The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 213 Changing the Industrial Pattern of Xia Kingdom

As one of the few pillar industries on Yizhou Island, the IT industry has received the attention of officials and media on the island. Therefore, if there is any new trend in the market outside the island, the news will soon spread to the island.

Angda and Caihong manufacturers did not hesitate to offend Intel but also cooperate with Pangu Technology, which was not expected by the IT manufacturers on the island.

The island's media have paid attention to and reported on the scientific and technological news that happened in the mainland.

Although Prajna chips have not entered the U.S. market, the competition between Pangu Technology and Intel has become intensified. The battlefield will start with foundry companies.

Faced with the final wanted from Intel, Ang Da and Rainbow still choose to fight to the end.

What kind of magic does Pangu Technology have? How do 60,000 chips and more than one billion chips fight?

The IT manufacturers on the island, as the direct descendants of the US chip and graphics card companies, look down on the foundry companies in the mainland. In their impression, these companies in Xia are the foundry companies of chip giants such as Intel, and they are under the high pressure of American companies. To survive, I have absolutely no ability to innovate, and I will not abandon the big tree of Intel.

At this time, their mood is more complicated.

The companies on Yizhou Island cannot get rid of the control of the American chip companies themselves. How can the Xiaguo OEM companies, which they have always looked down on, be so arrogant? Say no to cooperation, no cooperation! And looking at Intel's current attitude, there is not much possibility for the two sides to cooperate again in the future.

Major companies have spoken out.

Most have a good relationship with Intel, commented the company that relies on Intel for food.

It's beyond self-control!

Seize your life!

Without Intel, how will they survive? The company is not doing it?

But is it really as simple as these companies comment?

Obviously not!

Many companies still look at the essence through the phenomenon, and found that the IT industry has actually entered a new window period after Pangu Technology entered the market.

Whether Intel can continue to support and defend its hegemony, or whether it can survive in the Xiaguo market like Microsoft, no one can tell.

In all fairness, the performance of the Prajna chip is indeed much stronger than that of Intel.

Yizhou Island, from OEM to independent innovation, but still unable to leave Intel's IT giant Hua Shuo was shocked. Hua Shuo's executives repeatedly watched the news from the mainland and couldn't believe it!

After several years of self-innovation, no matter how unacceptable Intel's current conditions are, Hua Shuo did not dare to say no to Intel easily. Incredible!

Angda and Rainbow and Intel's face-off is likely to be a turning point in the IT industry.

Intel's statement some time ago, I think everyone has read it. They are accusing the Prajna chip of having security problems, and they have proposed to the United States to reject the chip from entering rice. If there is no accident, the United States will soon issue a warning notice to the international community to ban the Prajna chip. into the United States.

Huashuo Marketing Department took this matter to a high-level meeting to discuss, and hoped that everyone could give their opinions.

As an IT hardware manufacturer in Yizhou, Huashuo has a good cooperative relationship with American chip manufacturers, and is also a world-class manufacturer in the field of motherboards and graphics cards.

The vacancy of the Prajna chip caused some trouble for Huashuo. From the heart, Huashuo is willing to cooperate with any manufacturer.

Three days ago, Hua Shuo also got a Prajna chip, and after the test, he was really excited!

It will be an honor to cooperate with Pangu Technology to jointly formulate a new generation of chip standards and jointly build a motherboard that belongs to silicon carbide chips, and will also get a ticket to enter the future IT industry.

Hua Shuo wanted to seize this opportunity, and also sent a negotiating team to Jiangcheng.

As soon as the negotiating team arrived in Jiangcheng, Intel's final wanted for Ang Da and Rainbow happened, which scared Hua Shuo to stop it!

After all, the current situation is that if you cooperate with Pangu Technology, you will offend Intel, and Intel is Huashuo's biggest partner.

So Angda and Rainbow doing this would irritate Intel.

The latest news from the marketing department about the mainland has been widely discussed at the top.

In terms of market revenue, the largest contribution comes from DIY motherboards, followed by laptops and desktops, which account for 62% of our total revenue, and the rest comes from smartphones, tablets and other zeroes. part.

