The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 212 Come on, choose 1 of 2

(already edited)

Angda and Rainbow are relatively well-known IT hardware manufacturers in Xiaguo, and their research and development products involve motherboards, graphics cards, power supplies, and so on.

However, it is a pity that these products have independent property rights under the euphemistic name, but the actual core technology is also in the hands of others.

The chipset of the motherboard is either Intel or AMD, not to mention the graphics card. The core graphics card is either Nvidia or ATI (acquired by AMD in 2006).

The remaining circuit boards, capacitors, etc., which have little technical content, are produced and manufactured by these two companies.

Just because there is no core technology, the two companies will always be second- and third-rate in the world. They are Xia Guo's companies, not Intel and AMD's direct troops. Samsung, Hyundai and other companies are stepping on their feet to earn a little bit of cheap hard work.

They have had enough of these days! Enough of being dominated by Intel, Nvidia, AMD.

The emergence of the Prajna chip has made these Xia Guo IT companies see a different future. Since they can never enter the core circle of Intel, Nvidia, and AMD, why not invest in the embrace of the new chip Prajna.

Angda worked as the OEM of Prajna motherboard some time ago, and helped Pangu Technology to produce the motherboard of the package, which left a good impression on Pangu Technology.

Rainbow researched the functions of each chip in cooperation with the Prajna chip, and found that the Prajna chip actually supports both N card and G card. Rainbow hopes that Pangu Technology can cooperate with Pangu Technology to independently develop its own graphics card chip belonging to Xia Guoren.

Rainbow did not expect that Prajna does not support both N card and G card, and the Prajna chip does not support both chips.

The principle of the Prajna chip working with the graphics card is that the chip reads the value of the graphics card, and then starts the core graphics card of the chip according to the value of the corresponding graphics card.

Since the performance of the chip far exceeds that of Intel, and there are enough core chips to function as a graphics card, this little trick gives everyone an illusion, and it is also the reason why everyone feels that even using a second-hand graphics card is smooth.

Before going to Yanjing, Lin Li received visiting groups from these companies.

According to Xiao Ming's instructions, Pangu Technology can cooperate with these two companies.

But the content of cooperation is only the motherboard, no graphics card!

Pangu Technology does not need a graphics card for the time being. The Prajna chip can also completely eliminate the backward design of the graphics card.

Pangu Technology is just waiting for an opportunity, waiting for Intel and AMD to start a war.

This is possible too!

Angda and Rainbow happily prepared to sign a contract with Pangu Technology to produce small motherboards for chips.

Just when the two companies were about to write, Intel's Daxia Country Headquarters sent a letter to both parties.

The content of the letter is quite threatening.

As long as you sign a cooperation agreement with Pangu Technology, you will lose Intel, an important partner! Ingle will withdraw the cooperation rights with Onda and Rainbow, and the two companies will no longer be able to produce motherboards with Intel chipsets.

In order to keep its own market, Intel has made a real shot!

There are many motherboard companies that cooperate with Intel, and there are a lot of them in Yizhou. There are also many second- and third-rate small manufacturers in Xiaguo waiting for Intel to open up. Therefore, whether Angda and Rainbow cooperate with Intel is not very important to Intel.

But it is different in Angda and Rainbow. Intel is their parents. Without Intel's authorization, they cannot produce and manufacture corresponding motherboards.

The sale of motherboards with Intel chips is an important benefit for both companies.


One side is the huge market that has already been made, and the other side is the foreseeable future.

Angda sent a reply letter and asked Intel in a very humble manner, hoping that Intel would cancel such overlord clauses.

But unfortunately, Intel's meaning is quite clear, choose one! Either Pangu Technology or Intel, Pangu Technology has only 60,000 chips,

Intel's side is more than one billion, it can be done.

The news of letting Ang Da and Rainbow choose the side station was reported by some big V on Weibo.

Technology Consulting: Intel makes efforts, choose one between Prajna and Intel.

Tech Island: Domestic IT companies are caught in a dilemma under the coercion of Intel.

Xinlang Technology: Intel asked Angda and Rainbow to refuse Pangu Technology's request, otherwise it will end the decades-long cooperation between the two parties.

Netizens went crazy when they saw this news!

This is a threat! This is a threat from Chi Guoguo!

Damn it! And this kind of news! Intel is afraid that Pangu Technology is going to the extreme!

I hope the technology companies in the Xia Kingdom can get angry! Reject Intel's overlord clause!

In this case, Angda applied to Pangu Technology to suspend the signing, and immediately held a video conference with the headquarters.

The company is also divided into two factions, one is willing to continue to maintain a good relationship with Intel, after all, Intel's annual profits for Angda are placed there, although not much, but the company will not have any major problems.

One faction is to strongly demand cooperation with Pangu Technology, which represents the future!

Their chip technology has surpassed Intel!

Ang Da's hesitant attitude made Xiao Ming a little annoyed.

He asked Lin Li to set a deadline for Ang Da, and gave a reply in the last six hours, otherwise he would never cooperate.

In the last video conference of Angda, the words of a high-level person touched the team, he said: Whether we want to continue to be the second leg of American enterprises or embark on the road of independent innovation, it is up to you, do American enterprises Isn't it enough for those U.S. direct troops in He Yizhou to bully us?

This sentence strongly touched the team!

An hour before the deadline of Pangu Technology, Angda made a decision and signed the agreement with Pangu Technology.

At the same time make absolutely there is a rainbow.

I hope we can cooperate happily! Lin Li said, Your indecision has already made the boss angry.

Ang Da quickly admitted his mistake and said, We also hand over all the future to Pangu Technology.

Lin Li said very artistically: My future is only in my own hands. Now let's talk about the specific matters of cooperation.

Angda and Rainbow will produce motherboards according to Pangu Technology's standards, and the motherboards will be sold in packages with chips, which is also an assist of Pangu Technology to the two companies.

After the talks, Angda and Rainbow announced the cooperation with Pangu Technology on the official website that day.

This kind of proud announcement is actually telling other manufacturers who have always looked down on themselves that the era of chips has changed, and the days of relying on Intel and AMD to make a living have turned over.

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