The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 67 You Dao's Visit

This question requires the parity of the function to be determined before it can be further solved. Before the evening self-study, Xiao Ming was explaining the math problem to Chen Lin.

Comrade Chen Lin attacked the function after overcoming the problem of space geometry. When the hard work paid off, Chen Lin's interest in learning increased greatly, and he was no longer satisfied with just taking a better specialist.

At this moment, Xiao Ming's phone rang.

The call is from Yanjing's number.

The most serious challenge in the Internet era is actually information leakage. Xiao Ming didn't even think about hanging up the phone and marking the caller number as a harassing call.

After a while, another number in Yanjing area called again.

Xiao Ming hung up again, marking it as harassment.

Chen Lin said in a low voice with the expression of a fellow man: Master, have you registered for that kind of website with your mobile phone? Remember to register with your email address in the future, or harassing calls will annoy you.

Xiao Ming smashed a pen on Chen Lin's head and said, Are you still listening?

Listen! Chen Lin showed a smirk like a dog's leg.

Xiao Ming's cell phone rang again, this time it was a harassing text message that was blocked.

It was just from the call that was marked as harassment, and the text message said: Hello Mr. Xiao, I'm the technical director of Wangyi Youdao. My company would like to discuss with you in detail about the translation software. This is my phone number, please make sure to call Mr. Xiao back.

Xiao Ming replied: Hello, I'm Qin Shihuang, and now I want to talk to you about the redemption of the Chuan Guo Jade Seal. Please transfer 10,000 yuan to the XXX account to help me redeem the Chuan Guo Jade Seal, and I will give you a seal afterwards. A great eunuch.

Chen Lin looked at Xiao Ming replying to text messages, and said, Master, are you bored? You spend a dime for text messages for liars.

Xiao Ming put away his phone and said, I'm happy, sir! Zheng Xuanyu, Zheng Xuanyu, and Chen Lin will leave it to you to clean up. I'll do the questions for a while.

When Xiao Ming saw Zheng Xuanyu's return, he hurriedly sold Chen Lin, the annoying guy.

Zheng Xuanyu happily agreed.

Jiangcheng SZ District, Hilton five-star hotel.

He Xiangdong couldn't help laughing when he received this text message, Xiao Ming regarded himself as a liar!

The colleague joked: Director He, someone else made you a big eunuch! You're going to succeed Zhao Gao.

Some people also said: This Xiao Ming's mouth is too bad! But he has a personality, I like it!

Add WeChat, use your mobile phone number to add WeChat! He Xiangdong tried adding Xiao Ming's WeChat account with his mobile phone number.

But Xiao Ming was very careful, he had already set his phone number and could not be added as a friend.

How to do?

The team members were speechless.

Now it is impossible to go back and do business, and Yigou's skills make Youdao jealous.

He Xiangdong knew that although President Zou didn't say it clearly before departure, he wanted to buy this guy in his heart.

What insights can an individual developer learn? Can you afford such a bloody Internet arena?

Being acquired by a big capital company is the best outcome.

For example,, such as Youku, such as UU Kanshu, weren’t they all bought by big coffee?

Why are we so troublesome. He Xiangdong said: My head is flooded, let the office send Xiao Ming an email in the name of the company.

In fact, this should have been done long ago, but everyone was too hasty to forget about it.

During the evening self-study, Xiao Ming, who was reviewing, received an email.

Looking at the format of the email and the email account, Xiao Ming was sure that it was officially sent by Youdao.

The email is very formal.

Dear Mr. Xiao Ming, hello...

Yudao came to the door?

The translation dog has caught the attention of the translation giant Youdao?

Whether it's for politeness or to give the future a choice, Xiao Ming is ready to meet each other.

After the evening self-study, Xiao Ming and He Xiangdong spoke on the phone and agreed to meet at a milk tea shop in Jiangcheng No. 3 Middle School at noon tomorrow.

He Xiangdong and others were a little confused. They had talked about business in a teahouse, but this was the first time they had talked about business in a milk tea shop.

Jiangcheng No. 3 Middle School's off-campus milk tea shop.

He Xiangdong and others saw Xiao Ming.

How did everyone think that the bald technician who should be wearing thick lenses in everyone's impression is actually a high school student? !

What did you do? He Xiangdong sat down and asked.

The Jade Seal of the State. Xiao Ming's four words showed his identity.

Hahaha! Everyone laughed and confirmed Xiao Ming's identity.

He Xiangdong took out his business card and took the initiative to shake hands with Xiao Ming to introduce everyone, He Xiangdong, the head of the technical department of Unidao, this is Zhang Mao, the manager of our marketing department... We mainly want to communicate with Mr. Xiao... about technical issues.

Xiao Ming was too young, and He Xiangdong couldn't say the word Mr..

No problem. Xiao Ming said calmly: Youdao is an industry giant, and it is my honor to be able to communicate with you.

He Xiangdong communicated with Xiao Ming on technical issues, and Xiao Ming answered fluently.

When He Xiangdong understood that Xiao Ming assigned words to the vector, established a neural network database, and learned tens of millions of materials, he contributed a full 30 points of surprise. is this done? Such huge data processing and learning cannot be done with existing technology. Neural network translation model, Youdao is also doing it, but the amount of data is too huge, our technicians also Only a part of it has been done, and it is currently being added and modified as it is being used.”

Xiao Ming smiled and said: Udao is actually the same as Google, using the seq2seq model and NMT model, that is, sequence-to-sequence and neural machine translation. Simply put, it translates words, digitizes the meaning of sentences, and finally follows the meaning of sentences. Sort the translated words. There is no problem with the translation of short sentences in this way, but when encountering articles and long sentences, the simple sentence definition cannot be combined with the context, and the sentence will be twisted. And like you said, NMT needs Lots of data to back it up.”

The advantage of Yigou is that on the basis of seq2seq and NMT, a large number of sentences and article examples are planted on the net, so that the definition of sentences is more accurate, because some words and words have fixed collocations and appear in designated sentences. …”

Xiao Ming only gave a brief introduction to Yigou, and He Xiangdong was completely convinced!

Because the current thinking of Yigou translation is the thinking of the future development of Youdao, but because of technical defects, Youdao cannot do it.

How does a high school student do what Yudao can't do?

He Xiangdong finally raised a sharp question on behalf of the company: What is Mr. Xiao's definition of Yigou's future? Become the No. 1 in the translation industry? Or, how does Mr. Xiao plan to develop Yigou?

Xiao Ming's answer almost made He Xiangdong sigh, I'm playing with this software, mainly to learn English. How does Yigou develop? If someone continues to download and use it, it will stay there forever.

He Xiangdong made an ah and asked, Have you ever thought about fees and profits?

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