The head of the marketing department reported ASUS's revenue in recent years to the executives, and finally analyzed: So, more than 50% of our revenue is related to Intel, and it is a wise choice to suspend the negotiation with Pangu Technology.

After the report of the marketing department, the director of the technical department said: I agree with the analysis of the marketing department. After all, the sales volume of Prajna chips is only 60,000 pieces, and this volume cannot be compared with Intel. Therefore, our technical department's suggestion is still Keep working with Intel.

The seniors nodded.

I agree that if you have to choose one of the two, you must not give up Intel.

The market effect of Prajna chips remains to be seen.

Intel has already refused Prajna's entry into the United States together with the US government, and it should not take long for the US to announce this. Later, some Asian countries and most countries in Europe may ban Prajna chips. The future of Prajna is worrying, and we don't need it now. Take the risk.

Agree! Even if we want to cooperate, we will talk about it later.

Huashuo CEO said: Since this is the case, let's go through the procedure.

Half an hour later, Huashuo reached a decision on whether to cooperate with Pangu Technology.

Huashuo executives voted against it with 8 votes, 1 vote in favor and 1 abstention, and decided to recall the negotiating team and temporarily refrain from contacting Pangu Technology.

The main purpose of this is to avoid offending Intel.

On Yizhou Island, there are many companies with the same idea as Hua Shuo.

Therefore, Intel's method of killing chickens and warning monkeys is still quite effective, forming a chilling effect. All IT companies on Yizhou Island either expressed support for Intel's decision, or did not speak out.

The reaction of the Yizhou Island industry market did not surprise Xiao Ming.

Xia Guo's chip market has not been affected by Yizhou Island.

Xiao Ming's instruction to Lin Li was what to do. It is enough to have one or two cooperative companies on the main board. Now the Prajna Industrial Park has two tasks, one is to continue to expand production capacity and seize the market, and the other is to help Pangu Technology complete funds accumulation.

Lin Li can rest assured to expand production capacity after receiving Xiao Ming's instructions.

After the 60,000 chips were shot, the Prajna Industrial Park fully started the production of chips, and the output of the next batch of chips is expected to be around 200,000.

In order to expand production capacity, Linli has taken two measures. One is to continue to purchase equipment in the Prajna Industrial Park and increase the number of technicians to increase production. The other is to negotiate cooperation with other cities to build new factories and production lines.

Doing these two things requires people, and the Prajna Chip Division has launched a new round of recruitment plans.

Two of the twenty people Intel secretly dispatched to Xia were involved in the chip division.

What makes Intel feel quite speechless is that none of the technicians who have sent Ph.D. and graduate students with senior chip research experience were hired. The two people who were hired did not have much education and research experience, but they have rich experience in front-line chip production. workers.

Why not Ph.D., postgraduate?

Because the Prajna P1 chip is only a transitional product, all technologies have been finalized, and there is no need for experts and professors to conduct further research.

On the other hand, workers are different, especially those with front-line work experience. They only need to go through simple training to be on the job. Lin Li likes it very much.

Two workers are arranged to work on the Prajna chip production line. The main task is to check whether there are defective chips together. If there are any defective chips, click the button to remove the chips from the assembly line.

This kind of work is very boring and doesn't even have any technical content. Because all the screening is performed by software, the manual is only re-confirmed on the basis of software.

In this position, you can't get a chip, and you can't see that the key to a chip is technology, let alone being able to steal secrets.

Such a record makes Intel quite annoyed.

What's even more annoying is that the Prajna chip has allowed social orders, and this time the order is 200,000 pieces.

After Pangu Technology announced the news, all the orders were sold out within three days.

Customers of the order include Huawei, Shenchuan, and some online DIY computer orders, which have a good cooperative relationship with Pangu Technology.

Huawei and Shenchuan, one is one of the strongest technology companies in the Xia Kingdom, not afraid that Intel will interfere with it, and the other is a rising PC manufacturer with the support of Pangu Technology. Of course, the other is to offend Intel and will not offend your own savior.

Both companies intend to use the Prajna chips to manufacture a new generation of notebook computers.

