"here it is?"



The familiar call interrupted Minato's thoughts, and he subconsciously opened his arms and hugged Kushina who rushed over.

"Long time no see, Watergate"

"Master Tsunade!? What the hell is going on!? Master Sandaime? And you guys……"

Minato looked at the familiar faces around him in surprise, and he still didn't understand what was going on.

"Minato, you were resurrected, and now six years have passed"

"Six years... Naruto?! Where is he?!"

When Minato heard that he had been dead for six years, the first thing he thought of was Naruto.

"Naruto... Naruto is at home."

The third generation beside him heard it and spoke in a daze.

"Kushina, let's go see Naruto! Tsunade-sama, Sandaime-sama, can I leave first?"

"Go ahead, we'll talk about it later."

Tsunade nodded.


Minato said as he pulled Kushina to launch the Flying Thunder God

"Hey, wait!! Minato! ?"

If the Sandaime guessed correctly, Minato should have used Flying Thunder God to return to the house where they lived before.

But now, after the death of Minato and Kushina, that house has become the property of the Sarutobi clan!

The person living in it now is not Naruto!!

"It's over!"

The Sandaime knows Kushina's temper!

Minato is fine, but if Kushina knew what her son's situation was like, she would definitely make a scene!!

"Kakashi, go find Minato and take them to see Naruto."

Tsunade saw the worried look on the Sandai's face and knew what he was thinking.

But she would not care about this matter. The old man had done something wrong himself, so let him solve it himself.

"I... am, Lady Tsunade."

Kakashi glanced at Lu Xiao, but accepted the order and left.

"Oh... Kakashi? What would he think if he saw Lin, who was only twelve years old?"

Lu Xiao noticed Kakashi's eyes and wanted to watch the show even more.

"Lin's grave is... Oh, here."

In the beginning, Lin voluntarily died at the hands of Kakashi for the safety of Konoha.

This also directly led to Obito's blackening, and the hurdle that Kakashi could never get over.

Lu Xiao thought, if Obito knew that Lin was resurrected, his expression would be very interesting~

Moreover, although Obito arrived at Lin's side in time, he did not take Lin's body away, but let Lin return to Konoha as a hero and buried her here.

So Lu Xiao did not have to worry about how to obtain Lin's remains.

"Group leader...you are not going to revive Lin, are you?!"

Tsunade was surprised to see Lu Xiao performing magic again and the name on the tombstone.

"Yeah, don’t you think this is interesting?"

"You really have a bad taste."

Tsunade was speechless.

She had also watched Naruto, so she knew that Obito was not dead, but was still making trouble in the ninja world as Uchiha Madara.

Thinking of this, Tsunade couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha, Kakashi will be shocked when he sees Rin!"

"Tsunade, why do you want to revive Lin?"

The third generation stepped forward and asked in confusion.

"It's hard to say, it involves many secrets."

Tsunade said perfunctorily.

As for Obito, after Minato meets Naruto, Tsunade will call a meeting to inform everyone about this matter.

"Am I not dead?"

Lin opened her eyes and looked around in confusion.

"Lin, you were indeed dead, but now you are resurrected"

"You are...Tsunade-sama!? And Sandaime-sama!?"

"Lin, I'll tell you the details later, don't worry."

"Yes, Lady Tsunade!"


"Okay, it's over, I should go."

"Are you going to go back directly? I haven't thanked you properly yet!"

Tsunade was sincerely grateful for everything Lu Xiao had done!

"No hurry, I'll go somewhere else."

Lu Xiao chuckled.

"You don't want to do anything again, do you?"

"You will know when the time comes."

Lu Xiao said as he was about to leave

"Sir, wait a moment!!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was quick-witted and spoke quickly.


"That... can you also……"


"Huh? I haven't said it yet.……"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was dumbfounded, he hadn't even finished speaking!

"You want to revive your wife? Sorry, I can't do it. I'm leaving."

Lu Xiao disappeared on the spot.

"Wait... why?!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said, you have resurrected several people, this one won't make a difference, right?

"Tsunade, look……"

"Sorry, old man, I can't make the decision on this matter.

Tsunade spread her hands, indicating that she had no choice.

"And here comes your question."

Tsunade nodded her chin and pointed to the back.


Sarutobi Hiruzen turned back.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen!!"

Kushina activated the red pepper form and rushed over angrily!

"Sarutobi Hiruzen! Is this how you take care of my son!?"

"Kushina! Wait!"

Minato held the confused Naruto in one hand, tried to keep him with the other, and ran slowly behind.

Yes, slowly.

As the fastest man in the ninja world, Minato, who was known as the golden flash, couldn't catch up with Kushina. Who would believe it?

But everyone ignored it.

Seeing Tsunade's mysterious friend leave, everyone dispersed.

Anyway, Tsunade would definitely explain this matter, so it was better to leave first to avoid disturbing their family reunion.

But from now on, they believed that Konoha would not be peaceful.

"If Mikoto knew that Kushina was resurrected, she would be very happy"

"Well, Minato has also been resurrected, maybe the Uchiha clan has a chance to change."

Fugaku left with mixed feelings.

"The Fourth Hokage is alive, so does Konoha still need the Fifth Hokage? Who should we support?"

"It must be Lady Tsunade, after all, she has such a powerful friend, but Minato doesn’t!"

"You are so realistic...but I agree!!"


""Minato, hurry up and grab Kushina!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen ran away directly in the face of the rampaging Kushina, and even Danzo didn't care.

But fortunately, after Lu Xiao left, the telekinesis controlling Danzo also disappeared automatically. Danzo saw that the situation was irreversible and quietly retreated.

"You are... Lin! ?"

Kakashi lowered his head and looked at the little one in front of him, his eyes almost popped out!

He remembered that he didn't say anything!

Why did Tsunade's friend want to revive Lin!

Was it Tsunade's request?

"Don't look at me, I didn't say that, you guys chat"

"After the chat, remember to send Lin to my house. She will stay with me temporarily."

"Rope Tree, we are home!"

"Yes, sister!!"


"Kakashi, long time no see, you have grown up~"

Lin smiled as always, her voice sweet.

Seeing this scene, Kakashi's eyes were wet unconsciously.

"It would be nice if Obito was here too"


In the Ninja Realm, in the starry sky of the universe.

Outside a planet

"Otsutsuki, I am here to take care of you."

Lu Xiao looked at the planet where the Otsutsuki clan lived, eager to try.

"Even if this universe explodes, it shouldn't have much impact on the ninja world."


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