The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 348: Sprint at full speed

Looking at the listed plan, Ulysses was excited.

This is a perfect plan. Just be careful to hide Aiya and the others to sign up, and then quietly go to take the exam, and then you just have to wait for the result.

The priest examination of the church has special protection for candidates. The list will be collected by priests of the great priest level, and it will never be leaked out, and there are almost no loopholes in it.

It is impossible for the elders with respect and respect like the great priest of Anad to embarrass him! Ulysses thought about it this way, carefully collecting the notes, and then walked out of the room.

Because it took a long time to think about the plan, when Ulysses walked to the lobby of the hotel, Lufa, Zofi, and Kay were all up and having breakfast together, but Hydra and Helen couldn’t see it. Trace.

"Huh? Ulysses, why are you still here? Didn't you go out long ago?" Lufa looked at Ulysses with some confusion.

"I went out to buy something, Lufa, is there anything to do with me?" Ulysses replied strangely.

"I have done the enrollment procedures for you yesterday, and gave you the badge. Don't you go to the opening ceremony of the Guanghui Academy today?" Lufa looked at the hotel bell. It's already half past seven. If I remember correctly, the opening ceremony of the Guanghui Academy starts at 8 o'clock.

"Wh, what! It's now!" Ulysses was taken aback, and quickly took out the crystal badge from his arms-a voucher necessary to enter the school. There is only one special item per person.

"There should be more than twenty minutes, but you have to run away." Lufa looked at Ulysses sympathetically.

"Oops! Oops, I'm almost late!" Ulysses, who was shocked, couldn't even bother to say hello to Kay and Zofi. After waving his hand vigorously, he rushed out of the hotel desperately.

"It's hard to use it...I don't even sweat it..." Zuofei bit a plate of grilled chicken wings, looking disapprovingly at Ulysses who rushed out from here like a defeated dog.

"Zofi, not everyone ignores discipline like you. Human beings become powerful because they can strictly abide by discipline. Discipline is the foundation of the military's combat power." Cut the bread upright. Kay began to teach Zofi the importance of discipline.

"Discipline or something, I rushed over and smashed it." Zofi raised her fist, this is her personal experience.


"It's not good, I'm going to be late!" Ulysses felt for the first time that he was too smug. I just thought about a plan that I didn't know whether it would be realized, and I was so happy that I even forgot about going to the college sooner.

Although he didn't know that the opening ceremony was today, this kind of slack attitude shouldn't appear to him anyway.

He is not a genius, and all the achievements he had achieved before meeting Aya were obtained through unremitting hard work and serious attitude.

Magic talent is not good, so spend three times more time than others to work hard. Practice all elementary magic time and time again until you can use it automatically without thinking.

If you don’t have enough knowledge, you will work hard to make money, buy the books you need while practicing magic, and challenge the scholar-level knowledge.

Today, it is unforgivable that he forgot to learn such an important thing in advance just because he was too immersed in his delusion.

quick! Faster! There was no other way, and regardless of the shocked eyes of the girls on the street, Ulysses pushed his speed to a certain limit.

No, for him, the limit is used to break.

"Huh!" A strong wind blew on the flat street. A blast with a clear goal and a strong will.

"Ah!" The girl in the white straw hat pressed her skirt hard, but the blue and white striped **** under the white skirt were still exposed.

"What's going on!" The girl in the red dress widened her eyes, and her charming purple lace **** flashed past.

"What a big wind!" The black-haired girl standing on the top of the building pressed her short skirt at a loss, the cute pink strawberry pattern gleaming in the sun.

"Why is there such a strong wind!" The angry girl slashed the hand knife across the air, and the sharp whistling sound cut through the wind that swept through. But this violent movement made her skirt disappear unknowingly, revealing a cute bear pattern.

Ulysses, who was running madly wholeheartedly, naturally ignored these alluring beauty. It only left a little insignificant impression, and left with the wind, leaving only a vague back view of the girls.

No, it has to be faster! Ulysses, who was almost completely ignoring his surroundings, was extremely anxious. The speed under his feet is getting faster and faster, but the feeling of panic is getting more and more serious. In any case, he doesn't want to be late as soon as school starts!

