The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 68 Penguin's Calculation

He Xiangdong was stunned for a few seconds before asking, Have you ever thought about making money?

Xiao Ming took a sip of honey grapefruit tea and said, There are thousands of dollars in rewards.

He Xiangdong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Is it worth a few thousand yuan as a reward? If the platform is divided by 40%, how much can you get?

It is impossible for Xiao Ming to say that what he is looking for is actually a surprise value of more than 20,000 points.

I'm still studying and going to college.

He Xiangdong directly threw an olive branch, Actually, Youdao is more interested in the database behind Yigou. Mr. Xiao is busy with his studies and has no time to take care of the Yigou software. Yigou can cooperate with Youdao, and Mr. Xiao can get some benefits. .

He Xiangdong gave the only solution after the evaluation.

Yodao invested 2 million to fully acquire Yigou Translation. In the future, Yigou Translation will be added to the Yodao Translation APP as a component, which is specially used for Chinese-English translation.

2 million is the limit of He Xiangdong. In the bloody mobile APP battlefield, 2 million is enough to acquire an emerging APP. How many APPs have invested millions of dollars and cannot be sold.

He Xiangdong said: At present, the download volume of Yigou's entire network is 120,000 times, and there are 120,000 users, and Yodao's users are close to 600 million. It is also a good place for Yigou to join Yodao. Mr. Xiao understands the Internet. , for an APP to be successful, the premise of a successful user experience is more important, but it also needs strong capital support. Take Yigou as an example, if the user reaches millions, and there is no professional server and after-sales team, it will be difficult for Yigou to develop.

Two million is absolutely astronomical for a high school student. He Xiangdong was expecting Xiao Ming to show surprise and hilarity, but unfortunately he didn't.

Xiao Ming is actually snickering in his heart. Pangu language can sell 2 million simply by developing a playable software. What if we continue to learn more about Pangu language?

From the perspective of Pangu language, it doesn't matter whether you cooperate with Youdao or not.

Xiao Ming rejected He Xiangdong's proposal and said, There is no such idea yet.

Xiao Ming looked at the time, got up and said, I have to go back to class. I am very happy to be able to discuss technical issues with the Yodao team!

Mr. Xiao! Mr. Xiao! He Xiangdong shouted.

After Xiao Ming left, the members of He Xiangdong's team looked very bad.

Xiao Zhang said: Director, he won't charge sky-high prices, right? If there is no technical and financial support, if there is no capital, Yigou will encounter a bottleneck when it grows to 1 million users at most.

He Xiangdong pondered: Maybe he is waiting for angel investment?

Only Xiao Ming knows whether Xiao Ming is waiting for angel investment, but the media thinks he is waiting for angel investment.

A day later, Weibo technology big V broke a news.

The birth of Yigou has caused considerable pressure on Youdao. At present, Youdao has sent people to Yigou to acquire it. The developers of Yigou have not agreed to the cheap acquisition conditions of Youdao, and they should still be waiting for the big fish.

A translation software that has just sprung up and is well received by fans is exposed online for the first time in the form of a news topic.

The loyal fans of Yigou have been looking for all information about Yigou on the Internet, and they have left messages below after finding this Weibo.

Would it change the taste if it was acquired by Youdao!

Yudao actually bought Yigou!?

Yigou's performance is overwhelmed, don't compromise on capital!

Uh, what software is Yigou?

Reply upstairs, you can download it yourself, the English translation artifact!

Within the industry, Yodao’s intentional acquisition of Yigou attracted the attention of Baidu, Jinshan and even the Penguin WeChat team.

After using the Yigou plug-in on an Android phone, there is basically no WeChat translation.

Yigou was acquired by Yodo, how can this work?


The WeChat team that did not get in touch with Xiao Ming went to the media to release the rumors that WeChat is preparing to negotiate with Xiao Ming, and may acquire Yigou with huge sums of money as a supplement to WeChat translation.

In the Internet age, watching the fun is not too big of a deal.

Let’s talk about whether to negotiate or not. Let’s first disrupt the market and increase the acquisition cost of the other party. Anyway, news is not cost-effective.

I don't know if this news is true or not. The Penguin Group is going to intervene? Yudo was indeed taken aback. After He Xiangdong returned to the company, he evaluated Yigou again and wanted to deal with it.

Xiao Ming will continue to hang Yigou there. The stable translation speed and excellent quality will continue to provide users with services. Yigou will also continue to provide Xiao Ming with a stable surprise value. Xiao Ming expects to exchange the primary iron sheet after the college entrance examination. The treasure chest is not a problem.

There is still more than a month before the college entrance examination. Xiao Ming and the study group entered the final round of review mode - checking for leaks and filling vacancies, consolidating the knowledge points that have been learned, and sprinting for the final college entrance examination.

Shenzhen Market, Penguin WeChat Division.

After several weeks of investigation, the division identified the developer of Yigou, Xiao Ming from Jiangcheng No. 3 Middle School.

Today, with the explosion of Internet talents, it is not uncommon for a high school student to write an excellent program.

At the suggestion of the WeChat business department, the Penguin Group took action.

Whether it's games, novels or other apps, what Penguin knows best is teenagers.

A high school student develops a great program, sometimes it's not money but honor and the future.

The WeChat business department threw an olive branch to Xiao Ming.

First, add Yigou software to the youth programming competition being selected, and then briefly report Xiao Ming in the campus news column of the corporate news client.

Obviously, Yigou software is much better than other mentally handicapped apps developed by middle and high schools, such as alarms, weather warnings, and mobile phone market addiction reminders.

No accident, Yigou was awarded the Gold Prize in the 3rd Penguin Cup Youth Programming Contest.

A few days later, Xiao Ming received a surprise value of 3,200 points, thinking it was the surprise value generated by the Yigou software, but Xiao Ming didn't take it seriously.

Everyone in the third year of high school was very busy. Who would pay attention to an irrelevant report and award from Penguin Company? Xiao Ming did not know about the series of operations of Penguin.

It was not until one day in early May that the Penguin staff brought a trophy, a certificate of honor, an offer of employment and a ticket to the Penguin headquarters in Shenzhen to the school. The school did not know that Xiao Ming, who had just been specially recruited by Yanjing, became popular again. .

Executives from Penguin Group are visiting! Specially awarded to a student in the third year of the school.

Jiangcheng No. 3 Middle School can't be sloppy.

Principal Gao's idea is that Penguin is an Internet giant, and Penguin must see the spirit of Jiangcheng No. 3 Middle School.

The school leaders warmly received Ms. Ren, a senior executive in the Jiangcheng area of ​​Penguin Group.

Principal Gao, who was in charge of the reception, said, This is our playground, and there is our information building. We have 4,000 computers. Programming is an elective course in our No. 3 middle school.

Anyone else came to visit, Principal Gao personally led the team, and Zheng Xuanyu's father also came! Chen Lin saw the crowd at the door heading towards the third class.

Teacher Liao behind the crowd walked over with a smile and said, Xiao Ming! Where's Xiao Ming! Come out!

Chen Lin shouted excitedly: I'm looking for you! I'm looking for you! Master is looking for you! Was it specially recruited by another school?

Hearing this, Zhu Haolun who was doing his homework suddenly raised his head and his face darkened again.

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