"The reason didn't exist from the beginning. Amakusa's style has always been like this, especially our generation. Why do you think the female pope can become our leader at such a young age?

In order to realize a child's dream, she can stand up against a dragon big enough to swallow a mountain. In order to fulfill the last wish of a dying person, she is willing to defend a small village from the attack of thousands of troops.

Along the way, we kept looking at her back. Although the time she led us was short, it was eternity to us. "

When Jian Gongzhai said this, his tone seemed to be chasing the phantom of the past.

It's like bragging about your family.

“Because of her, we were able to walk on the right path without going astray or abusing our power. She taught us through her actions some of the things that were easy to say.

She used her actions to let us know that people can be so strong and gentle, and that it is not difficult at all to do so. "

For a long time, everyone was silent.

Finally, Jiangong's clenched teeth broke the silence.

"...But we ruined her life."


"It was our death, our immaturity, that put Her Holiness in pain. Everyone around her died, but she was the only one who survived. She considered it her responsibility.

What a joke! It is our wish to go to the battlefield with her. Being defeated on the battlefield is due to our lack of ability. These are our own responsibilities.

But in the end, the result was that the female pope voluntarily left her place of residence even though she had done nothing wrong. "

The sound of Jian Gong's voice was as painful as a knife being stabbed in the face.

The words of resentment squeezed out from the depths of his throat were filled with touching emotions.

"Our immaturity took away her shelter, so we must give her a shelter. In this shelter, we must fight to never let anyone get hurt, suffer, or lose their smile.

In this shelter, we can unite the strength of everyone, just to protect one person's happiness, and there will be no confusion. "

"So when Orsola Aquinas came to us for help, we reached out and an organization that was naturally willing to do this was the right place for her to be."

In other words, they are not fighting for power struggles and interests among organizations.

They fight for their own goals and do not pursue any interests.

However, their purpose was difficult for outsiders to understand, so doubts and misunderstandings arose in Orsola's heart.

"how come……"

Orsola also didn't know what to say, and her eyes contained indescribable complex emotions.

She couldn't imagine that there was such a force that was willing to protect her unconditionally in this way. This was really unbelievable.

"No wonder even Kanzaki took action this time."

Steele sighed helplessly, and then tore off all the talismans on Jian Gong's body.

"Then let's do this. You take Orsola to a safe place first. As for the Orthodox people, we will contain them."


Jiangong was silent for a moment before finally uttering a word.

"Thank you so much."

"You have nothing to be grateful for, you bunch of bad people."

Steele curled his lips and lit another cigarette.

After Jiang Palace left against Orsola, only Xia Qing, Steele and Index were left present.

Although she wanted Index to go to a safe place, she insisted on following him. In this case, there was nothing she could do.

In fact, Index would have an absolute advantage against the orthodox nuns. After all, she had the knowledge of one hundred and three thousand magic books.

What's more, the nun uniform Index is wearing is a "mobile church" with nuclear bomb-level defense. In terms of defense power, it is not a problem at all.

"Then let's start now."

Xia Qing was the first to speak.

Immediately afterwards, Steele also smiled.

"Then let's get started."


The church of Ossola cannot yet be called a church.

It occupies an area equivalent to four or five general school gymnasiums. If completed, it will probably be the only formal cathedral in Japan.

Such a building was built near Academy City, perhaps with the intention of containing the scientific forces.

However, since it is only half-built, the spacious space only gives people a sense of loneliness.

The outer wall has just been built, and there are still many steel steps and ladders erected around it.

The interior decoration has not been started at all, and it looks like it has been plundered by a vulgar mercenary group.

The window that was scheduled to be installed with stained glass was still a large black hole, and the location where the huge pipe organ was to be placed was still a rather unnatural space.

The marble floors and walls exude the luster of new construction, but the huge cross that should have been hung on the wall is still leaning against the foot of the wall behind the pulpit.

But these alone are not enough to create this strange scene.

There were no artificial lights at all in the cathedral, with only a few starlights shining in from the black windows without glass.

Hundreds of nuns wearing black monastic uniforms stood silently in this dark space.

They were arranged in concentric circles.

Some held objects that could be easily identified as weapons, such as swords or spears, while others held religious ritual tools such as giant gears or hooks.

Everything reflects faint starlight.

There was no one else, and the captured Amakusa-style members were placed in other buildings on the same building site, with about ten people in charge of surveillance.

"Damn it! Where did that stinky woman go?!"

The current Yanis looks furious, which is far different from the calm and elegant look before.

Yanis's mood at this moment was as uncomfortable as driving a sports car on the highway and being hit by a mule.

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