The speed can be improved, but in that case, it is difficult to control when cornering. Then, first perceive the surroundings, if there is no one, then speed up! After thinking a little bit, Ulysses chose the most direct and effective method. In fact, flying into the sky and sprinting at extreme speed is the best way. But for some reason, Ulysses could feel that there were a lot of invisible magical obstacles in the air. Perhaps the events that happened last night caused the alert level of the Glory City to increase.

Ulysses, who raised his perception ability to the highest level, can even feel everything around him without his eyes. Trees, buildings, people, whatever they are, he can clearly feel them. Even the direction of the wind is clear in his field of perception.

"Da! Da!" In the continuous and rapid footsteps, Ulysses sprinted to the last area of ​​the city, which was the street closest to the entrance to the Guanghui Academy. Perhaps because the opening ceremony was about to begin, he could no longer see anyone on this road.

I'm really going to be late! Ulysses was sweating profusely, and the speed of his sprint exploded again, passing hundreds of meters in a flash.

Passing through that corner is the main entrance of the entrance! Ulysses felt that there was no one around, and could not help but sprint more desperately.

Turn around at a right angle there and continue sprinting! Faster, faster. Ulysses thinking this way, rushed to the edge of the corner at lightning speed.

Step on your right foot, and then take this foot as the axis, pull your left foot away, move it sideways, and rush forward! The essence of turning at a right angle was fully displayed by Ulysses.

"Bang!" The right-angle turn close to the speed of sound was blocked, and Ulysses' perception was easily defended by "something" in the empty corner.

Ulysses, whose center of gravity was completely destroyed, didn't even have time to correct his actions, so he collapsed. In less than a second, the vision suddenly turned into darkness.

"Bang!" The crisp voice broke the silence of the morning. In the dust, Ulysses didn't even figure out what was going on.

"What...what's going on!" Ulysses was spinning around, feeling something very soft on his face and hands. It's really soft, and when you hold it lightly, you will feel like "Puff! Puff!"

"Huh?" In a place where there was no one, in a space where Ulysses felt that even a small animal did not exist, a certain voice of doubt came.

Ulysses opened his eyes very hard, and then saw the closest thing to him. A pair of soft and flexible, with a half of the beautiful mountain peaks exposed on the side, and black and white shorts that give a vivid impression.

This...this...could it be that... Ulysses's mind suddenly became confused. What is this thing? It seemed that he suddenly appeared in front of him from a different space, and then broke his right-angle turn. Is this a mystery from an incredible world?

"You..." The owner of the voice seemed a little angry, or it was Ulysses' illusion that he felt that he was in a very dangerous situation.

Human, human... After a while of confusion, Ulysses finally figured out that what he had hit was not a mystery from another world, but a genuine human being. And she was still a girl, and he also touched her **** because of this accident.

"Where are you touching?" The master of the voice spoke again. The calm voice contained great anger, like the sea before the storm, dark and turbulent.

"Body!" Ulysses felt that he no longer knew what he was talking about. The impact was too unrealistic and seriously affected his will, so that he entered a completely illogical state.

"Be more specific." Like a scholar pursuing the truth, the master of the voice continued to question.

"Human body!" (Correct answer, but not correct.)

"More specific!" (This answer does not seem to satisfy the voice owner)

"The flesh..." (Same correct answer, but more ambiguous)

"Be more specific." (This answer doesn't work either)

"Uh... upper body" (The answer closest to the correct answer comes out)

"Where is the upper body?" (Sure enough, it won't work if you don't really face your mistakes)

"This...this..., Ulysses looked at his chest in front of him at a loss, and he didn't even dare to look up at the other person's face. He did think hard, but his body became bad when he lost his memory. His bad habit. Like being in the arms of Mother Ice Phoenix, his hands sank in uncontrollably-sinking into that strong and elastic breast."

Bad...bad...too bad! Ulysses stared at his messy hands in amazement. At that stage when he lost his memory, he actually developed such a terrible habit! He didn't even realize this.

It seemed that it was natural to make this action. Yes, but! The other party isn't the Ice Phoenix mother, nor is it showing off!

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