The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 347: Ulysses' plan

Although Ulysses was looking forward to what would happen in seven days, it was after a week after all. And today is the day when he will officially go to Guanghui Academy.

Although it is a public college, Guanghui College is not open to ordinary people. The entire academy is guarded by a powerful magic enchantment, making it impossible for anyone to invade easily. It can be said to be one of the most powerful places in the mainland for defense measures.

However, there seems to be no perfect defense anywhere. At least Ulysses already knew that his Aunt Lana had the ability to sneak him into the academy secretly. It seemed that this was not the first time she had done such a thing.

"I remember Sister Lana seems to have said that she is now a temporary swordsmanship teacher in the academy..." As long as she thinks about this, Ulysses feels his heart beating.

Fortunately, what he wants to study is not a swordsmanship course, so he probably won't meet her directly. As for the courses to be taken to enter the Guanghui Academy, Ulysses had already decided.

Sitting on the desk by the window, Ulysses began to write his study plan.

As a well-known comprehensive college in mainland China, Guanghui College has many excellent teachers, beautiful environment, and complete teaching facilities. You can learn almost anything you want. Even Ulysses in the small southern country has been famous for this college for a long time.

Because the learning conditions here are so excellent, he has to plan his own learning plan without making any mistakes.

Major course-Theology, this is undoubtedly a required course. As early as in Taji City, he envied the theology courses here more than once. It's a pity that at that time he was just a little light wizard, not a prince or a nobleman, not to mention studying at the Glorious Academy, even preparing for the travel expenses here was a very difficult task.

Moreover, the theology course is a very broad and profound course. Including the history of the mainland, the origin of religion, thinking about beliefs and the world, psychological research... many, many aspects. Thanks to the full support of the Supreme Theology, the theology courses of the Guanghui Academy are among the top in the mainland, and countless priests and scholars have been cultivated.

Minor course-occult, which is also a difficult subject. The subject of studying many incomprehensible phenomena is a newly emerging discipline. According to some materials Ulysses saw in the house of the water sage teacher Cavendish, this subject happened to study the origin and development of various mysteries, which is suitable for him now.

For Ulysses, this is the knowledge necessary to master the origin of the power and skills that he possesses. What he lacks now is not skill or strength, but the knowledge to understand these things. This subject plus the first major in theology should be able to solve this problem well.

As for other courses such as equally good knights, swordsmen and many magic courses, they are not important to him, and he does not have so much energy to learn so many things. For him, focusing on doing one thing and going all out to do the best is the learning method that suits him. Although he failed in the priest exam for three consecutive years, this cannot be otherwise the effect of his efforts.

"If you have extra time, take a minor course in light magic." After hesitating for a while, Ulysses still added the magic course he had been best at and eager for into his plan.

Since possessing the terrifying power of the demon king, in the battle, he has very few opportunities to use light magic. Regardless of whether it is healing or auxiliary, the ordinary light magic that he has mastered has no effect in the battle of the seventh-level powerhouse. On the contrary, the starry sky magic taught by elder Miandra possesses Surprisingly powerful effect.

But no one in Starry Sky Magic can teach him, he can only study it by himself. Among the people he met, except for the elder Miandra and the dark princess Kare, he had never seen anyone use star magic.

I hope I can find more materials related to star magic in the occult course... After writing this sentence on the notebook, Ulysses sighed. Compared with the power of the Demon King's side, he was really too slow in the progress of light magic.

Could it be that his devil's talent is really that good? Is the talent of light magic so terrible?

Of course it's not like that. From the perspective of ordinary people, Ulysses, who became a sixth-level light wizard at the age of only eighteen, and began to study the mysterious starry sky magic is already an elite among the elite, and his future is unlimited.

Even if he was born as a commoner, but as long as he is willing, I am afraid that some aristocratic daughters are willing to enter the palace of marriage with him, or even marry a princess from a small country. However, he had unknowingly reached a height that ordinary people could not imagine in terms of dark power, and he didn't realize this.

