"It's the other way around! Why are you raising your hands in the air and cheering?"

Shirai used space movement and instantly came to Uiharu's eyes, pushing her small temples on both sides with his fists.

Because the shriveled schoolbag was still in her hand, the buckle of the schoolbag kept touching Chuchun's ears.

Both of them are in the first grade of junior high school.

However, based on the background of Tokiwadai Middle School and the halo of level 4 ability users, there is an obvious relationship between the two.

In addition, Shirai once helped Uiharu, who was an ordinary student at the time, during his first mission as a member of the disciplinary committee.

But Shirai himself doesn't care, only Uiharu is always on his mind.

Branch No. 177 does not look like a school classroom, but like an office. There are several iron desks commonly seen in city offices, with several computers placed on them.

Uiharu sat on a chair facing a computer.

Shirai moved behind Uiharu and squeezed her temples, so his eyes naturally turned to the computer screen.

What appears to be a GPS satellite positioning system map is displayed on the screen.

There was a red X mark on it, which seemed like some kind of event had happened.

Several other places on the map are also marked, and in other windows, you can also see photos and other information.

What do these things mean? You have to ask Chuchun to find out.

But Shirai only glanced at it casually and said.

"Ah, didn't this happen on campus?"

If it happens in a school, the school floor plan should be used instead of the GPS map.

Since the disciplinary committee is called the disciplinary committee, it is basically an organization that maintains public order on campus.

Therefore, the Discipline Committee has a branch in every school, and it is not like the security system 24 hours a day.

Every day when it is time to leave school, the office will be locked and no one will be left inside. Today may be an exception.

Unless there is an emergency, policing activities outside the school are essentially the responsibility of the security guard.

That's because adults don't think students should be allowed to patrol dangerous alleyways or in the middle of the night.

Shirai stopped pushing Uiharu's temples, and Uiharu seemed a little relieved.

"I have followed the procedure and notified the guard, but the situation is really not quite right, and the guard may ask us to provide detailed information immediately.

I think Shirai-san should know better than me how to answer, ah, by the way, let me make some black tea? "

"Forget it, I don't like drinking tea on an empty stomach."

For Shirai, black tea is just a companion to dishes or desserts.

Activities such as afternoon tea where tea is the main character are not in line with Shirai's taste.

Hearing Shirai's casual answer, Uiharu was shocked and turned pale.

"Woo... Wuwu...! In order to imitate the life of a noble lady, I have studied books about black tea and prepared special spices such as rose oil...

But you casually rejected it with a sentence that sounded more like a lady! Drinking black tea at school, doesn’t it sound wonderful? It totally feels like upper class society! "

The noble daughter of Tokiwadai Middle School is the object of desire for all the girls in Academy City.

But most people don't know what kind of life Tokiwadai Middle School students live.

Therefore, some fanatics who yearn too much for aristocratic girls' schools will study in strange directions, and end up in the situation like Uiharu.

"Oh, being so formal is something only a nouveau riche would do. Anyway, what happened?"

"Ah, it doesn't matter if I can be a rich man or a nouveau riche...having such thoughts in my head proves that I am indeed a common man.

As for what happened, it wasn't really that big of a deal. To put it bluntly, it was just a robbery on the road. However, there were as many as ten gangsters, so it wasn't really a smart way to commit a robbery. "

Shirai chewed Uiharu's words in his head, put his shriveled schoolbag on the chair next to him, and looked at the screen intently.

The map of School District No. 7 was displayed on the computer screen, and a corner of the main road in front of the station was marked with an X. There are some brightly colored arrows on the nearby road, which should be the gangster's predicted escape route.

Shirai showed a surprised look.

"We shouldn't have to deal with such an incident, right?"

"But there are some doubts about this robbery. According to the testimony of eyewitnesses, the thing that was taken away was a suitcase."


"Ah, Shirai-san, don't you know? It's about the same size as an ordinary suitcase with wheels on the bottom.

Not many people seem to use this kind of thing for personal travel. On the contrary, flight attendants often use it. "

Uiharu explained it succinctly and powerfully.

"According to eyewitness information, there is a delivery slip attached to this suitcase."

Chapter 147 Tracking (1/4)

"To put it simply, it's just a suitcase with a delivery note attached? What's so weird about that?"

"Well, anyway, take a look at this image first. This is an image taken by an autonomous security robot. I'll enlarge the part of the suitcase."

Chuchun pressed a few buttons, and a new window appeared. On it, you could see the number, holder, and destination on the delivery note.

Shirai frowned when he saw the destination.

"Tokiwadai Middle School Affiliated Calculation Support Facility...? I've never heard of this unit."

"Ah, so it turns out there is no such unit? It's difficult for us to get in touch with "School Garden", so we can't confirm it.

By the way, even the upcoming Daihasei Festival, "School Garden" is not an arena and is not open to the public. "

Judging from Uiharu's tone, it seemed that the latter annoyed her even more.

"I checked the serial number on the delivery note, and it doesn't seem right. Although there is indeed a delivery item with this number, the content says that it is a large-scale cooling device for heat dissipation of the main computer of the parallel computing instrument.

No matter how you think about it, it’s impossible to stuff that kind of thing into a suitcase, right? "

"What are you talking about...? It doesn't matter if it's metal parts. I've never heard of any machines being imported from the outside world into the "Gakusha Garden"."

“It’s impossible to judge the authenticity of the delivery note just by analyzing the image of the delivery note. Maybe someone just copied a delivery note and pasted it on.”

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