The city of Monkey King

Chapter 109: The second time it was extinguished!

The whole scene is dead, and the birds are silent!

One by one thought that they were blind, rubbing their eyes desperately, and finally confirmed that what happened just now is true!

The man who had just flicked the thunder fire yak directly for a few hundred meters.

Above the east stand.

Gongsun’s eyes were fierce, and he looked at the people around him. These people also looked at him. There was a happy color in his eyes. They all knew what to say.

This boy!

Did not use the slightest repair, he is, physical repair!

Including the vice president of Gongsun and the same, all the big men in the east stand think so!

The gods of the gods can only go out of bounds, and the most powerful of the waters and the world is only the Yuan Ying of the Kunlun Pavilion. It is not far from the gods. The cloud water industry can be said to be the lowest level in the world. Practice interface.

For these interfaces, physical repair, it is a rare encounter in the millennium, each one is very precious, and Gongsun is certainly happy!


Xiao Zhanyun originally wanted to see Qin Feng out, but when he saw this scene, his teeth almost chopped!

In the field, Qin Feng stood in front of the big cow.

"Great, go back and let Liu Man heal you."

The faint opening, the big cow behind him, gasping for a big mouth, snoring two times, that means ‘good’, then going back and going back to the stands through a special passage.

And three hundred meters away from the Qin wind, the yak that was flying.

At first, the bull's head was a bit awkward, and it didn't react. It was thrown away by people.

I climbed up from the ground and licked the dust on my body. Then the bull's eye stunned and it was angry!

In it, suddenly there are lightning and flames appearing, scattered around, the yak's radius of ten meters is the area of ​​fire and thunder.

The nose of the cow is constantly suffocating, and it is a mad rhythm!

But at this time, in the middle of Qin Feng and Lei Huo, there was a person who fell.

Xiao Zhanyun!

As soon as he appeared, the silence of the audience began to exclaim, especially those female students, many of them were over-excited, and the glory of the eyes in the eyes could not be concealed.

Xiao Zhanyun, these three words, in the past few years at Xianling College, that is absolutely the idol-level figure of the whole college.

Especially this year, even the spring, summer and autumn three seasons crown, the momentum of the invincible, no one can file! Everyone in the college knows what the ultimate goal of Xiao Zhanyun is, the Four Seasons King!

So from the beginning, many people are waiting for the emergence of Xiao Zhanyun. As for the people who appeared before, in their view, they are all cannon fodder.

Above the east stand.

"This is the genius of Xiao's family?"

Gong Suntong looked at the appearance of Xiao Zhanyun, feeling the warm atmosphere in the field, and asked the people around him.

"Yes, Vice President Gong Sun, this son named Xiao Zhanyun, is the genius who won the championship in spring, summer and autumn. This is also the purpose of the seven families of Xiao Jia."

A monk who was close to him said nod.

Gongsun Tong pinched the beard and glanced at the seven monks of the Xiao family. He was an old fox. He saw the purpose of the seven people at a glance.

Investigating the Xiaojia genius in front of him, is it qualified to succeed the next Xiao family?

This is also the reason why Gongsuntong appeared. After all, this kind of activity has to be done four times a year. There are four people in the dean and deputy dean. And everyone is very busy, and it is impossible to come again.

Usually, I just sent a few couples to settle down, and this time, Gongsun Tong personally appeared, mainly because of Xiao Zhanyun.

After all, according to the regulations, as long as Xiao Zhanyun wins the four seasons, he can become a disciple of the dean of the dean. As the vice president of the grandson, it is understandable to help the leaders to examine the future disciples.

"And see how this talented teenager will respond."

Gong Suntong looked at Xiao Zhanyun with a strong interest.

And in the field.

Xiao Zhanyun is an instant regret...

He was impulsive at the moment, afraid that Qin Feng had grabbed his championship, and it rushed down.

But when I got down, I found out!

I am very moldy!

This yak was completely irritated by Qin Feng, and it was going crazy at the moment, and this anger was originally sent to Qin Feng, but Xiao Zhanyun blocked it and naturally blocked this anger.

Damn it!

Xiao Zhanyun is roaring in his heart, but there is no way! I’m down all the time, I can’t run back anymore...

Thunderfire yak in the roar, four hooves to the ground, with a booming sound toward Xiao Zhanyun rushed over.

Xiao Zhanyun’s face changed, and a wave of fire blue appeared in his hand.


The horns directly hit the middle pole, and Xiao Zhanyun was hit back by a hundred meters!

And this is not over yet, the Thunderfire yak continues to rush, and even more so that Xiao Zhanyun’s scalp is numb, when the Thunderfire yak rushes, from the cow’s body, there is a thunder and a flame toward him. Come!

Oh shit!

With a snoring, Xiao Zhanyun sneaked away, and the thunder and flames fell to the ground.

The whole audience is awkward.

Originally thought that Xiao Zhanyun can be so powerful, but did not expect it to be really bullish, forced by a cow, smashed around.

Qin Feng stood in the distance, watching Xiao Zhanyun, who was in a panic in the field, taking out the cigarette case from the storage ring and ordering the cigarette.

I have to say that this Xiao Zhanyun still has a bit of skill, at least compared to the previous miscellaneous fish, Xiao Zhanyun is quite able to run, except for a few more mouths, the clothes look a bit broken, others Not bad, at least the **** did not bloom.

With the smoke, Qin Feng subconsciously wants to insert his hand into the trouser pocket, but it is inserted into the empty space. This white suit does not have the design of the trouser pocket.

Without plugging in, Qin Feng looked up and looked at the chaotic Xiao Zhanyun chased by the Thunderfire yak. ​​He was thinking, what is the back of this cargo? !

After all, Xiao Zhanyun's goal is the winter crown. If he can't make this yak, he still plays a fart.

Sure enough, Xiao Zhanyun, who had no face saved by the thunder and fire, finally stopped running! Run it again, it is estimated that the face of the ancestors' eight generations will be lost!

A fierce back, a long shackle into the ground, a forehead blue veins burst, a low drink, all of a sudden, the entire field blowing a gust of wind!


On the east side of the stands, Gongsun saw this scene, and there was a touch of appreciation in his eyes.

"Building-level spells can be used so skillfully and in the name of genius."

Including the seven Xiao family, seeing the wind from the field, is also a frequent nod.

They look good, but... one person is upset.

Qin Feng!

His mother's!

Do you have bullfighting bullfighting, and do you want to kill the old man? !

The smoke of Qin Feng’s mouth was just a few seconds away. Under this gust of wind, it was blown out!

In the eyes, I swept a touch of cool color in an instant!

In this life, there is only one person who has extinguished the Qin Fengyan. It is Ding Sihai. This product has basically belonged to the nine-disabled.

And now, one more, is the front of Xiao Zhanyun! 2k novel reading network

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