The Otsutsuki clan is small in number, but each of them has the Byakugan and Samsara Eye. In the ninja world, they are at the level of the Six Paths Sage.

Moreover, their Samsara Eye abilities are different.

The most famous ones are of course Isshiki Otsutsuki, Momoshiki, Urashiki, and Kaguya Otsutsuki who have appeared in the comics.

In addition, there is Shibaei Otsutsuki, who seems to have become the God of Otsutsuki and has proven to have jumped out of the dimension.

For thousands of years, the Otsutsuki clan has continued to devour the lives of many planets in the universe, constantly evolving, pursuing the highest, unparalleled, and unique existence until they become"Gods".

This is the ultimate will and ultimate pursuit of the Otsutsuki clan.

Therefore, many Otsutsuki clan members were sent out to plant sacred trees on different planets, and only a few stayed on the planet where they lived.

In the past, every Otsutsuki clan member brought disaster and end to other planets, and regarded countless lives as nutrients for their own evolution and becoming gods.

But they never thought that they would also usher in a day of being judged.

At first, when Lu Xiao fell from the sky, they were only slightly surprised, surprised that there were people other than the Otsutsuki clan who could fly in the air.

Especially since the other party did not have the Samsara Eye and there was no chakra fluctuation on his body.

Therefore, they looked down on him even more.

As the Otsutsuki clan, the only ruler of the universe, they are qualified to look down on anyone!

They have the strength to defeat any opponent!

Therefore, they sent a random person to deal with this stranger who fell from the sky.

As a result, their clansmen were strangled by that person in front of all of them.

If someone from the Otsutsuki clan died on the planet where they lived, they might really die!!

Because they did not prepare a wedge for their reincarnation!

Only those clansmen who went out to find planets with life, planted sacred trees, and harvested chakra fruits would find a suitable reincarnation on that planet and lay a wedge for their own reincarnation and resurrection!!

"So weak."

The Otsutsuki clan was furious when they heard that extremely mocking remark!

They were the most powerful beings in the universe! They were also the only beings that could become gods!

And now they were being called 'weak'?!


"God’s dignity cannot be challenged!"

"Who are you?"

"Otsutsuki Momoshiki"

"Oh, I recognize you. You are quite capable."

Lu Xiao remembered who Tao Shiki was and nodded.


You lowly creature, you will pay the price for your pride.

"Shouldn't you be the ones who should be proud?"

"Holy Sword."

Lu Xiao waved his right hand and slashed out a golden light.


Momoshiki opened his right hand in the face of the attack.

He had a Samsara Eye in each of his palms. His right hand could absorb any ninjutsu and chakra, while his left hand Samsara Eye could increase the power of the absorbed jutsu and then counterattack.

However, Lu Xiao's slash was not initiated by chakra!

"Can’t absorb it! ?"

"How did you attack without chakra? Is it a physical technique?

Tao Mu was horrified and tried to dodge, but it was too late.

The golden light cut through the sky and fell on the ground.

Tao Mu was cut in half.


Several people from the Otsutsuki clan shouted

"No, look below!!"

"My home!!"


A violent sound came from below.

They looked down and saw that the whole earth was shaking!

An invisible crack was expanding rapidly at a visible speed!

Even the fiery red magma began to erupt from the depths of the earth!


Everyone was stunned!

What kind of attack was this!?

Just by waving his hand, the ground cracked!?

No, not only that!

The crack was still expanding!

"Tsk, I forgot to start the live broadcast. It shouldn't be too late to start now."

Lu Xiao was quite regretful and turned on the live broadcast.

‘Ding! Group owner: Lu Xiao started a group live broadcast’

【Yue Buqun】:"Eh? Didn't the group leader go to the Ninja World where Tsunade is? Is he going to broadcast his resurrection live?"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Is it the Thirty-Six Divine Powers of the Celestial Being? Then I’ll have to take a good look!"

【Nami】:"Hey, this scene doesn't look like the Ninja World."

【Tsunade】:"The group leader has resurrected my brother, and also resurrected Kushina, Namikaze Minato, and Nohara Rin, and has left Konoha."

【Yue Buqun】:"Where is that group of masters?"

"Hiss! Look at this land, is the group leader saving the world! ?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Is it possible that this was caused by me?"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"What does the group leader mean?! Have we encountered an enemy?!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Hiss! Such power! Is the group leader angry now?"

【Tsunade】:"Has the group leader left the ninja world?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"I didn't leave. I'm in Kaguya Otsutsuki's lair."


"How did you get there?!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"The Otsutsuki's lair? Is the group leader trying to wipe out the roots?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Yes, let's move our hands."

""Haven't you always doubted whether I could cut the moon? Now you see it."

Lu Xiao said as he gradually flew up to the sky and came directly to the outside of the planet to show them the power of his attack.

Through the live broadcast, they saw a huge crack in the middle of the planet!

And it was still expanding!!

So, this planet was really cut by Lu Xiao!!

【Yue Buqun】:"I didn't, I wasn't, I never doubted it!!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Master Yue is right. I have always believed in the group leader!"

【Tsunade】:"I have never doubted the group leader!!"

【Nami】:"That's right!!"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"I believe it too!!"

【Huang Rong】:"Right, right, right! This must be your illusion, group leader!"

Huang Rong, who was staying up late to prepare tomorrow's food, also took the time to water the group.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Dozens of white figures passed through the atmosphere and came to Lu Xiao's eyes.

They all glared at Lu Xiao angrily.

"You destroyed our home!!"

"You inferior creature!!"

"Damn you!!"


"Compared to me, how many planets have you destroyed in the past few thousand years? Don't you know how many?"

Lu Xiao replied nonchalantly.

"Can it be the same?!"

"We are your Gods!!"

"That’s right!"


"Really? Then you gods will die here today."

"Holy Sword."

Lu Xiao waved his hand again.

"Get out of the way!!"

"Be careful!!"

The Otsutsuki tribe members left the place instantly.

"Huangquan Biliangzaka!!"

A black space gate suddenly appeared under Lu Xiao's feet, pulling him into another space.

"Humph! I'll finish you off in one go!!"

Otsutsuki Urashiki smiled coldly.


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