Fortunately, this guy didn't go deeper, but stayed relatively horizontal, at least that's what the pressure he felt in his body told him.

In this blue world, he sometimes saw the reefs below, beautiful animals and plants of various colors, and sometimes crossed a long canyon, which was a bottomless abyss.

Sometimes he flew over the underwater mountains, and sometimes he seemed to fall into chaos, with nothing in sight.

It may have been only half an hour, and the swordfish under Lind began to slow down.

The bubbles in his ears gradually became smaller, and Lind listened to the chirping coming from nowhere and looked at the front.

They stopped on an underwater mountain. The mountain has been leveled, and you can see traces of chiseling and axe carving in many places.

On this flat land stood many spiral houses built of stones, most of which had collapsed into piles of rocks, and various shrimps, crabs, insects and lice were wandering in them.

On the hillside facing Lind, there are also many large holes. Some of the holes are sealed with nets made of unknown plants, but most of the nets have been broken. These holes are like animal pens.

Is this a village? ! Fishman?

Lind floated up and got off the back of the swordfish, and suddenly this thought came to his mind.

The swordfish swam behind him, carefully avoiding its kiss, and then gently arched his head to signal him to go in.

After Lind felt the swordfish's thoughts, before it could react, he swiped his hands and shot straight into the village like an arrow. When in the water, his speed was faster than some fish.

Seeing this, the swordfish also gathered all its strength, flicked its tail, and flew in front of Lind and led the way for him.

When Lind walked into the village, he felt the exotic aesthetics of this dilapidated village.

Because the concept of "up and down" is not affected in the water, most houses have a door facing up like a chimney, and there are almost no streets in the village, because they only need to swim above the village to avoid most buildings and go to where they want to go.

So most of the yards are next to each other, and you can see that corals, anemones, etc. were once cultivated in them, or strange and beautiful rocks, sculptures, etc. were placed...

The sailfish led the way in front, and Lind and it walked through one stone house after another and came to the center of the village.

That place seemed to be the square of this small village, surrounded by some houses, and in the center of this square stood two rough tall statues, which were also the most intact things Lind saw in this village:

One of them was a large female mermaid carved from a huge stone, which looked about 7-8 meters long. She was wearing a robe in the style of ancient Greek Athens, holding a seven-string lyre in her left hand, with scale patterns and a fish head totem on the body of the lyre, and her right hand was plucking the strings. Around her feet were a water monster with horns on its head, which was a Grindylo.

The other statue standing with her is a male mermaid, who is half a head taller than the female fish-man statue. His majestic body stands upright, holding a trident, looking straight ahead majestically, and wearing Spartan-style armor with ancient Greek characteristics.

Under the base of this statue, there are also a bunch of tentacles carved, some of which are stretched out next to this statue, just like his weapons.

When Lind saw these two sculptures, he seemed to see a large group of mermaids floating in front of this square. Some of them were carrying children, and some were holding their own Grindylo.

Above them were various water monsters that they had conquered, such as killer whales, hammerhead sharks, great white sharks, and giant swordfish. The mermaids sang in unison, surrounding the two statues as if they were worshiping.

Then why was this village abandoned?

Whether it is for humans, fishmen or any other race, abandoning their hometown is unacceptable. Moreover, he saw that this village had no signs of being attacked all the way. Most of the collapsed and dilapidated houses were caused by the erosion of years and water.


The sound of the sailfish came from one side. It had already swam behind the statue, signaling Linde to follow it quickly. It also floated and turned around twice to look at it in confusion.

Linde put aside his doubts and planned to see where the sailfish was going to take him, and then come back to see. Maybe there would be more interesting things in the intact house.

Linde also passed the two statues and followed the sailfish again.

Passing the statue, Linde saw the only street in the village. The street looked about 4-5 meters wide, enough for many people to drive side by side.

The sailfish swam to the street and lowered its body, as if walking on the street. It seemed that swimming too high here was disrespectful.

Seeing this, Linde also lowered his body and walked on it with his feet touching the ground. Because of the buoyancy and his own control, he could walk a long distance in one step, so he was not left behind by the huge sailfish.

This rather serious atmosphere made Lind curious. He looked forward and saw a street leading to a spiral three-story building, which was much taller than the surrounding houses. However, its third floor had collapsed, and half of the second floor had also collapsed. At first glance, only the first floor was intact.

After a while, Lind and Sailfish arrived at the gate of the building. When they got closer, Lind could still see the dense reliefs on the building. Even after a while, he could still see some patterns.

There was an unknown fish head on the door. The swordfish stopped moving forward when it came here. It retreated to the back and nudged Lind, signaling him to go in.

Lind took out the wand from his waist pocket. The nerves of the horse-shaped water monster were the core of the wand. It shook uncontrollably in this environment, and it looked very excited.

Lind wanted to cast a spell in this environment, but unfortunately he still remembered the trace silk thing in his heart. He took out the wand just in case. He would definitely not use it if he could.

Lind walked into the door and came to an empty hall, surrounded by different fish-man statues and pillars.

At the other end of the hall, there were several steps with two square stone pillars on them.

There were two stone objects on top of the stone pillars, one of which was a seven-string lyre and the other was a trident.

Seeing that there was nothing else around, Lind saw a staircase on the left, and then he walked up with his wand.

The second floor was empty.

The third floor... couldn't go up.

Then only the thing on the first floor is worth studying. Linde walked back and approached the two stone pillars carefully. A seven-string lyre and a trident, exactly the same as the two statues Linde saw in the square.

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