As for the eighteenth-year-old, you can challenge the eighth-level strong, and even win...This is no longer within the scope of normal humans. (It's really not human...)

"Only these three courses." After the decision was made, Ulysses closed the notes.

Writing what he wanted to do on paper and then implementing it was his habit when he was studying in Taguig City. Doing this kind of thing now makes him feel like he has gone back to that period of time in the past.

At that time, he was an ordinary fourth-level light wizard, and he often drank with Kanka, and occasionally went on missions with other mercenary groups. It was only half a year later. For him, that period of peaceful life seemed to have become a distant history.

According to common sense, at this time, he should actually study hard, make up for the lack of knowledge, and challenge the fourth priest examination.

Remember, the registration time for the next priest examination will be in March next year, and the examination time will be in June. Looking at the schedule he had written, Ulysses' calm heart began to fluctuate.

In March, he had to leave the Guanghui Academy and go back to the Ice Phoenix mother in the Snow World to report on his study progress. If you sign up before then, and then come back from the ice and snow world soon, maybe you can still catch up with the fourth priest exam.

Time is a bit tight, but it is not without hope. During these three months, if you concentrate, you can take a good study of theology. With a large number of books in the Guanghui Academy, and the teachings of teachers who are said to have come directly to the Academy for further studies, he may, possibly, really reach the level of passing the priest exam.

Thinking of this possibility, Ulysses' heartbeat speeded up involuntarily. In the past, he had put all of his own into this ideal. For this reason, he has been studying desperately for three consecutive years, and hardly wasted a day.

One failure, two failures, and three failures never made him give up his ideals. For him, that used to be his only.

Even now, after so many things, this ideal has not disappeared.

Now, it was still within his reach again, making him nervous and uneasy.

And when Ulysses was nervous about his plan, outside the window, a petite figure moved at high speed towards the west of the City of Glory in an extraordinary chain teleportation method.

About five minutes later, after crossing more than one special defense layer, she came to the top of a minaret. Here, a certain little devil has been waiting for her for a long time.


"Master is coming to the Guanghui Academy here to go to school?" Aiya showed a strange smile, looking at the Space Demon Sharon who had reported to her.

"Yes, it has been confirmed to Alseria that the master is indeed going to go to school here." Sharon still can't see the expression as before, it seems that she is simply repeating Alseria's words.

"School, the reason why the master came here is this, not to find our news." Aiya was a little bit disappointed, she originally thought Ulysses found this place through the contract between the apostle and Ulysses. .

But this is also normal. Helen has been imprisoned and imprisoned. I am afraid that until she escaped, she didn't figure out the specific location here. She didn't even know that it was because she deliberately opened the surrounding defensive barrier that allowed her to escape successfully. But before I knew what was going on, all the apostles lost contact with their master.

"Do you want to stop it?" Sharon asked.

"Stop, why?" Aiya asked back.

"..." Sharon thought hard. It is a pity that she, who was created as a space demon, does not yet possess sufficient logical reasoning ability. It just vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"For the book magician, helping the owner grow up is a matter of course. The owner wants to learn, isn't it great. I will definitely let him have a happy school life. It just so happens that this school seems to belong to this family Managed..." Aiya floated into the air with a smile, gazing at the distant glorious city through the mist of water. In the beautiful purple eyes, there is joy and expectation that cannot be concealed.

Her master, the newly born Demon King Ulysses, is there, and will probably see her again soon. This kind of thing, thinking about it, made her blush and heartbeat. Many, many fiery memories came out all at once.

"What the master wants, no matter what means, I will help him get it. The magician of the book originally exists to make the master a great demon king. Therefore, I will wholeheartedly and do my best to let the master live. Have a happy college life."

"Moreover, this city, this college, should have belonged to the owner."

"Understood." Sharon nodded, then used teleportation to leave the room.

"We will meet again soon, Master. Perhaps you will be a little surprised." Seeing Sharon's disappearance, Aiya began to look forward to the moment when the two met again.

She wanted to say to him, "Welcome back, Master."

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