled.

"Although my sister is perfect, her expectations may be a bit too high..."

Just as Shirai was secretly laughing at himself, the space began to creak.

It's like the sound a glass window makes when it's squeezed. It's coming, Shirai thought calmly.

Although this phenomenon has not occurred in the space movement and coordinate movement so far, Shirai knows it very well.

I am afraid that in less than ten seconds, a weight of 4,520 kilograms will travel through space and attack me.

The sound of car engines and noise coming in from the cracked window never stopped.

But the room was shrouded in eerie silence.

The difference between the two sides was so great that Shirai could hardly help but laugh.

Although French light music that was inappropriate for the scene could be heard in the ears, it only created an even more chilling feeling.

I don't want to die, Shirai thought blankly.

At the same time, knowing that Misaka Mikoto couldn't hear, Shirai couldn't help but plead deeply to her in his heart.

I have deep expectations for the electromagnetic gun that may have heard the commotion now and is coming with all its strength.


Shirai was unable to move his body on his own.

But if there is another person to support you, you can walk.

If a savior can appear at this time...

Just like the old hero movie, if someone can show up at the last minute...


The girl with twin ponytails kept praying.

At the last moment when all this is about to end.

A familiar voice came from my ears.

"I'm so sorry. I'm not your sister. I let you down."

Shirai was surprised when he heard this and quickly turned his head to look.

The person standing next to her was the man she hated the most, the man who wanted to steal her sister.

As a result, he had to be saved by someone he hated.

Shirai bit his lips tightly, his brain was so confused that he didn't realize that Xia Qing had put a hand on his shoulder.

"Get ready, I'm going to jump."

Shirai didn't wake up until these words came out.

“What are you talking about-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh where’sss theres,” “What are you talking about?”

Shirai Kuroko, who has the ability to "move in space" and has never been scared in such high altitudes, is now being carried on Xia Qing's shoulders. Looking at the passing windows of the building and the rapid descent, it seems that the surrounding buildings are beginning to rapidly The illusion of rising.

The girl's twin ponytails had floated up and were constantly swaying in the falling wind.

Behind Xia Qing, tiny golden currents appeared unknowingly, which was the effect of using [Thunder Breath].

He was running down the building at the moment, his speed had reached the speed of sound, and he was rushing between buildings like the Flash.

Shirai saw the tiny golden current behind Xia Qing. That strange sight was something she had never seen since she was a child.

I never thought that one person could have multiple superpowers. These powerful powers combined into one are as powerful as a god.

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