And those online DIY brands without any brand are not afraid of Intel, and Intel has no energy to retaliate against a few poor DIY manufacturers.

Even so, the reaction of the Xia Guo market made Intel extremely angry!

Two hundred thousand! A full two hundred thousand! And it hasn't been produced yet, just a pre-order!

There was a market of 60,000 coins just now, but now it has become 200,000 coins! What about later?

Pangu Technology seems to be deliberately struggling with Intel. After the second batch of orders, it immediately announced the pre-sale of the third batch of orders.

The delivery time of the third batch of orders is expected to be at the end of this year, with a total of 1 million pieces! Pre-order users must first pay a 30% deposit.

One million pieces, is the output enough? Xiao Ming is still more concerned about the output.

Of course there is no problem! Lin Li completely straightened out the problems with the production line.

Silicon carbide is a better lithography chip than silicon crystal, and the flatness rate is also better, so as long as the technology improves, the yield will be higher.

1.2 million pieces by the end of the year, no problem! Lin Li said, I will make the Prajna chip division the greatest division of Pangu Technology.

The 1.2 million chips benefited not only from Pangu Technology, but also from Angda and Rainbow, which have just cooperated with Pangu Technology. The two companies have obtained the manufacture of 600,000 motherboards respectively.

600,000 motherboards are a good order for any one and a half year!

Originally, the Yizhou Island manufacturers who were somewhat entangled saw the orders fell on Angda and Rainbow, and their hearts became more entangled. It is to know what the number of Prajna chips will be in the future.

The third batch of one million orders was announced to the market, and Huawei ate 600,000 in one go!

Warwick wanted to eat it all, but was rejected by Pangu Technology.

Pangu Technology replied: Let's leave some for others.

Huawei officially booked nearly 700,000 chips in one go to create a new generation of M-series notebooks.

Huawei has set up a project specifically for the Prajna chip, and the M series notebooks will become thinner and lighter after using the Prajna chip, with longer battery life (in the past, the place where the chip and the motherboard were used to put large-capacity batteries), and it is a combination of tablet and PC. one.

The combination of tablet and PC design is not new, but Huawei is discussing with Pangu Technology to combine Pangu system and Tiangong system, which will give consumers a different experience.

There are still 400,000 chips left. Except for Shenchuan and some DIY manufacturers to grab a little bit, the local PC merchants in the United States can't sit still.

Use Prajna chips to produce one or two thousand high-end notebooks and try their luck in the market. This is the calculation of many local PC markets in the United States.

No one will reject new technology and new products. The number of 1,000 or 2,000 notebooks is not large, and if it fails, the loss is not large, but if it is highly praised by consumers, then such investment is worthwhile.

These American manufacturers include Dell and HP.

This is incredible, and what Intel is most worried about has happened.

There are not many thousands of chips, but who can tell in the future?

Intel couldn't sit still, and contacted the lawmakers again to speed up the congressional investigation into the security door of the Prajna chip.

I have to admit that the forces behind Intel are very powerful. Three days later, a 40-page investigation report was officially submitted to Congress by the congressmen.

The congress also understood the urgent experts and technicians to study the report, and finally formally requested Pangu Technology to participate in the hearing on the security of the Prajna chip.

Hearings, the compromise mechanism of the American social system.

When the two interested parties cannot reach an agreement, usually one or both parties are required to participate in a hearing, and the participants are questioned by members of Congress.

However, the hearing also has another meaning. It is a compromise mechanism under the jurisdiction of the U.S. law. If you accept the U.S. hearing system, it means obeying the U.S. law, and it also proves that you accept Intel’s allegations against you.

In addition, if a compromise cannot be reached at the hearing, then the next step is a legal issue. You will accept the judgment of the US law against you, which is also within the jurisdiction of the US, and it is clear who the US law will speak for.

Qian Yi handed the notice of the hearing to Xiao Ming and said, Americans invite you to travel, and the actual controller of the company must attend the hearing.

Xiao Ming was quite misunderstood and said with a sneer: Our products are not exported to the United States. What right do Americans have to ask us to participate in the hearing?

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