"Shirai-san, some problems have arisen that I, a newcomer, cannot handle on my own, so if it's convenient, I would like to seek your senior's opinion."

"what is the problem?"

"Anyway...anyway, please come to the 177th branch within thirty minutes. The current situation is getting worse and worse."

The other party cut off the call.

Ikuroko put away the phone and turned to Misaka Mikoto with guilt.

"I'm sorry, sister, I really don't know how to express my apology to you. That colleague from the Discipline Committee who didn't understand the style arranged a job for me..."

"It's okay, it's okay. I'll see you off with a big smile."

"... He didn't even say a word of apology, which really made me burst into tears... Okay, I'll go then. Please take care of yourself, sister."

Shirai turned around and walked towards the bus terminal. In order to gain time, she decided to take the last bus.

Halfway through, Mikoto suddenly spoke.

"Heizi, I know that work is often out of your control, but I suggest you come back as early as possible today because it may rain tonight."

"Ah, I forgot to read the weather report today, so I didn't know about it. Thank you sister for reminding me. Then we'll see you in the dormitory later."

Shirai bowed to Mikoto and thanked her, then turned and walked towards the bus terminal.

The sound of Mikoto's footsteps gradually getting farther and farther could be heard from behind, and finally she could not be heard at all.

Shirai was a little concerned about the weather and looked up at the evening sky.

There is no sign of rain at all.


Suddenly, Shirai suddenly felt that something was not right about what Mikoto just said.

It may rain at night.

This sentence may sound normal at first, but this is Academy City with three artificial satellites, not to mention that one of them contains a "Tree Diagram Designer" and has perfect simulation capabilities.

In other words, the residents of Academy City usually do not use the uncertain word "maybe" to describe the weather.

"So, sister..."

She might know something.

Although what Mikoto said made Shirai feel a little worried, Shirai decided to prioritize the work at hand.

The last bus would leave in ten minutes. Shirai held his shriveled schoolbag tightly and ran with all his strength towards an invisible destination in the distance.

Unconsciously, the little doubt in Shirai's heart disappeared without a trace.

The school bus she took was shared by five schools in the "School Garden".

Although considering the financial resources of various aristocratic girls' schools, owning a bus alone is not a problem.

However, each school deliberately merged the bus system into one based on the concept of "trying to let students have as much contact with society as possible under the premise of safety".

The school bus shared by the five schools has a luxurious and spacious interior, earning it the title of "double-decker parade bus."

The student seats are concentrated on the lower level, and the upper level is a cafe.

The bus follows the established route and travels between the five student dormitories along the main road.

The place where Shirai Kuroko got off the bus was not in front of the student dormitory of Tokiwadai Middle School.

She got off the car in front of the student dormitory of another school, mixed in with the female students of the other school, stretched, sighed softly, and thought to herself.

‘Do buses like that really have the effect of bringing students into more contact with society? ’

There are also buses from other systems passing in front of the student dormitory of Tokiwadai Junior High School, which are so-called general buses.

Compared with ordinary buses, school buses are vastly different.

Chapter 146: Early Spring Shili (5/5)

The time is 7:30 pm.

You can still see the sunset at this time during the summer vacation, but it is completely dark at this time in mid-September.

Shirai took out the disciplinary committee armband from his schoolbag, pinned it on the sleeve of his short-sleeved uniform, and then walked alone in a completely different direction from the girls around him.

Once the mood changes from after school to work, the dry schoolbag in the hand becomes even more cumbersome.

Because what she needs is no longer the necessities for school, but the necessities for fighting.

Near the student dormitory, there is a building belonging to another school.

This is a very ordinary square concrete school building, completely different from the style in the "School Garden".

Shirai walked in, took a pair of slippers from the faculty-only entrance where few students came in and out, and walked along the corridor lined with lights.

After walking on the hard and cold rubber floor for a while, I saw a door with a long door number that read [Discipline Committee Activities Branch No. 177].

There was a glass panel next to the door. After passing the multiple identification levels of fingerprints, veins and unique vibrations of fingertips, Shirai Kuroko did not knock on the door, but chose to push the door open.

"Bang!" The door panel made a loud noise.

The girl inside the door jumped up in fright. Her name was Uiharu Shiri.

He is the same age as Shirai, but because of his petite stature and narrow shoulders, he looks a little more childish.

It was rare for a junior high school student like her to look out of place even in a summer sailor uniform.

Her short black hair is adorned with roses, hibiscus and other flower-shaped ornaments. From a distance, it looks like she has a colorful vase on her head.

Uiharu's face was full of panic, while Shirai stepped into the 177th branch menacingly.

"What on earth is going on? There are so many disciplinary committee members, why do they have to come to me?"

"Well, thinking about it calmly, it seems that it doesn't have to be Shirai-san."

"...You clearly know that I am shopping with my sister, but since you insist on calling me here, shouldn't you say something?"


Uiharu Shili stretched out her slender white index finger and tapped her cheek, tilted her head slightly, and then raised her arms with a happy expression.

"Long live!"

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