The city of Monkey King

Chapter 108: Qin Feng appeared!

"Do you think Da Zhuang can win?"

Qi Linger leaned against the wooden railings and looked at the situation in which one person and one cow confronted each other. He asked Qin Feng around him.

"If you can win, what are you looking for?"

Qin Feng faintly opened, although the bulls and strong body were strong, and the red-haired body did not know where to learn.

However, according to the observation of Qin Feng, Niu Dazhuang can have the body of an extraordinary person, not because the cultivation is the flesh, but because of the secret method.

Driven by the secret law, and strengthen your body in a short time.

In this way, the power of the secret law to promote the physical body is directly related to his cultivation.

However, Niu Dazhuang is now only practicing Qizhong. The body is limited in promotion under the spur of the secret law. In this case, it is still possible to have a few hard rounds, but it is almost impossible to win this yak.

Sure enough, the big cattle in the field, after a few hard hits with the yak, caused a burst of audience calls, began to gradually lose.

"There is a brute force in the air, there is no brain at all, and Qi Linger will put such a fool around."

Xiao Zhanyun looked at the bulls in the field and the thunderfire yak hard, and disdainfully grinned.

"Xiao Ge, the brothers have all been withdrawn, just like you expected. Xiao Ge, you see, is it going to be now?"

At this time, Shao Qiang leaned up from the side and licked his ass. He had just been scraped by the horn.

"No hurry, see the clown show again."

Xiao Zhanyun smiled at the corner of his mouth, because in his opinion, the entire Faculty of Faerie, in addition to his Xiao Zhanyun, no one can subdue the yak.

And he...

In fact, in my heart, in the face of this yak, Xiao Zhanyun did not have full control of himself, so he used the valuable Dan Ding and the Dan teacher in the family to secretly reach a deal.

Refining a remedy that cannot be refined in the banquet.

‘Blood Dan!’

This medicinal herb, once swallowed, will increase the strength of human beings by a factor of two or three times at the expense of burning the blood of the swallow.

Because it will hurt the foundation of Dantian, and the sequelae are extremely serious, it has been listed as a ban, and once it is found that there is a refinery of Dan, it will be severely banned by Xiange.

In order to hide people's eyes and ears, and not let people show signs of swallowing blood-staining Dan, Xiao Zhanyun also specially learned a secret law. After activation, it is no different from swallowing the symptoms of blood-burning Dan, in order to confuse those who built the foundation and the monk .

In the field, white jade.

Niu Dazhuang sighed and gasped, looking at the yak that was twice as high as himself, and the cockroach in the big bones of the ox!

Thunderfire yak, the nostrils sighed, and after a scream, fiercely slammed into the bull.


Niu Dazhuang, both hands hold the horns of the yak, and the whole person is rushing backwards under the powerful impact.

Finally, when the distance from the outermost layer is only ten meters away.


The cow grows up and squats, and the foot slams into the ground, directly smashing the ground!

He stopped!

But at this time his red color has begun to fade.

His secret law is coming to an end!

Throughout the audience, tens of thousands of immortal students are watching this scene, one by one is rare and kept quiet!

Everyone is holding their breath!

On the east side of the stage, Gongsun Tong, and a dry knot to build a base monk, seeing the big cattle in this field, are the eyes of curiosity and appreciation.

There are even a few monks who have a good fortune.

However, this time is still being considered, there is a look of expectation in the eyes, want to see this big man, can not resist this thunderbolt.

North stands.

Xiao Zhanyun’s mouth sneered with a sneer: “It’s really ridiculous, a stupid big man wants to compete with me for the winter crown.”

"What Xiao Ge said is that you can't see the fool."

Shao Qiang on the side is also a quick reconciliation. Looking at the big cattle in the field, the cow is strong at the moment, and the red on the body has begun to retreat. When the red disappears, it is the time when the secret law disappears.

In this case, a careless, Niu Dazhuang is very likely to be smashed into meat by the yak!

"Not good! Big and strong, he can't stop!"

Qi Linger on the south stand shouted nervously, and Liu Man around her was nervous.

When Qi Linger shouted out this sound, he subconsciously looked around.

But it is found...

Qin Feng, gone!

Qi Linger looked at the field fiercely, only to see Qin Feng jumping from the high platform, because at this time only the cattle and the yak hard bar.

Therefore, when Qin Feng appeared, he suddenly entered the field of vision of many people.

Also includes Xiao Zhanyun.

"It's him…!"

Xiao Zhanyun showed a touch of twilight in his eyes!

"Xiao Ge, is this kid going to die?"

Shao Qiang looked at the Qin Feng who fell into the field and couldn't help but laugh. In his opinion, Qin Feng is not self-sufficient to send food.

"Hey, what about that person?"

“It looks so weak...”

"It is estimated that it will last for three seconds."

"Three seconds? I bet a second!"


Various arguments sounded in the stands of the Quartet.

On the east side, those who are married to build a base monk.

Seeing the appearance of Qin Feng, it is also very strange... The boy who appeared this is not only practicing the middle school, but also looks plain and unpredictable. What is this? !


Niu Dazhuang, holding the double horns of the Thunderfire yak, is still screaming. He stopped his footsteps and began to retreat again. The white jade bricks on the ground were picked up.

This thunder and fire yak is also constantly screaming. On the cow, this time there are thunder and flames.

The power of natural thunder!

Even the Joe Ling, who was in the sky, was alert when he saw the thunder.

Once the thunder and flame of the thunderbolt are to fall on the big man, he will immediately save the man!

At this moment, the big cattle, the mystery has almost completely disappeared, and the body shape is about to return to the original size!

But he still didn't let go, and the sturdness supported him!

"Great and strong, retreat."

At this time, a voice fell into the ears of Niu Dazhuang. When he heard the sound of Qin Feng, Niu Dazhuang did not hesitate to hesitate.

And it is at this moment!

When the thunderbolt yak roars, it is about to hit the big cattle into the meat!

One hand, it appears!

Qin Feng is extremely fast. In a few seconds, he came to the front of Niu Dazhuang. The right hand held the corner of the thunder and yak. ​​The foot must be a low drink!

A fierce hand!

The scene of the horror of the people on the scene occurred. The thunder fire yak was actually lifted by Qin Feng. A Thomas spin was sent. As a shot put, he flew out directly.

A full hundred meters!


The thunder fire yak fell to the ground and splashed a large piece of smoke. 2k novel reading network

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