Looking at the young man who seriously injured himself with just one kick, Jiangong couldn't help but feel shocked.

Unexpectedly, this person could inflict more serious injuries on him than Steel, who was a rune magician.

At this moment, time seemed to have stood still, solemnly,

Suddenly, a burst of fire shot into the sky and a loud roar broke out.

"The original flame means light, the sword of gentle protection and severe punishment!"

Steele suddenly shouted loudly.

It was the explosion sound after the flames absorbed a large amount of oxygen. The flaming sword in Steele's hand tore through the darkness of the night. For a brief moment, Jiangong had to focus on the upcoming attack.

"Damn it!"

After Jian Gong discovered the flaming sword slashed by Steele, he quickly used a spell to block it and swung the flaming sword horizontally!

The magic of the flame sword and the flame-shaped sword canceled each other out. However, under this situation, Jiangong failed to dodge Xia Qing's attack immediately.

As a result, Jiangong was knocked unconscious by Xia Qing's hand knife.


Jian Gong was like being hit by an elephant on the subway, his body suddenly fell to the ground.

"Cang Dang——!" There was a sound, and even the flame-shaped sword in his hand was released and slid on the ground.

The battle ended like this. Perhaps it was because Amakusa Shiki was in chaos because of the loss of its leader, Kengiya. No sound of fighting could be heard in the distance, and the alcohol in the air suddenly disappeared.

Since they have not yet joined up with Yanis, it is impossible to know the current situation, but the Orthodox Church should be victorious.

Although he didn't have a good impression of Xia Qing, a member of the Orthodox Church, the two factions had nothing to do with Xia Qing. In short, the more chaotic the better.

It just so happened that Xia Qing could also find opportunities to earn experience points and energy points, and he would earn them anyway.

A little further away, Jiangong Zhaizi was sitting on the ground, with rune cards affixed to his hands, feet, chest, back, and forehead.

These cards represent quite terrifying magic. As long as Jiangong moves even slightly, his whole body will burst into flames.

"Then let's take Osole back to the Orthodox Church and give it to Yanis and the others, right?"

Index spoke up at this moment.

"No, I can't give it to them. Not only can I not give it, I will directly switch to the Amakusa side and fight with them against the orthodox people."

Xia Qing said.

These words made Index and Orsola freeze on the spot.

Especially Orsola, she now even feels that she has fallen into a trap.

"He is right. Yanis was just deceiving us from the beginning. She just wanted us to clear the way for her."

Steele lit a cigarette, paying no attention to the blood flowing through his body.

"Anyway, we've already snatched her away. Let's just let her become a member of our Puritan Church. It just so happens that we can take her away with good reason."

"Is there any benefit to Puritanism in doing so?"

Orsola asked with some confusion.

At this time, Jian Gong, who had been covered with talisman stickers by Steele, suddenly spoke.

"Hey... do you know what kind of magic book "Book of Laws" is?"

Index, who has the most knowledge, spoke like an automatic encyclopedia at this moment.

"The "Book of Laws" is a magic book written in a strange grammar, and the codes in it are quite complex - it can even be said to be a completely different system of language.

In the past, the only person generally believed to be able to interpret the Book of Laws correctly was the author Edward Alexander, also known as Crowley.

The most important concept in "The Book of Laws" lies in what the author himself said: Do whatever you want, and it will be your law, but other than that, no one knows the details. "

Index gushed.

"The Book of Laws records things described by Aiwass. What Aiwass is is also a mystery. Some say he is Crowley's guardian angel, while others say he is a criminal.

As for the content, some people believe that it teaches humans how to use angel spells, and because the spells are so powerful, it is said that once the "Book of Laws" is opened, the era of Christianity will end, and another new era will begin. . "

"That's the problem."

Jiangong suddenly smiled meaningfully.

"That's the point. The power of the "Book of Laws" is indeed terrifying. If humans can really use angel spells, the era of Christian domination may really come to an end in one day.

When many people have power over the Pope, the power pyramid created by the Church collapses. "

Jiangong paused and continued.

"But not everyone wants this kind of power, so what if we get a higher status? In fact, we don't want this kind of power at all.

No, it should be said that no normal Christian believer wants to get this kind of power. "

Jiangong continued quietly.

"Orthodoxy is the largest sect of Christianity. It stands at the top of the world and has two billion followers. Do you think they want the era of Christianity to end?"

"If you say so, then why did Orsola take advantage of the chaos to escape from you?"

Index asked.

Jian Gong smiled faintly and looked at Orsola who was hiding behind Index.

"Although she took the initiative to ask for help from us... in the end, she still couldn't completely trust us. She must have had this thought in her heart: "There is no reason for those people to be willing to fight with the largest sect in the world just for me. Enemies, they will definitely ask me to provide the interpretation of the "Book of Laws" in return."

Jian Gong looked away from Orsola and looked at the more distant night sky.

"It's really baffling. Why do we need the Book of Laws?"

Chapter 135: Angry Yanis (3/4)

"Then why do you want to save Orsola?"

Index asked.

Jian Gong answered without hesitation.

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