Linde looked at the two things and walked up the steps...


"Green, let's go. Today we will start the magic." A fishman flexibly drilled in from the chimney-like top door, and his mouth made a harsh and sharp sound, because living in the sea, only this way of pronunciation is convenient for communication.

He pushed open a door and saw that the room was empty, with only a huge and fat anemone bud in the center of the room. All its tentacles were rolled inward into its own cavity. At its mouth, a head was sleepy, as if it was woken up by the visitor.

This is the "bed" of their tribe, a huge anemone. The fishman and the tentacles of the anemone were taken into its cavity together. The body and tentacles that entered the cavity were in close contact, which was particularly suitable for falling asleep.

"Still sleeping! Still sleeping!"

The fishman who came in was furious when he saw this, and swam over directly, put his hands on the soft and thick body of the anemone and began to scratch it. The anemone seemed unable to bear the tickling, and it vomited out the tentacles that were put into the cavity and the little fishman inside who didn't understand what was happening.

The fishman called Green stretched and yawned.

"Well... let's go." He wiped his face with his webbed hands, said tiredly, and then swam out of the room.

The fishman who came in was helpless to see him like this, and had to follow him.

Green swam out of the room and swam over the village. The neighbor's Grindylo showed his sharp teeth to Green, and it rushed up suddenly, and then was pulled hard by the straw rope around its neck.

Green ignored him and continued to swim higher until he could overlook the small village.

This is a beautiful sea village in the dark. Most people's houses are only one or two stories high. The only three-story building is located on the west side of the village, but no one lives in it. Instead, it serves as a meeting hall for major events in the village and a place for young fishmen in the village to start their magic.

The name of this small building is very simple, just called: Three-story Building.

There are also two huge statues in the square in the center of the village, one male and one female. The female statue is the legendary "Ocean Singer" and the male statue is the legendary "Sea Beast Priest".

However, Green has never understood what these two represent. It's just that the old fishmen in the village told them that they are two particularly powerful "professions".

Profession? ! In his cognition, there is no such thing as a profession. Most families in the village live a lifestyle based on the domestication of sea beasts, with men training and women raising them.

"What are you looking at?" The fishman behind also swam up and looked at Green in confusion.

Green turned his head and looked at his fishman friend. His name is Sea Dog, with iron blue skin and thick and hard scales all over his body. Huge eyes and sharp teeth. At the same time, fins are on multiple joints. All four fingers are webbed. And there are huge frog paws.

This is very different from the beautiful creature on the statue. This is the image of almost all the fishmen in this village.

Why almost all? Because Green is not like this. He has pale skin, and his thick golden hair floats and sways with the water.

He has pale skin, and fine scales shining with blue and purple light can be vaguely seen under his skin, big fin ears, fins on many parts of his body, strong limbs, and webbed hands and feet.

His image is exactly what the statue looks like.

Green shook his head and looked at the sea dog: "Nothing, let's go!" After that, he took the lead and swam to the third floor. At this time of year, they have to go there to start the magic.

Starting the magic is something that every little fishman has to experience when he is eight years old. It is more like a ceremony and a gathering.

All fishmen of the right age face the statues of two so-called legendary objects in front of the hall, and then the village chief crowns them with seaweed rings one by one, which means that they are already big children and can start trying to tame their own sea beasts.

According to the village chief, the magic of the awakening could once allow the fishmen to inherit the ancient and powerful magic of their ancestors. But since Green was born, he had never seen or heard of a fishman who had inherited the magic.

The two of them passed through stone houses one after another, and gathered with the rest of the group of little fishmen. Soon, the team had more than ten people.

That was about it. There were only a dozen or twenty people of the right age in this small village every year.

Several people crossed the center of the square and came to the street, then slowly landed and started walking. This was the rule of the village: no matter where you are, as long as you want to go there, you have to land here and walk over.

Green walked in the crowd, listening to the little fishmen around him chattering non-stop. Because of his strange appearance, these little fishmen were unwilling to play with him, and he only had one friend, the sea dog who came to wake him up.

When he walked to the third floor, an old fishman stood in front of the door.

Around them, on both sides of the street, there were already many fishmen swimming high above and watching them. Some of them were adults, while others, though not yet adults, had already undergone the initiation of magic. They chatted and talked about family matters.

For them, today was a rare festival. As for whether to initiate the magic or not, they had no such concept in their minds. For them, they just had to walk in and pray to the statues of the two legendary objects, and then the village chief would put seaweed rings on them.

As for the ancient and powerful spell inheritance, who would believe it? For decades, no fishman has seen it.

Green looked at the old fishman in front of him in the crowd. He was the village chief of this village and one of the few people in this village who treated the orphan Green with sincerity.

The old fishman had a majestic face. He glanced around and frightened the little fishmen so much that they dared not speak.

Seeing them quiet down, the old fishman slowly spoke, and his voice was transmitted through the water:

"As the survivors of Atlantis, we have noble blood flowing in our bodies, we have wisdom that other creatures can hardly reach, and we are born with powerful magic in our bodies.

And today, you will meet the legendary things. If you are lucky. You will get the legendary power. Although I don't expect it." At the end, his voice became lower and lower, and even revealed disappointment.

He looked at the children in front of him, and their eyes showed casualness and indifference.

They didn't believe what he said, but what could he do? This situation has not only happened in recent years. What power of ancestors, what remnants of Atlantis. They should be thankful that they know what Atlantis is.

Their inheritance is like a candle in the wind. He has a premonition that as long as he dies, there will be no fishman who will remember his origin, his bloodline, and his inheritance.

Thinking of this, he could only sigh and his body became more hunched.

"Come in!" He said, turning around and pushing open the door of the third floor. He took the lead to lead the children in.

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