The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 810 Serious internal differences

The new task falls on Goderui, who is full of fighting spirit.

When Pangu Technology sold the micronuclear battery to Bidi Automobile, Gao Derui knew that the micronuclear new energy vehicle must not be the ultimate pursuit of Pangu Technology.

Gao Derui thought about many possibilities, but he did not expect that the last card of Pangu Technology was an anti-gravity vehicle!

Gao Derui also looked at the sky, and he seemed to have seen the picture of the anti-gravity vehicle driving over Jiangcheng City.

Xiao Ming said: Anti-gravity vehicles and anti-gravity suspended housing must be the main areas for research and development by Pangu Technology in the future.

Hearing Xiao Ming's plan for the vision, Gao Derui was even more fortunate to be able to participate in such a great project.

Xu Limin said: Since this way, the basic structure of the Xia Kingdom will undergo earth-shaking changes. If nothing else, the price of Jiangcheng will continue to decline.

Those real estate developers who have made a lot of money because of the Pangu New Area in Jiangcheng will never think that the competition for them will not be other real estate developers, but a technology company, which is a new change in the form of housing.

As the tasks continue, Xu Limin and Gao Derui will have to be busy.

In Yanjing, the headquarters of COMAC Group, Lin Zhihong, who had just been busy, had to stop.

The COMAC Group, which has paid off its debts, could have easily completed the tasks assigned by Pangu Technology and carried out the research and development of large-scale flight platforms.

But the directors of COMAC had serious disagreements over how the company should go in the future.

As a group company, COMAC has a complex shareholder composition.

There are aerospace scientific research departments and investment companies.

The purpose of the aerospace scientific research department is to build Xia Guoren's own large aircraft. The purpose of scientific research and international revenge is far greater than profit. The reason why the investment company invests in COMAC is to make profits.

In the past, all operations of the company were handed over to a professional team, that is, the team headed by Lin Zhihong. Now the investors of the board of directors do not trust Lin Hongzhi.

The board has just agreed to our plan to cancel the C930 program and stop the production of the active aircraft program, so why change now.

Mr. Lin, the timing is different. Hu Junyi, one of the shareholders of COMAC Group, the representative of Financial Investment Group, talked to Lin Hongzhi on behalf of the shareholders of the investor, Last time the board of directors agreed with your proposal because we want to win funds, Funding is now in place,

Much of the debt has been repaid, and we should also think about the future of the company.

Financial Investment Group is a financing company dominated by Xia people, but with some overseas backgrounds. It became a shareholder of COMAC 20 years ago. Watching COMAC become bigger and stronger, the financial investment company also made a lot of money in it. profit.

COMAC is a serious egg-laying chicken in the financial investment company. How can it give the initiative of this chicken to other companies?

Hu Junyi mentioned: We still agree to terminate the research and development of the c930 project, but we firmly oppose the termination of the production of large aircraft such as the c919.

This model has very good sales in Xiaguo and Southeast Asia, which can make COMAC continue to make profits. Rongtong Group does not want to give up.

Hu Junyi said: The project that Pangu Technology gave us has absolutely no market significance, what is the design plan of the big platform. Is he going to design Kirov? This thing has no market sales at all, and I think Pangu Technology will not contribute to our design and Manufacturing pays.

The attitude of Rongtou Group towards Pangu Technology is completely different from that of Lin Zhihong.

Lin Zhihong regards Pangu Technology as a friend, but Financial Investment Group regards Pangu Technology as an enemy hoping to annex the aircraft market.

Xia Guo's domestic technology industry is very complicated.

Financial Investment Group has seen too many examples of cooperation with Pangu Technology.

For example, Xiaomi, Xiaomi cooperated with Pangu Technology at the beginning, and achieved rapid development in a certain period of time.

However, in the following years, when Qinghe devices became a best-seller and the status of mobile phones, tablets and laptops became increasingly embarrassing, Xiaomi's status was not as good as before, and even lost its presence in the domestic mobile device market.

Because of these examples, the Financial Investment Group has a deep interest in Pangu Technology.

If I cooperate with Pangu Technology, will it be digested by Pangu Technology in the end and become a foundry of Pangu Technology?

Rongtou did not realize that the competition in the global technology market today is the competition between large-scale and large-scale, and the competition of holding groups.

Xiaomi has almost disappeared in the mobile device market, which is a general trend in technology and historical development.

However, the disappearance of Xiaomi in the market does not mean that Xiaomi has been completely absorbed by Pangu Technology or is no longer profitable.

On the contrary, under the blessing of Pangu Technology, Xiaomi has obtained a lot of opportunities to cooperate with Pangu Technology, such as participating in the design and construction of the Pangu Technology ecological chain, participating in the design and optimization of Qinghe equipment, etc. As everyone knows, it is not outstanding, but in the process of participating, Xiaomi has achieved a profit growth rate of more than 15% for three consecutive years, and its market value is close to that of South Korea's Samsung Group. The fastest update mobile terminal:

In the future technology alliance designed by Pangu Technology, it must be that Pangu Technology occupies an absolute monopoly over the industry, and other technology companies concentrate their advantages to participate in the industry and share profits, just like the current Xiaomi model. .

Financial Investment could not understand this model. It believed that Pangu Technology wanted to weaken the existence of COMAC through tens of billions of loans because it wanted to enter the field of Xia Guoda aircraft manufacturing and replace the status of COMAC. Its essence It is the same as Boeing and Airbus. It is to replace COMAC.

Financial Investment did not want the COMAC Group, which it invested in, to become the second Xiaomi, so it decided to restart the large aircraft manufacturing plan and continue to establish its dominant position in Xiaguo aircraft manufacturing.

Hu Junyi said: Rongtou has come forward to negotiate with cmF company. cmF company said that it will continue to perform the original contract and will continue to supply us with engines for existing large aircraft. We don't need to worry about this.

So the board of directors decided to suspend the c930 project, but it will not suspend the existing large aircraft manufacturing and sales projects.

Hearing this, Lin Zhihong was quite angry, he said, You are doing me injustice! When we negotiated a cooperation agreement with Pangu Technology, we changed our minds as soon as someone called the money. How could this be done? !

The board of directors has studied the agreement between Pangu Technology and COMAC in detail. Only the loan interest rate is stated, and there is no specific cooperation agreement. Therefore, we are not in default.

Lin Hongzhi shouted: That's because Pangu Technology is based on sympathy and help for Xiaguo Technology Company! You know the shit!

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